AEPMA | Australian Environmental Pest Managers Association |
AI | Artificial intelligence |
APLC | Australian Plague Locust Commission |
APVMA | Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority |
CEBO | Chief Environmental Biosecurity Officer |
CEBRA | Centre of Excellence for Biosecurity Risk Analysis |
CRC | Cooperative research centre |
CSIRO | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation |
DAFF | Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries |
DCCEEW | Department of Climate Change, Environment, Energy and Water |
DNI | Direct nest injection |
EADRA | Emergency Animal Disease Response Agreement |
eDNA | environmental DNA |
EPP | Emergency Plant Pest |
EPPRD | Emergency Plant Pest Response Deed |
FAST | Fire Ant Suppression Taskforce |
GBO | General Biosecurity Obligation |
IGR | Insect growth regulator |
K.solenopsae | Kneallhazia solenopsae |
LGAQ | Local Government Association of Queensland |
MSP | Managing Successful Programs |
NEBRA | National Environmental Biosecurity Response Agreement |
NFAEP | National Fire Ant Eradication Program |
NFF | National Farmers Federation |
NBMCC | National Biosecurity Management Consultative Committee |
NMG | National Management Group |
NSC | National Steering Committee |
NSW | New South Wales |
NSW DPI | New South Wales Department of Primary Industries |
QFF | Queensland Farmers Federation |
QLD | Queensland |
QLD DAF | Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries |
RIFA | Red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren) |
RMAC | Risk Management and Assurance Committee |
RNAi | RNA-interference |
RSS | Remote sensing surveillance |
SEQ | South East Queensland |
The Act | Queensland Biosecurity Act 2014 (Queensland) |
The committee | Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committees |
The Regulation | Queensland Biosecurity Regulation 2016 (Queensland) |
Varroa mite | Varroa destructor |
WA | Western Australia |
WA DPIRD | Western Australia Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development |