Chapter 1
Background to the inquiry
Terms of reference
On 2 October 2014, the Senate referred the matter of corporate tax
avoidance and aggressive minimisation to the Economics References Committee (the
committee) for inquiry and report by the first sitting day of June 2015.[1]
The Senate extended the reporting date for the inquiry on a number of occasions
and, as a result, the reporting date was ultimately extended to 22 April 2016.[2]
The terms of reference for the inquiry are:
Tax avoidance and aggressive minimisation by corporations
registered in Australia and multinational corporations operating in Australia,
with specific reference to:
- the adequacy of Australia's current laws;
- any need for greater transparency to deter tax avoidance
and provide assurance that all companies are complying fully with Australia's
tax laws;
- the broader economic impacts of this behaviour, beyond
the direct effect on government revenue;
- the opportunities to collaborate internationally and/or
act unilaterally to address the problem;
- the performance and capability of the Australian Taxation
Office (ATO) to investigate and launch litigation, in the wake of drastic
budget cuts to staffing numbers;
- the role and performance of the Australian Securities and
Investments Commission in working with corporations and supporting the ATO to
protect public revenue;
- any relevant recommendations or issues arising from the
Government's White Paper process on the 'Reform of Australia's Tax System'; and
- any other related matters.[3]
Conduct of inquiry
The committee advertised the inquiry on its website and in The Australian.
The committee also wrote directly to government agencies, large corporations
based in Australia and multinationals operating in Australia, industry groups
and associations, academics and other interested parties drawing attention to
the inquiry and inviting them to make submissions.
Submissions and public hearings
The committee received 127 submissions, including 3 confidential
submissions. The list of submissions and an index to answers to questions on
notice are listed at Appendix 1.
The committee held seven public hearings:
8 April 2015 in Sydney;
9 April 2015 in Canberra;
10 April 2015 in Melbourne;
22 April 2015 in Sydney;
1 July 2015 in Sydney;
18 November 2015 in Sydney; and
21 April 2016 in Canberra.
A list of witnesses is provided at Appendix 2.
First report on corporate tax avoidance
Given the broad scope of the terms of reference and the timing of the
multilateral OECD/G20 initiative on base erosion and profit shifting, the
committee resolved to report on the initial work of the inquiry and the four public
hearings that were held in April 2015. The interim report examined the evidence
presented to the committee by some of the largest multinational corporations
operating in Australia. It concluded that, despite the recent efforts of
successive governments to address corporate tax avoidance, significant concerns
persist about multinational corporations not paying an appropriate amount of
tax in Australia relative to their activities here.
The interim report supported the ambitious OECD/G20 initiative to
develop a coordinated response to base erosion and profit shifting but also noted
that this initiative should not prevent the Australian Government from taking
unilateral action.
The interim report made 17 recommendations over four areas:
evidence of tax avoidance and aggressive minimisation;
multilateral efforts to combat tax avoidance and aggressive
potential areas of unilateral action to protect Australia's
revenue base; and
the capacity of Australian government agencies to collect
corporate taxes.
The recommendations of the interim report focused primarily on
increasing the transparency of corporate tax affairs and ensuring that tax
administrators could access the information required to identify and act on
aggressive tax minimisation and avoidance. The committee continues to strongly
support all of the 17 recommendations made in the interim report.
The committee tabled the interim report, Part I—You cannot tax what
you cannot see, on 18 August 2015. The report is available on the
committee's website.
Second report on corporate tax avoidance
In this second report on corporate tax avoidance, the committee
continues its consideration of the importance of transparency with particular
emphasis on transfer pricing and the secrecy surrounding this activity. The
committee briefly touches on exemptions from general purpose accounting. It
also looks at tax minimisation strategies including excessive debt loading and
avoiding permanent establishment in Australia.
Although the committee has delved into the use of tax havens as a means of
avoiding tax, recent revelations emanating from a law firm operating out of
Panama have enlivened commentary about this practice.
