Budget Resources
Emma Vines and Philip Dearman
Funding in the 2023–24 Budget for
arts and cultural heritage falls broadly into 2 streams: money to fulfil the objectives
of the new National Cultural Policy announced
in January, and top-up support for the National Collecting Institutions
(NCIs), announced
in April. Both streams are addressed here, with measures related to media
detailed in a separate Budget review article.
Funding the new National Cultural
On 30 January 2023, the
Australian Government launched a new National Cultural Policy – Revive:
a place for every story, a story for every place. This fulfilled a 2022
election commitment and put in place Australia’s first national cultural policy
since the Gillard Government’s release of Creative
Australia in 2013.
The announcement
of Revive included a commitment of $286.0 million over 4 years, part
of which would fund the reconfiguration of the Australia Council under a
broader agency, Creative
Australia. Legislation
enabling the creation of Creative Australia was passed
by the Parliament in March 2023, and from 1 July 2023, the functions
of the Australia Council will be transferred to Creative Australia. The 2023–24
Budget commits $286.0 million over 5 years (not 4) from 2022–23 (and $81.2
million per year ongoing) to the arts, entertainment and cultural sector against
the objectives outlined in Revive (Budget
measures: budget paper no. 2: 2023–24, p. 181). Of that funding, $199.0
million over 4 years from 2023–24 (and $72.3 million per year ongoing) will go
to Creative Australia to implement Revive, including the establishment
of 4 smaller bodies which will ‘provide greater strategic oversight and
engagement across the sector including a First Nations-led body, Music
Australia, Writers Australia and Creative Workplaces.’
Creative Australia’s revenue from
Government (still listed as the Australia Council in the budget papers as Creative
Australia will not be established until July 2023) will increase from $220.5
million in 2022–23 to $326.2 million in 2026–27 (Portfolio
Budget Statements: 2023–24: Budget related paper no. 1.12: Infrastructure,
Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts Portfolio,
p. 119). As a consequence of the new arrangements, the body is expected to
see a substantial increase in average staffing levels, rising from 104 staff in
2022–23 to 143 in 2023–24 (Agency
resourcing: budget paper no. 4: 2023–24, p. 161).
Other significant announcements
include (Budget
paper no. 2, pp. 181–182):
- $13.4
million over 5 years from 2022–23 to protect and support Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander artists through new legislation and artist mentorship and
training programs
- ‘$12.9
million over 4 years from 2023–24 (and $3.7 million per year ongoing) to expand
the Public Lending Right and Educational Lending Right Schemes to
include digital material’
- $12.0
million over 4 years from 2023–24 (and $3.0 million per year ongoing) for
Screen Australia to support Australian games businesses
- $11.8
million over 4 years from 2023–24 to pilot long-term loans of National Gallery
of Australia (NGA) works to regional and suburban cultural institutions
- $11.0
million over 3 years from 2022–23 to ‘establish a First Nations Languages
Policy Partnership and conduct a National Indigenous Languages survey’
- $8.5
million over 4 years from 2023–24 (and $2.2 million per year ongoing) to increase
funding for the Regional Arts Fund.
Additional funding is also allocated
to support access to art and music therapy programs, the development of an Arts
and Disability Associated Plan under Australia’s Disability Strategy
2021–2031, and digitisation and storage by the Australian Institute of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies of at-risk audio-visual material.
This latter funding appears to respond to concerns raised by First
Nations Media Australia in its submission (pp. 8–9) to the Senate committee
into the National Cultural Policy (the inquiry).
Funding has also been committed
to support specialist school-based arts education programs and to enable the
Copyright Agency to enhance the Resale
Royalty Scheme.
In a separate but related
measure, $9.3 million is being provided to support Australia’s national arts training
organisations (Budget
paper no. 2, p. 183). The Office
for the Arts states that the purpose of this funding is ‘to secure critical
training courses and skills development and maintain Australian trained
in-demand performers and production specialists for Australia's live performing
arts and screen industry and the creative economy more broadly’.
Screen production incentives
An additional $112.2 million over
4 years from 2024–25 is being provided to increase the Location
Offset rebate to 30%. The increase in the rebate, as
well as the funding for Revive described above, will be partly paid for
by the termination of the Location
Incentive Program in July 2023, and the redirection of funds from the
2022–23 October Budget measure ‘Supporting the Arts’ and the 2020–21
Budget measure ‘COVID-19 Response Package–communications, cyber safety and the
arts’ (Budget
paper no. 2, pp. 182).
Eligibility requirements for the
Offset have been tightened, with productions required to meet a qualifying
Australian production expenditure threshold of $20 million for films and
$1.5 million per hour for television series (an increase from $15 million and
$1 million respectively) from 1 July 2023.
An increase in the Offset was
called for in AusFilm’s
submission to the inquiry. In response to the Budget announcement, AusFilm
CEO, Kate Marks, said:
Increasing the Location Offset will result in meaningful benefits
for the entire sector and the economy related to jobs and training
opportunities, innovations in technology, infrastructure development, along
with direct benefits to businesses not dedicated to the screen industry (e.g.,
construction, education, hospitality, security, travel, real estate). It will
also drive significant benefits to regional locations and businesses.
Earlier this year, a
report produced for the Australia New Zealand Screen Association by creative
industries consultancy firm Olsberg SPI found that every $1 invested through
the Location Offset returned $5.89 in additional economic value (p. 34).
