Inquiry into the provisions of the Workplace Relations Amendment (Protecting the Low Paid) Bill 2003

Inquiry into the provisions of the Workplace Relations Amendment
(Protecting the Low Paid) Bill 2003

Submission received by the Committee as at May 2003

1 Restaurant and Catering Australia (Word format)
2 Transport Workers' Union of Australia (TWU) (Word format)
3 Australian Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers' Union (Word format)
4 Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) covering letter (Word format) submission (Word format) attachment a (Word format) attachment b (PDF format) attachment c (Word format)
5 Student Association Inc, University of Tasmania (Word format)
6 CPSU (PSU Branch) (Word format)
7 Australian Nursing Federation (Word format)
8 Australian Catholic Commission of Employment Relations (ACCER) (Word format)
9 Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (Word format) attachment a (Word format)
10 NSW Department of Commerce (PDF format)
11 Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Word format)
12 Independent Education Union of Australia covering letter (Word format) submission (Word format)
13 National Farmers' Federation (Word format)
14 Australian Hotels Association (Word format)
15 National Council on Intellectual Disability (PDF format) attachment a (PDF format)
16 WA Department of Consumer and Employment Protection covering letter (Word format) submission (Word format)
17 Shop Distributive and Allied Employees' Association (Word format)
18 Australian Industry Group (Word format)
19 Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers Australia (APESMA) (Word format)
20 National Tertiary Education Industry Union (NTEU) (Word format)
21 Commonwealth Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (PDF format) submission (PDF format)
22 Victorian Government (Word format)
23 Queensland Government (Word format)

Tabling date: 19 June 2003