1.1        Coalition Senators firmly believe that the determination of Modern Awards should stay with the independent tribunal, the Fair Work Commission. We do not believe that the Parliament should be in the business of legislating on each and every Modern Award – rather, the Parliament should provide a safety net and then let the tribunal work out the details.

1.2        However it is important that Fair Work Australia take a common-sense approach to the current review and future reviews

1.3        Coalition Senators are concerned about reports that young Australians are being priced out of the labour market.

1.4        Coalition Senators have always believed in a fair day's pay for a fair day's work and that workers who work unsociable hours or long shifts should have that acknowledged in their pay. We believe in reward for effort.

1.5        At the same time we are very cognisant of the practical problems being experienced by small business and workers and we encourage Fair Work Australia to take a pragmatic approach to these issues.

1.6        Coalition Senators support the comments of Tourism Minister the Hon. Martin Ferguson MP, who stated that::

I hope the bench of Fair Work Australia has given proper regard to the input of the tourism industry in this context [penalty rates] because I understand that is the key issue to industry at this point in time.[1]

1.7        Nonetheless, Coalition Senators support recommendation 2 of the Report.


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