48th Report: Appointment of the Clerk of the Senate

48th Report: Appointment of the Clerk of the Senate

Members of the Committee

President of the Senate, Senator the Hon John Hogg, Chair

Senator the Hon Chris Evans, Leader of the Government in the Senate

Senator the Hon Nick Minchin, Leader of the Opposition in the Senate

Senator the Hon John Faulkner

Senator Annette Hurley

Senator Kate Lundy

Senator Stephen Parry

Senator Nick Sherry

Senator John Williams

Senator Nick Xenophon


The Committee

The Standing Committee on Appropriations and Staffing, appointed under standing order 19, determines the amounts for inclusion in the parliamentary appropriation bills and reports to the Senate on its determinations prior to the Senate’s consideration of those bills.

The committee examines matters affecting the staffing and administration of the Department of the Senate, including proposals to vary the staffing structure, and other matters referred to it by the Senate. The committee makes an annual report to the Senate on the operations of the Senate’s appropriations and staffing and related matters (standing order 19(3)).

The committee has the explicit capacity to scrutinise security funding and administration and to advise the President and the Senate as appropriate. Under a resolution of the Senate agreed to in 1987 the committee also examines proposed changes in the structure and responsibilities of the parliamentary departments.

The committee is chaired by the President and includes the Senate Leaders of the Government and the Opposition as ex officio members.



Neil Bessell
Senate Table Office


Appointment of the Clerk of the Senate

In accordance with the statutory requirement in subsection 58(1) of the Parliamentary Service Act 1999 that the President consult members of the Senate about the appointment of the Clerk of the Senate, the President consulted members of this committee.

The committee endorsed the decision of the president to appoint the Deputy Clerk, Dr Rosemary Laing, as the next Clerk of the Senate.

The committee noted that the President was confident that he had selected the best candidate for the position of Clerk of the Senate. However, he noted that there was a relatively small pool of suitable applicants. The position of Clerk of the Senate is a highly specialised one that requires particular experience and expertise, but the President indicated that he would strongly encourage the adoption of measures within the Department of the Senate to promote a broader pool of potentially suitable candidates for the future.


John Hogg

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