Additional comments from government senators

The politics of climate change

The Senate tasked the Committee on the 17th of March 2021 with the Terms of Reference cited at paragraph 1.1 of the Report. These terms of Reference included consideration of the “impacts of climate change” as a given. “The politics of climate change” would have been more accurate phraseology and an issue worthy of in-depth analysis.
Without seeking to distract from the thrust of the Report, it needs to be understood that the climate change predictions made over the decades have failed to materialise and some players in the region seek to use the issue for leverage.
It is noted that the most growth of coal fired power stations in the world is in our strategic region as countries understandably seek to lift their people from poverty or maintain their energy requirements.
Climate change has been weaponised, and Australia’s strategic interests require her to maintain an affordable and competitive energy supply for her citizens and for her manufacturing and productive sectors.
A faltering Australian economy due to an ideological pursuit of so-called climate change goals will severely prejudice our self-reliance and capacity to be an influence for good and stability in the region.
Senator the Hon Eric Abetz
Deputy Chair
Senator Alex Antic
Senator for South Australia

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