Submissions received by the Committee

Inquiry into Academic Freedom

Submissions received by the Committee

Sub No.

1 Dr Ben Saul (PDF 193KB) 
2 Mr Norm Canton (PDF 1258KB) 
3 Professor George Williams (PDF 333KB) 
4 Sydney PEN (PDF 159KB) 
5 Professor Peter Drummond (PDF 18KB) 
6 Dr Kevin Donnelly (PDF 293KB) 
7 Professor Neil Ormerod (PDF 79KB) Attachment 1(PDF 104KB) 
8 Dr Mark Lopez (PDF 15KB) Attachment 1(PDF 459KB) Attachment 2(PDF 77KB) 
10 Mr Ben Potts (PDF 12KB) 
11 Mr Adrian Pryke (PDF 11KB) 
12 Ms Jessica Priebee (PDF 13KB) 
13 Dr Katharine Gelber (PDF 100KB) 
14 Prof Brian Martin (PDF 230KB) 
15 Universities Australia (PDF 58KB) 
16 Professor Gabriel Donlevy (PDF 19KB) 
17 Australian Universities Quality Agency (PDF 42KB) 
18 Confidential
19 Mr Edwin Dyga (PDF 393KB) 
20 Mr Michael Dromgool (PDF 314KB) 
21 Ms Sarah Barrott (PDF 9KB) 
22 Mr Hayden Schreurs (PDF 16KB) 
23 Confidential
24 Mr Robert Candelori (PDF 14KB) 
25 Confidential
26 Ms Elise Nally (PDF 14KB) 
27 Mr Joshua Koonin (PDF 75KB) 
28 Liberty Victoria Victorian Council for Civil Liberties Inc (PDF 175KB) 
29 Confidential
30 Mr Christopher Rathe (PDF 22KB) 
31 Tarrant Tolotta (PDF 38KB) 
32 Mr Christopher Hadley (PDF 1097KB) 
33 Australian Young Liberals (PDF 45KB) 
34 Ms Rachael Jude (PDF 28KB) 
35 Ms Beccy Merzi (PDF 40KB) 
36 Dr Carolyn Allport (PDF 73KB) 
37 Dr Andrew Stewart (PDF 1314KB) 
38 Mr Robert Langdon (PDF 40KB) 
39 Mr Scott Farlow (PDF 45KB) 
40 Melbourne University Liberal Club (PDF 106KB) 
41 Institute of Public Affairs (PDF 670KB) 
42 Mr Lachlan Williams (PDF 920KB) 
Response to Adverse Comment(PDF 316KB) 
Response to Adverse Comment(PDF 134KB) 
Response to Adverse Comment(PDF 109KB) 
Response to Adverse Comment(PDF 179KB) 
43 Make Education Fair  (PDF 4633KB) 
44 Ms Angela McGuiness (PDF 11KB) 
45 The Executive Council of Australian Jewry and The Australasian Union of Jewish Students (PDF 43KB) 
46 Mr Stuart Burrows (PDF 17KB) 
47 Salt Shakers (PDF 110KB) 
48 Mr. Michael Van Der Ende (PDF 13KB) 
49 Name Withheld (PDF 24KB
50 Mr Michael Davis (PDF 58KB) 
51 Mr Daryl van den Brink (PDF 46KB) 
52 Name Withheld (PDF 53KB) 
53 Independent Schools Council (PDF 125KB) 
54 Australian Academy of Science (PDF 255KB) 
55 Dr. Donald Parkes (PDF 35KB) 
56 Ms Narelle Eggins (PDF 64KB) Attachment 1(PDF 86KB) 
57 Mr Nigel Rae (PDF 10KB) 
58 Confidential
59 Rev Mark Harding (PDF 30KB) 
60 Australia Israel and Jewish Affairs Council (PDF 72KB) 
61 Australian Liberal Students' Federation (PDF 653KB) 
Response to Adverse Comment(PDF 627KB) 
62 Professor Jim Jackson (PDF 55KB) 
63 Jaimi Primrose - Levi (PDF 1036KB) 
64 Australian Secondary Principals Association (PDF 91KB) 
65 Professor Mervyn Bendle (PDF 165KB) 
66 Professor Brian Galligan (PDF 34KB) 
67 Mr Keith Windschuttle (PDF 2918KB) 
68 Ms Jane Vickers (PDF 267KB) 
69 Professor David Peetz (PDF 48KB) 

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Committee
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3521
Fax: +61 2 6277 5706