Public hearing on referendums

Issue date: Friday, 17 September 2021

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On Monday the House Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs will hold its first public hearing for its inquiry into constitutional reform and referendums.

The Committee will hear from a range of witnesses, including academics, research institutes and the Attorney-General’s Department.

The inquiry is considering ways to improve public awareness about the Australian Constitution, community consultation when amendments are proposed and current arrangements for the conduct of referendums. The Committee is inquiring into the conduct of referendums, rather than specific proposals for constitutional change.

Chair of the Committee, Mr Andrew Wallace MP, said:

‘The last referendum to change the Australian Constitution was held in 1999. This fresh look at the process of constitutional reform in Australia will ensure that the conduct of referendums remain suitable for contemporary Australia.’

‘The Committee looks forward to discussion with expert witnesses to hear their ideas on how the conduct of referendums could be modernised’.

Further information about the inquiry, including the terms of reference, is available on the inquiry webpage at

Public hearing details

Date: Monday, 20 September 2021
Time: 9.00 am to 12.45 pm (Canberra time)

A full program for the Committee’s hearing is available on the Committee’s website here.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, Committee proceedings held in Parliament House are not currently open to the public. The hearing will be broadcast live at

Media inquiries

Office of Mr Andrew Wallace, Chair of Committee
Mr Simon Thwaites
0439 972 667

For background information

Committee Secretariat
02 6277 2358

For more information about this Committee, you can visit its website. On the site, you can, read submissions, find details of upcoming public hearings, and subscribe to receive email updates by clicking on the blue ‘Track Committee’ button in the bottom right hand corner of the page.

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