Membership of the Committee


Mr Andrew Broad MP

Deputy Chair

Mr Pat Conroy MP


Hon Warren Entsch MP
Mr Trevor Evans MP
Mr Luke Howarth MP
Mr Craig Kelly MP
Mr Peter Khalil MP
Ms Anne Stanley MP

Supplementary Member

Mr Adam Bandt MP (from 10/5/17)

Committee Secretariat


Ms Peggy Danaee

Inquiry Secretary

Ms Emma Matthews (from 19/7/17)
Mr Jeff Norris (to 1/5/17)

Senior Researcher

Mr Ashley Stephens


Ms Stephanie Lee (from 30/6/17)
Mr Dylan Raymond (from 15/5/17 to 18/8/17)

Office Manager

Ms Kathleen Blunden (from 18/7/17)
Ms Sarah Brasser (to 11/8/17)

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