The final frontier for Australia’s exports

Issue date: Wednesday, 5 February 2020

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The House of Representatives Trade and Investment Growth Committee will boldly go where no committee has gone before this week, with a hearing on Friday looking to the stars.

Committee Chair George Christensen says the hearing is part of a broader inquiry to seek out and explore the challenges and opportunities faced by Australia’s exporters.

‘One of the issues we’ll be looking at on Friday is the potential impact of future export and investment opportunities, including emerging sectors such as Australia’s space industry.’

‘Australia has an opportunity to be a big part of the growing space industry, which will generate innovation, new technologies and jobs for the future.’

The Committee will also hear from witnesses in the medicines and health, agriculture and advanced manufacturing industries, as well as small business representatives.

‘We know that small businesses are underrepresented in export markets, and often don’t have the significant resources needed to move into exports,’ Mr Christensen said.

‘We are looking forward to hearing about how Australian small businesses can be supported to succeed internationally.’

More information about the inquiry, including a full program for Friday’s public hearing, is available on the Committee’s webpage.

Public hearing details

Date: Friday, 7 February 2020
Time: 9.00 am to 2.30 pm
Location: Committee Room 1R4, Parliament House, Canberra

The hearing will be broadcast live at

Media inquiries
Please contact Lynnis Bonanno, from the office of Mr George Christensen MP, Chair
0408 773 207

For background information
Joint Standing Committee on Trade and Investment Growth Secretariat
02 6277 2233

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