Fraud Control Policy and Guidelines for Reporting Fraud

Fraud has the potential to undermine our ability to achieve our objectives, damage our reputation and impair our ability to deliver professional services to our valued clients and customers. 

The act of fraud is a serious matter and any such act will be addressed to the maximum extent under the law.

Fraud Policy

The aim of the DPS Fraud Policy is to:

  • protect public resources, including money, information and property, and
  • protect the integrity and good reputation of the department and the Commonwealth.

The DPS Fraud and Corruption Policy (PDF, 179 KB) articulates how DPS will achieve this aim. 

Guidelines for Reporting Fraud

We all have a role to play in eliminating fraud in the department. Central to this role is the responsibility that we all have to report any suspected fraud or corruption that we may observe, as soon as practicable, to the department’s Fraud Report phone number or email address.

Reports by staff and contractors

DPS staff must report all allegations of fraud. Staff and contractors may choose to report fraud through one of the following channels:

The Fraud Report phone number and email address are monitored by the Fraud Control Officer. 

The Fraud Incident Report form (Word, 15 KB) can assist reporting of fraud.

Reports by external parties

DPS can also receive reports of alleged fraud from external audits and reviews, members of the public, external contractors, service providers and other government agencies, including law enforcement bodies. 

The reporting channels listed above should be used by external parties.

If a staff member receives a report from a member of the public, they should encourage that person to report the matter through one of the channels above and the staff member should pass on any information through to one of the channels above.

Public Interest Disclosure Act

The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 (PID Act) encourages and enables public officials (disclosers) to raise suspected wrongdoing within the Commonwealth public sector.

The PID Act provides additional protections for disclosers and additional reporting obligations for DPS.  Detailed information about the PID Act, the PID Scheme and how to make a disclosure can be found in Other Employment Practices.