The Committee

Mr Craig KellyMP LP, NSW (Chair)
Senator the Hon Lisa Singh ALP, TAS (from 1.12.16; Deputy Chair from 8.2.17)
Senator the Hon Eric Abetz LP, TAS
Dr Anne Aly MP ALP, WA
Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck LP, TAS (from 12.2.18)
Senator the Hon Kristina Keneally ALP, NSW (from 15.2.18)
Mr Llew O'Brien MP NATS, QLD
Ms Clare O'Neil MP ALP, VIC (from 15.6.17)
Mr Jason Wood MP LP, VIC

Former Members
Senator Catryna Bilyk ALP, TAS (from 12.9.16 – 23.11.16)
Senator David Bushby LP, TAS (from 17.8.17 – 2.10.17; from 17.10.17 to 5.2.18)
Senator the Hon Don Farrell ALP, SA (from 23.11.16 – 15.2.18)
Mr Chris Hayes MP ALP, NSW (from 12.9.16 – 15.6.17;
Deputy Chair 19.9.16 – 8.2.17)
Senator Skye Kakoschke-Moore NXT, SA from 7.2.17 – 22.11.17)
Senator Malarndirri McCarthy ALP, NT (from 12.9.16 – 1.12.16)
Senator Barry O'Sullivan NATS, QLD (from 12.9.16 – 16.8.17;
from 3.10.17 – 12.2.18)


Ms Sophie Dunstone, Secretary
Mr Michael Sloane, Principal Research Officer (to 20.10.17)
Ms Cathy Nembu, Acting Principal Research Officer (from 23.10.17)
Ms Nicola Knackstredt, Senior Research Officer
Mr Joshua Wrest, Senior Research Officer
Ms Sophie Clark, Administrative Officer (to 4.8.17)
Ms Jo-Anne Holmes, Administrative Officer (from 4.9.17)

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