International education in focus

Issue date: Monday, 15 May 2023

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The Trade Subcommittee of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade will hold public hearings at Parliament House today and tomorrow for its inquiry into Australia’s tourism and international education sectors.

The Subcommittee will hear detailed evidence from international education experts, government departments, university and VET peak bodies and other key stakeholders on different aspects of the international education sector.

The Chair of the Trade Subcommittee, Senator Deborah O’Neill said, 'The public hearings in Canberra are intended to be thematic discussions on the international education sector to deepen the Committee’s understanding of potential drivers for change.’

‘This focus on the delivery of international education will tease out some of the interrelated complexities shaping Australia’s international education now and into the future,’ commented Senator O’Neill.

Further information about the inquiry and program, are available on the inquiry webpage.

Public hearings details

Day One

Date: Monday, 15 May 2023
Venue: Committee Room 2R1, Parliament House, Canberra
Time: 8:30am – 5:00pm (AEST)

Day Two

Date: Tuesday, 16 May 2023
Venue: Committee Room 2S3, Parliament House, Canberra
Time: 8:30am – 12:00pm (AEST)

The public hearing will be live streamed on the APH website.

Media inquiries

Amelia Dalton, Chief of Staff, Senator Deborah O’Neill (Senator for New South Wales; Chair, Trade Subcommittee)
Ph: 0419 211 321

For background information

Committee Secretariat
02 6277 2313

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