B. List of exhibits

David M. Farrell, Jane Suiter, and Clodagh Harris, ‘Systematizing’ constitutional deliberation: the 2016–18 citizens’ assembly in Ireland, Irish Political Studies, 34:1, 113-123 (2019)
David M. Farrell et al., The Effects of Mixed Membership in a Deliberative Forum: The Irish Constitutional Convention of 2012–2014, Political Studies, 68:1, 54-73 (2019)
Paul Kildea and Rodney Smith, The Challenge of Informed Voting at Constitutional Referendums, UNSW Law Journal, 39(1), 368-400 (2016)
Paul Kildea, A Little More Conversation? Assessing the Capacity of Citizens to Deliberate About Constitutional Reform in Australia, Griffith Law Review 22:2, 291-314 (2013)

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