Index of instruments

The Index of instruments lists all instruments about which the committee has raised a concern.

Please refer to the relevant ministerial correspondence for the committee's full comments on an individual matter, and the Delegated Legislation Monitor for a summary of the committee's actions regarding the instrument.

Where an instrument does not include ministerial correspondence, the committee is engaging with the relevant agency via its secretariat to seek further information about potential scrutiny concerns.

Additionally, for non-monitor related correspondence that the committee has resolved to publish, please see the non-monitor related correspondence webpage.

Instrument name Scrutiny principle Monitor Engagement Status Disallowable or exempt
Australian Broadcasting Corporation (Election of Staff-elected Director) Regulations 2023 [F2023L01736]

Principle (c) scope of administrative powers 

2/24 (initial listing)Agency Ongoing 




Australian Apprenticeship Support Loans Rules 2023 [F2023L01729]

Principle (h) personal rights and liberties 

2/24 (initial listing)Agency Ongoing 




Migration (COVID-19 Pandemic event for Temporary Activity (Subclass 408) visa) Repeal Instrument (LIN 24/003) 2024 [F2024L00100

Principle (d) adequacy of consultation 

2/24 (initial listing)Agency Ongoing 




Part 101 Manual of Standards (Chief Remote Pilot Licence Instructor and Other Matters) Amendment Instrument 2024 [F2024L00433]

Principle (c) Scope of administrative powers

Principle (g) Adequacy of explanatory materials

Principle (h) Personal rights and liberties

6/24 (initial listing)Agency Ongoing Disallowable
Fuel Quality Standards (Ethanol E85) Determination 2024 [F2024L00477]Principle (f) Access and use6/24 (initial & concluded listing)AgencyConcluded




Industry Research and Development (Defence Industry Export Program) Instrument 2024 [F2024L00353]

Principle (m) other technical scrutiny grounds 

5/24 (initial listing )Agency Ongoing




Migration Amendment (Subclass 192 (Pacific Engagement) Visa) Regulations 2024 [F2024L00327

Principle (h) personal rights and liberties 


5/24 (initial listing )Agency Ongoing




Radiocommunications Accreditation (Amateur Radio Examinations) Rules 2023 [F2023L01651

Principle (c) scope of administrative powers 

Principle (g) adequacy of explanatory materials 

1/24 (initial & concluded listing)Agency Concluded 




Goods Island Lighthouse Heritage Management Plan 2023 [F2024L00074]

Principle (a) compliance with legislative requirements

2/24 (initial listing)Agency Ongoing 




National Health (Pharmaceutical Benefits) Amendment (2024 Measures No. 1) Regulations 2024 [F2024L00380]Principle (d) Adequacy of consultation6/24 (initial listing)Agency Ongoing Disallowable
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (Recovery Plans) Revocation Instrument 2024 [F2024L00602]Principle (d) Adequacy of consultation6/24 (initial listing)AgencyOngoing




Radiocommunications Licence Conditions (PTS Licence) Determination 2024 [F2024L00316

Principle (a) compliance with legislative requirements 

5/24 (initial listing)

Agency Ongoing 




Financial Accountability Regime Act (Information for register) Regulator Rules 2024 [F2024L00285

Principle (h) personal rights and liberties 

5/24 (initial listing )Agency Ongoing




Migration (Code of Behaviour for Public Interest Criterion 4022) Instrument (LIN 24/031) 2024 [F2024L00381

Principle (d) adequacy of consultation 


5/24 (initial listing )Agency Ongoing




National Measurement (Australian Certified Reference Materials) Determination 2023 [F2023L01537]

Principle (a) compliance with legislative requirements 

1/24 (initial & concluded listing)Agency Concluded 




Cape St Albans Lighthouse Heritage Management Plan 2023 [F2024L00073]

Principle (a) compliance with legislative requirements

2/24 (initial listing)Agency Ongoing 




National Health (Continued Dispensing) Amendment Determination 2024 (No. 1) [F2024L00507]Principle (d) Adequacy of consultation6/24 (initial & concluded listing)Agency Ongoing Disallowable