Stakeholder reaction
While cultural institutions have
generally welcomed Revive (see for example, Screen
Australia, the Australian
National Maritime Museum (ANMM) and the Museum
of Australian Democracy (MoAD)), some concerns were raised by stakeholders in
pre-budget submissions, particularly over the need for more assistance to
smaller organisations and individual artists (for example, the National
Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA)). This latter concern has been
somewhat addressed, with the
NAVA mostly welcoming the measures contained in the Budget, while
reiterating concerns related to poor pay rates for artists (an issue for the
Centre for Arts and Entertainment Workplaces once established), as well as the
need for initiatives to provide targeted support for independent artists and
small-to-medium sized organisations.
Other responses to the Budget
have also been supportive. An article published by The
Music Network, quotes Australasian Performing Right Association and
Australasian Mechanical Copyright Owners Society (APRA AMCOS) CEO, Dean
Ormston, as welcoming the Government’s commitment to Music Australia:
The creation of Music Australia with recurrent annual funding
will, for the first time in the nation’s history, provide an opportunity for a
whole-of-government, cross-portfolio, strategic and long-term relationship with
the breadth of the Australian contemporary music industry.
Funding for National Collecting
When the Government
announced on 5 April that this year’s Budget would include $535.3 million
in funding for the NCIs, it said it was ‘reversing a decade of decline’. Funding
for NCIs has long been controversial, under both Labor and Coalition
Governments. The application of an efficiency
dividend since the 1980s has been described in one recent academic
commentary as having ‘strangled’ the NCIs’ capacity to fulfill their
mandates, and put them ‘in the invidious position of maintaining some core
functions while neglecting or abandoning others’. A 2008
Senate inquiry into the efficiency dividend and its impact on smaller
agencies was similarly critical:
most significance is the incongruity between the legislated mandate of these
agencies to grow and develop their collections at the same time as needing to
find productivity improvements beyond those in the general economy and
delivering a wider range of services due to technological change. (p. 56)
These concerns have also been directly conveyed to ministers
by NCI heads. In June 2022, Ryan
Stokes, Chair of the NGA, outlined the scale of the challenge to the then
new Minister for the Arts Tony Burke.
The National Collecting Institutions are facing significant
financial pressures. This magnitude of the challenge for the next financial
year is material and for the National Galley it does threaten our ability to
deliver core estimates and eventually our viability. We don’t intend to burden
you with this on our first engagement however the timing presents this as an
urgent priority. (p. 1)
While top-up funding has been provided for some NCIs in previous
budgets, particularly for capital works (see for example, Budget
measures: budget paper no. 2: 2021–22, pp. 162–163), operational
funding was not forecast to increase under the previous Government. Figure 1
compares the total government revenue for 9 NCIs across the forward estimates according
to the current Government’s 2023–24 Budget, with funding promised under the former
Coalition Government (as per the March 2022–23 Budget). The substantial increase
under the current Government is due to the allocation of $535.3 million over 4
years from 2023–24 (and $118.3 million per year ongoing) to 9 NCIs, including
the Bundanon Trust, but excluding the Australian War Memorial (AWM), discussed
below (Budget
paper no. 2, p. 177).
Figure 1 Government
revenue for NCIs across the forward estimates, March 2022–23 Budget and May
2023–24 Budget
that the calculations in figure 1 exclude funding for the Bundanon Trust, which
is a Commonwealth company rather than a corporate entity.
Parliamentary Library calculations based on data taken from Portfolio Budget Statements released in March 2022 and May 2023. Includes revenue
from Government for the Australian National Maritime Museum, Australian War
Memorial, National Film and Sound Archive, National Gallery of Australia,
National Library of Australia, National Museum of Australia, National Portrait
Gallery of Australia, Old Parliament House–Museum of Australian Democracy and
National Archives of Australia
Australian War Memorial
No additional funding has been provided to the AWM as part
of this measure. Total funding to the AWM is projected to decrease this
financial year, due in part to a reduction in the equity injections provided by
the current Government (Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA), Portfolio
Budget Statements 2023–24: budget related paper no. 1.4B: Defence Portfolio
(Department of Veterans’ Affairs), p. 83). Under the Morrison
Government, $550 million was provided
for its current expansion project across 2020–21 and 2021–22.
The inquiry has exposed differences between the equity
injections provided for construction, and funding provided for ongoing
operating costs. Despite substantial funding for its expansion, the AWM indicated
to the inquiry that its operating loss for 2022–23 was $10.5 million, with
a cash shortfall estimated at $3.3 million (p. 1). The AWM also stated that the
efficiency dividend has resulted in a reduction in ongoing funding of $5.56
million since 2017–18 (pp. 2–3). Despite this shortfall, unlike the other NCIs,
the AWM will see a slight decrease in its operational revenue from government
in 2023–24 and is expected to see a reduction in base
funding by the end of the forward estimates (p. 96).
Of particular media attention in the months leading up to
the Budget was the
future of Trove. The National Library of Australia (NLA) had received
top-up funding of $16.4 million over 4 years in the December 2016–17
Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) (p. 140) for Trove, followed
by a further $8.5 million over 2 years from 2021–22 in the 2021–22
MYEFO (p. 277). Ongoing funding levels, however, remained uncertain, with media
reports in late 2022 suggesting the future of Trove was under a cloud.
On 3 April 2023, the
Government announced that the 2023–24 Budget would include $33.0 million
over 4 years for the continuation of Trove (and $9.2 million in indexed ongoing
annual funding beyond the forward estimates). This money will be drawn from the
NLA’s additional funding of $146.1 million over 4 years (and $31.2 million per
year ongoing) (Budget
paper no. 2, p. 177).
While the 2023–24 Budget provides long-term funding to Trove,
stakeholders may consider the quantum insufficient – an
internal NLA document (prepared prior to the 2022 Federal Election) forecast
that funding of between $7 and $10 million annually would maintain Trove, but
not support any improvement or expansion of the service.
All online articles accessed May 2023
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