

the Bill Native Title Amendment (Technical Amendments) Bill 2007
Carpentaria Land Council Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation
Claims Resolution Review Mr Graham Hiley QC and Dr Ken Levy, Native Title Claims Resolution Review, Commonwealth of Australia, March 2006
Court Federal Court of Australia
EM Explanatory Memorandum
FaCSIA Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs
HREOC Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
ILUA Indigenous Land Use Agreement
LGAQ Local Government Association of Queensland
Minerals Council Minerals Council of Australia
Native Title Act Native Title Act 1993
NNTC National Native Title Council
NNTT National Native Title Tribunal
NTRB Native Title Representative Body
PBC Prescribed Body Corporate
PBC Regulations Native Title (Prescribed Bodies Corporate) Regulations 1999
PBC Report Structures and Processes of Prescribed Bodies Corporate, Commonwealth of Australia, 2006
Registrar Native Title Registrar

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