National Occupational Respiratory Disease Registry Rules 2024 [F2024L00148



Principle (g) adequacy of explanatory materials 

Principle (h) personal rights and liberties 

3/24 (initial listing)Agency Ongoing 



Defence (Visiting Forces) Amendment (Australia Timor Leste Defence Cooperation Agreement) Regulations 2024 [F2024L00456]

Principle (g) Adequacy of explanatory materials

Principle (k) Exemption from sunsetting

6/24 (initial listing)AgencyOngoing




National Occupational Respiratory Disease Registry Determination 2024 [F2024L00288

Principle (h) personal rights and liberties 

5/24 (initial listing)

Agency Ongoing 




Financial Accountability Regime (Consequential Amendments) Transitional Rules 2024 [F2024L00286]

Principle (h) personal rights and liberties 

5/24 (initial listing )Agency Ongoing




Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing  Rules Amendment (Chapter 21 Amendments) Instrument  2024 [F2024L00088]

Principle (l) Amendment or modification of primary legislation

Principle (m) Other technical scrutiny grounds

2/24 (initial listing)

4/24 (ongoing listing)

5/24 (concluded listing)

Ministerial Concluded




Industry Research and Development (Australian Centre for Quantum Growth Program and Critical Technologies Challenge Program) Instrument 2023 [F2023L01518

Principle (d) adequacy of consultation 

1/24 (initial & concluded listing)Agency Concluded 




Migration (English Language Tests and Evidence Exemptions for Subclass 500 (Student) Visa) Amendment (Pathway Programs) Specification 2024 [F2024L00471]Principle (d) Adequacy of consultation6/24 (initial listing)Agency Ongoing 


Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership Payments—2023-24 Payment No. 8) Determination 2024 [F2024L00141



Principle (g) adequacy of explanatory materials 

Principle (k) exemption from sunsetting

3/24 (initial listing)Agency Ongoing 



Defence (Non-relevant foreign country) Determination 2024 [F2024L00518]Principle (d) Adequacy of consultation6/24 (initial listing)AgencyOngoing




Work Health and Safety (Operation Sovereign Borders) Declaration 2024 [F2024L00425]Principle (d) Adequacy of consultation6/24 (initial listing)AgencyOngoing




Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (Recovery Plan for the Spiny Rice-flower (Pimelea spinescens subsp. spinescens)) Instrument 2024 [F2024L00346

Principle (g) adequacy of explanatory materials 

Principle (k) exemption from sunsetting 

5/24 (initial & concluded listing )Agency Concluded 




High Court Amendment (2023 Measures No. 1) Rules 2023 [F2023L01525]

Principle (d) adequacy of consultation 

1/24 (initial & concluded listing)Agency Concluded 




High Court Amendment (Fees) Rules 2023 [F2023L01522]

Principle (e) drafting

1/24 (initial & concluded listing)Agency Concluded 




Part 131 (Balloons and Hot Air Airships) Manual of Standards 2024 [F2024L00056]

Principle (h) personal rights and liberties 

2/24 (initial listing)Agency Ongoing 




Cape du Couedic Lighthouse Heritage Management Plan 2023 [F2024L00072

Principle (a) compliance with legislative requirements 

2/24 (initial listing)Agency Ongoing 




Migration Amendment (Dependent Secondary Partner Visa Applicants) Regulations 2024 [F2024L00417]

Principle (g) Adequacy of explanatory materials

Principle (k) Exemption from sunsetting

6/24 (initial listing)Agency Ongoing 




Federal Financial Relations (General Purpose Financial Assistance—2023-24 Payment No. 8) Determination 2024 [F2024L00178



Principle (g) adequacy of explanatory materials 

3/24 (initial listing)

4/24 (concluded listing)

Agency Concluded 



Defence (Non-foreign work restricted individual) Determination 2024 [F2024L00519]Principle (d) Adequacy of consultation6/24 (initial listing)AgencyOngoing




Social Security (Repeal—LIN 24/005) Instrument 2024 [F2024L00205Principle (g) adequacy of explanatory materials 4/24 (initial listing)Agency Ongoing 



Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (National Recovery Plan for Leadbeater’s Possum (Gymnobelideus leadbeateri)) Instrument 2024 [F2024L00270

