Homelessness inquiry to hear from state and territory governments

Issue date: Thursday, 6 August 2020

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This week the House Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs will hear from representatives from Tasmania, Western Australia, and the Australian Capital Territory as part of its inquiry into homelessness in Australia.

Chair of the Committee, Mr Andrew Wallace MP, says the Committee is looking forward to hearing more from state and territory governments as they have primary responsibility for housing and homelessness.

‘Throughout the inquiry, the Committee has heard evidence about the central role of state and territory governments in supporting those in our community who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Last week we heard from the Northern Territory government, and this week’s hearing will be an opportunity to hear from other states and territories about their strategies to address homelessness, and how they are working with the Commonwealth under the National Housing and Homelessness Agreement,’ Mr Wallace said.

‘The Committee will also be interested to hear more about measures implemented by state and territory governments to assist the homeless during the COVID-19 pandemic’.

The Committee will also hear from community organisations including the Sacred Heart Mission and the Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency.

In order to ensure public safety during the COVID-19 situation, witnesses will participate in the hearing remotely, via teleconference. Interested members of the public are invited to listen to the live broadcast, available at aph.gov.au/live.

Further information, including hearing programs and submissions to the inquiry, is available on the Committee’s website.

Public hearing details

Date: Friday, 7 August 2020
Time: 8.45am to 3.00pm
Location: Via teleconference

Media inquiries

Office of Mr Andrew Wallace, Chair of Committee
Mr Simon Thwaites
0439 972 667

For background information

Committee Secretariat
02 6277 2358

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