Use of overseas tax havens by Australians
At the beginning of April 2016, an international coalition of media
outlets published their findings based on extensive investigation into the
offshore financial dealings of many individuals and companies throughout the
world. This investigation was based on the disclosure of a vast volume of
documents, known as the Panama Papers, which came from an anonymous source.
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has indicated that it has received
data in relation to the Panamanian law firm at the centre of these revelations,
which contain the names of 'a significant number of Australian residents'. At this
time, 4 April 2016, the ATO had identified over 800 individual taxpayers and
linked over 120 of them to an associate offshore service provider located in
Hong Kong. The ATO explained:
We have been analysing the latest data against information
these taxpayers had reported to the ATO and against the information we already
have. We are also working closely with the AFP, Australian Crime Commission and
AUSTRAC [Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre] to further
cross-check the data and strengthen our intelligence. Some cases may be
referred to the Serious Financial Crime Taskforce. This Taskforce builds on the
success of Project Wickenby where we raised $2.29 billion in tax liabilities
and there were 46 criminal convictions.[4]
In light of information coming out of the Panama Papers and the ATO's
investigations, the committee will defer further consideration on the use of
tax havens as a means of avoiding and, in some cases, evading tax in Australia,
until there has been sufficient time to evaluate the data.
At first glance, however, the papers seem predominantly to involve
individuals not multinationals. That said, these revelations provide additional
evidence that tax avoidance and aggressive minimisation extends beyond the realm
of large multinationals. The ATO is well aware of the potential for wealthy
individuals to structure their activities to minimise their tax obligations and
noted that:
Wealthy individuals and their private groups often have
complex arrangements and utilise flow‑through entities such as trusts and
partnerships in addition to companies.[5]
Project DO IT
It should be noted that the ATO embarked on a concerted effort to stamp
out tax evasion using offshore accounts. In October 2014, the ATO launched Project
DO IT: disclose offshore income. This project, which ended on 19 December
2014, offered reduced taxes and penalties for people who voluntarily disclosed
offshore income and assets. It provided an opportunity for any Australian who
had engaged in unreported offshore financial activities to disclose their
activity. According to the ATO, under this project more than 5800 Australians
brought $600 million in offshore income and $5.4 billion in assets back into
the Australian economy with the ATO raising more than $245 million in
additional tax revenue liabilities for the community.
The ATO has continued its commitment to stop offshore tax evasion. At
the end of 2015, it announced that it was ramping up its focus on this type of
activity. It noted that:
As part of a new wave of action to combat offshore evasion
which has seen the ATO obtain more than 5000 client names from wealth
management firms and compile a list of 100 advisers and promoters operating
globally that have a direct link with people who may have evaded taxes.
The intelligence picture we now have has been built from
information taxpayers disclosed under Project DO IT about the adviser who put
them into the offshore arrangements, data mining and client records seized from
advisers in transit...[6]
According to the ATO, it has:
...more information than
ever before about Australians with offshore income and assets. Australia has an
existing network of international treaties and information exchange agreements
with over 100 jurisdictions. During 2014–15 the ATO engaged in 519 exchanges of
information resulting in total tax liabilities of $255 million.[7]
In response to the disclosure of the Panama Papers, the ATO has
initiated discussion with 28 countries to improve international cooperation in
uncovering tax avoidance activities.
While many of the structures and activities used by wealthy Australians
may be within the letter of the law, it nevertheless raises the question as to
why it is acceptable for wealthy individuals and private companies and trusts
to derive benefit from residing in Australia without making an appropriate
contribution to tax revenue. In the committee's view, and in light of the leak
of the Panama Papers, it would be appropriate for the committee to look into
the extent to which individuals in Australia use overseas havens to hide assets
and evade tax and to assess the ATO's initiatives to combat this type of
Consequently, the committee intends to consider Australians' use of
offshore facilities to avoid paying their due taxes and will seek an extension
to the final reporting date in order to examine and report on this matter.
The committee thanks all the individuals and organisations who assisted
with the inquiry through written submissions and appearing at hearings. In
particular, the committee would like to acknowledge the efforts that many
companies and government departments made to make available senior executives,
often at short notice.
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