Principle (g) adequacy of explanatory materials 

Principle (k) exemption from sunsetting 

5/24 (initial & concluded listing )Agency Concluded 




High Court (2024 Sittings) Rules 2023 [F2023L01523]

Principle (k) exemption and deferral from sunsetting  

1/24 (initial & concluded listing)Agency Concluded 




Migration (Designated Migration Law—Visa Condition 8208) Determination (LIN 24/009) 2024 [F2024L00183]Principle (m) other technical scrutiny grounds4/24 (initial listing)Ministerial Ongoing 



Australian National Audit Office Auditing Standards 2024 [F2024L00057]

Principle (a) compliance with legislative requirements 

2/24 (initial listing)

6/24 (concluded listing)

Agency Concluded




Biosecurity (Electronic Decisions) Determination 2023 [F2023L01672

Principle (c) Scope of administrative powers

Principle (d) Adequacy of consultation

Principle (e) Drafting

Principle (i) Availability of independent review

1/24 (initial listing)

4/24 (ongoing listing)

5/24 (further response required)

7/24 (concluded listing)

Ministerial Concluded




Intellectual Property Laws Amendment (Regulator Performance) Regulations 2024 [F2024L00525]

Principle (g) Adequacy of explanatory materials

Principle (k) Exemption from sunsetting

6/24 (initial listing)Agency Ongoing 




Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting standard) determination No. 2 of 2024 [F2024L00145]



Principle (c) scope of administrative powers 

3/24 (initial listing)Agency Ongoing 




Currency (Australian Coins) Amendment (2024 Royal Australian Mint No. 2) Determination 2024 [F2024L00431]Principle (k) Exemption from sunsetting6/24 (initial listing)AgencyOngoing




Defence Determination, Force Commander, Multinational Force and Observers – supporting benefits Determination 2024 [F2024L00231

Principle (g) adequacy of explanatory materials 

Principle (h) personal rights and liberties 

5/24 (initial & concluded listing )Agency Concluded 




National Land Transport (Roads to Recovery List) Determination 2024 [F2024L00567]

Principle (k) Exemption from sunsetting

7/24 (initial listing)AgencyOngoingExempt
Export Control (Animals) Amendment (Improving Regulatory Outcomes) Rules 2023 [F2023L01700]

Principle (c) scope of administrative powers 

1/24 (initial listing)

4/24 (concluded listing)

Agency Concluded 




Migration Amendment (Bridging Visa Conditions) Regulations 2023 [F2023L01629]

Principle (c) Scope of administrative powers

Principle (d) Adequacy of consultation

Principle (g) Adequacy of explanatory materials

Principle (i) Availability of independent review

1/24 (initial listing)

5/24 (ongoing listing)

6/24 (concluded listing)

Ministerial Concluded




Fuel Quality Standards (Petrol) Determination 2024 [F2024L00475]

Principle (f) access and use 

6/24 (initial listing)Agency Ongoing 




Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting standard) determination No. 1 of 2024 [F2024L00144

Principle (c) scope of administrative powers 

Principle (g) adequacy of explanatory materials 

3/24 (initial listing)Agency Ongoing 




Migration Amendment (Bridging Visas) Regulations 2024 [F2024L00441]

Principle (d) Consultation with persons affected

Principle (i) Availability of independent merits review

Principle (g) Adequacy of explanatory materials

Principle (j) Significant matters in delegated legislation

6/24 (initial listing)

Ministerial Ongoing




Competition and Consumer (Designated Complaints) Determination 2024 [F2024L00494]

Principle (c) Conferral of discretionary powers

Principle (j) Significant matters in delegated legislation

6/24 (initial listing)AgencyOngoing




Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Amendment (Industry Self-Classification) Regulations 2024 [F2024L00271

Principle (g) adequacy of explanatory materials 

Principle (k) exemption from sunsetting 

5/24 (initial & concluded listing )Agency Concluded 




Mutual Recognition Amendment (Automatic Deemed Registration Notification —Western Australia) Determination 2024 [F2024L00538]

