Submissions received by the committee as at 21/02/05

Inquiry into the Effectiveness of Australia's Military Justice System

Submissions received by the committee as at 21/02/05

Sub No.  
1 Ms Marlene Delzoppo (PDF 290KB)
2 Ms Joan Gurr (PDF 131KB)
3 Mr Keith Showler (PDF 131KB)
4 LDCR Brian Sankey (PDF 2235KB)
5 Mr Allen Warren (PDF 139KB)
5A Mr Allen Warren (PDF 193KB)
5B Mr Allen Warren (PDF 347KB)
5C Mr Allen Warren (PDF 367KB)
5D Mr Allen Warren (PDF 393KB)
5E Mr Allen Warren (PDF 720KB)
6 Mr Robert and Mrs Patricia Amos (PDF 203KB)
7 Mr Peter Gerrey (PDF 337KB)
8 Mr Mark Drummond (PDF 1148KB)
9 Ms Rosa Satatas (PDF 257KB)
9A Ms Rosa Satatas PDF 154KB
10 Ms Madonna Palmer (PDF 416KB)
11 Mr Nigel Danson (PDF 133KB)
12 Mr Michael Pembroke Prowse (PDF 211KB)
13 Ms Dulcie Liddell (PDF 636KB)
13A Ms Dulcie Liddell (PDF 95KB)
14 Ms Yvonne Sturgess (PDF 392KB)
15 Mr John Hyland (PDF 155KB)
16 Chief of the Defence Force, Department of Defence (PDF 5747KB)
16A Chief of Navy response to sub 2 Ms Joan Gurr & sub 37 Ms Melissa Munday (PDF 191KB)


Chief of Navy response to sub 13 & 13A Ms Dulcie Liddell & sub 15 Mr John Hyland; Director General The Defence Legal Service response to sub 25 Group Captain Behm (PDF 214KB)
16C Chief of Army response to sub 9 & 9A Ms Rosa Satatas; sub 14 Ms Yvonne Sturgess; sub 17 Mr Charles and Mrs Jan Williams; sub 23 Mr Paul Shiels (PDF 133KB)
16D Confidential
16E Chief of Navy, Department of Defence response to sub 68 Mr Mahony (PDF 552KB)
16F Chief of the Defence Force, Department of Defence (PDF 2519KB)
16G Director General ADF Legal Services (PDF 457KB)
16H Confidential
16I Chief of Navy, Department of Defence - clarification of Navy's alcohol and drug testing policy and practices (PDF 174KB)
17 Mr Charles and Mrs Jan Williams (PDF 667KB)
17A Mr Charles and Mrs Jan Williams (PDF 210KB)
18 Ms Debra Knight (PDF 81KB)
19 Mr Nigel Southam (PDF 250KB)
20 Mr J G Clark (PDF 446KB)
21 Ms Avril Andrew (PDF 206KB)
21A Ms Avril Andrew (PDF 128KB)
22 Mr Bernard Collaery, CC Law Attorneys & Advocates (PDF 76KB)
23 Mr Paul Shiels (PDF 363KB)
24 Ms Jan Allen (PDF 102KB)
25 Group Captain Anthony Behm (PDF 59KB)
26 Mr Victor Meek (PDF 95KB)
27 Judge Advocate General, Australian Defence Force (PDF 655KB) Attachment (PDF 5591KB)
28 Defence Force Ombudsman (PDF 248KB)
29 Name Withheld (PDF 126KB)
30 Mr Lyndon Pelly (PDF 246KB)
31 Ms Janet Screaton (PDF 188KB)
32 Ms Jan McNess (PDF 254KB)
33 Mr Kevin Herridge (PDF 172KB)
34 Mr Douglas McDonald (PDF 556KB)
35 Ms Jayne Fitzpatrick (PDF 170KB)
36 Mr Lloyd Richards (PDF 192KB)
37 Ms Melissa Munday (PDF 198KB)
38 Mr David Richards, Slater & Gordon (PDF 3526KB)
39 Mr Neil James, Australia Defence Association (PDF 866KB)
40 Mr Russ Miller (PDF 155KB)
41 Mr Dean Wirth (PDF 73KB)
42 Mr Paul Copeland, Australian Peacekeeper & Peacemaker Veterans' Association (PDF 280KB)
43 Mr Terence Collins (PDF 1447KB)
44 Bishop M Davis (PDF 149KB)
45 Mr Gary Wayne Jenkins (PDF 232KB)
46 Mr Samuel Golledge (PDF 73KB)
47 Mr Tony Spek (PDF 267KB)
48 Ms Susan Campbell (PDF 1885KB)
49 Mr Peter Simpson (PDF 367KB)
50 Mr Peter Le Plastrier (PDF 532KB)
51 Captain G D Mackelmann (PDF 240KB)
52 Mr David Hartshorn (PDF 125KB)
52A Mr David Hartshorn (PDF 94KB)
53 Major W E Farmer PDF 294KB
54 Mr Neil Howard (PDF 54KB)
55 Mr Geoff Lewis (PDF 263KB)
56 Group Captain Philip Morrall (PDF 73KB)
Attachment to submission 56 - Group Captain Philip Morrall (PDF 388KB)
57 Captain Peter Callaghan (PDF 56KB)
58 Ms Jennifer Mackenzie (PDF 66KB)
59 Mr George Heron (PDF 372KB)
60 Mr Peter Benson (PDF 131KB)
61 Mr David Down (PDF 395KB)
62 Brigadier C J Anstey (PDF 122KB)
63 Mr Peter Dolheguy (PDF 60KB)
64 Colonel John A Harvey (PDF 350KB)
65 Leading Seaman Darren Saxby (PDF 207KB)
66 Mr and Mrs A Hayward (PDF 199KB)
67 Major Steve Neuhaus (PDF 127KB)
68 Mr Laurence Mahony (PDF 5126KB)
69 Mr Adam Johnson (PDF 1980KB)
70 Mr Ernst Willheim (PDF 130KB)
71 Mr Peter Goon (PDF 3301KB)

For further information or to obtain hard copies, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3535
Fax: +61 2 6277 5818