Principle (d) Adequacy of consultation

7/24 (initial listing)AgencyOngoingExempt
CASA EX01/24 — Flight Crew Medical Status (Class 5 Medical Self-declaration) Exemption 2024 [F2024L00136

Principle (h)personal rights and liberties 

3/24 (initial listing)Agency Ongoing 




Discovery Program Grant Guidelines (2023 edition): Discovery Indigenous [F2023L01615]

Principle (a) compliance with legislative requirements 

1/24 (initial & concluded listing)Agency Concluded 




Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 113/00 – Acoustic Vehicle Alerting Systems for Quiet Road Transport Vehicles) 2024 [F2024L00089

Principle (f) access and use 

2/24 (initial & concluded listing)Agency Ongoing 




Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage  (Greenhouse Gas Injection and Storage) Regulations 2023 [F2023L01551]

Principle (c) Scope of administrative powers

Principle (g) Adequacy of explanatory materials

Principle (h) Personal rights and liberties

Principle (i) Availability of independent review

1/24 (initial listing)

2/24 (ongoing listing)

4/24 (further response required)

6/24 (concluded listing)

Ministerial Concluded




Recycling and Waste Reduction (Export-Waste Paper and Cardboard) Rules 2024 [F2024L00491]

Principle (c) Conferral of discretionary powers

Principle (g) Adequacy of explanatory materials

Principle (h) Strict liability

Principle (j) Significant matters in delegated legislation

6/24 (initial listing)

Ministerial Ongoing




Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code (Agricultural Active Constituents) Standards Amendment Instrument (No. 1) 2024 [F2024L00521]

Principle (d) Adequacy of consultation

Principle (k) Exemption from sunsetting

6/24 (initial listing)AgencyOngoing




ASIC Corporations (mFund) Instrument 2024/18 [F2024L00376]

Principle (h) personal rights and liberties 


5/24 (initial listing)Agency Ongoing 




Higher Education Provider Approval (No. 12 of 2006) Amendment Instrument 2024 [F2024L00554]Principle (k) Exemption from sunsetting7/24 (initial listing)AgencyOngoingDisallowable
Jervis Bay Territory Rural Fires Rules 2024 [F2024L00347]

Principle (c) scope of administrative powers 

Principle (e) drafting 

Principle (f) access and use 

Principle (g) adequacy of explanatory materials


5/24 (initial listing)

7/24 (ongoing listing)

Ministerial Ongoing 




Customs Legislation Amendment (Vaping Goods) Regulations 2023 [F2023L01666

Principle (g) adequacy of explanatory materials 

Principle (k) exemption from sunsetting 

1/24 (initial listing)Agency Ongoing Disallowable 
Road Vehicle Standards Amendment (2023 Measures No. 1) Rules 2023 [F2024L00086]

Principle (g) adequacy of explanatory materials 

Principle (h) personal rights and liberties 

2/24 (initial listing)

4/24 (concluded listing)

Agency Concluded 




Migration Amendment (Biosecurity Contravention)  Regulations 2023 [F2023L01443]

Principle (c) Scope of administrative powers

Principle (d) Adequacy of consultation

Principle (i) Availability of independent review

2/24 (further response required)

3/24 (concluded listing) 

Ministerial Concluded 




Health Insurance (Section 3C Pathology Services – Respiratory Pathogen Testing) Determination 2024 [F2024L00557]Principle (d) Adequacy of consultation7/24 (initial listing)AgencyOngoingDisallowable
Corporations and Competition (CS Services) Instrument 2024 [F2024L00537]Principle (j) Matters more appropriate for parliamentary enactment7/24 (initial listing)AgencyOngoingDisallowable
Automatic Mutual Recognition (Victoria) (Notification Requirement — Building, Plumbing, Architecture and Land Surveying Industries) Amendment Determination 2023 [F2023L01611Principle (g) adequacy of explanatory materials 1/24 (initial & concluded listing)Agency Concluded Exempt 

About this committee

The Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Delegated Legislation assesses delegated legislation against a set of scrutiny principles that focus on compliance with statutory requirements, the protection of individual rights and liberties, and principles of parliamentary oversight.

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Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Scrutiny of Delegated Legislation Committee
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 62773066