Appendix 1Submissions and additional information
1Mr Robert Heron
2Dr Kevin Cox
3Mr Michael Dillon
4City Futures Research Centre, UNSW
5Miss Blaise Kost
6PowerHousing Australia
7Property Council of Australia
8Anglicare Australia
9Housing Industry Association Ltd
10Professor John Quiggin, University of Queensland
11Master Builders Australia
12Urban Development Institute of Australia, National
13National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing Association
14Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute
15JFA Purple Orange
16Community Housing Industry Association
17Industry Super Australia
18Grounded Community Land Trust Advocacy
19Queenslanders with Disability Network Ltd (QDN)
20Dr Cameron K. Murray, Henry Halloran Trust, The University of Sydney
21National Shelter
22Centre for Urban Research, RMIT University
23Mark Fowler, Adjunct Associate Professor, Law School, University of England
24Tasmanian Government
25Antipoverty Centre Inc
Additional Information
1Opening statement received from Professor Hal Pawson for the City Futures Research Centre on Wednesday, 15 March 2023, relating to the public hearing in Canberra.
2Urban Development Institute of Australia—Additional information requested by Senator Walsh at the public hearing in Canberra on 15 March 2023.
3Additional information received from the Property Council of Australia on Friday, 17 March 2023.
4Opening statement received from Mel Powersmith for the Antipoverty Centre on Wednesday, 15 March 2023, relating to the public hearing in Canberra.
5Additional information provided by the Antipoverty Centre, 'Taking Stock: Perspective on the housing future fund', received 15 March 2023.
6Additional information provided by the Homelessness NSW, 'Submission regarding Housing Legislative Package exposure drafts', received 20 March 2023.
7Opening statement received from Darren Smith for the Aboriginal Housing and Homelessness Forum (AHHF) on Wednesday, 15 March 2023, relating to the public hearing in Canberra.
Answer to Question on Notice
1Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI)—Responses to questions on notice from Senator Bragg received 16 March 2023.
2Department of Finance and the Future Fund Management Agency—Response to questions on notice from Senator Bragg received 17 March 2023.
3Grattan Institute—Responses to questions on notice from Senator Bragg received 17 March 2023.
4PowerHousing Australia—Responses to questions on notice from Senator Bragg received 17 March 2023.
5Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA)—Responses to questions on notice from Senator Bragg received 17 March 2023.
6Housing Industry Australia (HIA)—Response to questions on notice from Senator Bragg received 17 March 2023.
7Master Builders Australia (MBA)—Response to questions on notice from Senator Bragg received 17 March 2023.
8HESTA—Response to questions on notice from Senator Bragg received 17 March 2023.
9Department of the Treasury IQ23-000034—Responses to questions on notice from Senator Bragg received 17 March 2023.
10Department of the TreasuryIQ23-000033—Responses to questions on notice from Senator Bragg received 17 March 2023.
11Industry Super Australia: response to Senator Andrew Bragg's questions on notice from hearing in Canberra on 15 March 2023 (received 20 March 2023).
12Australian Prudential Regulation Authority—response to Senator Andrew Bragg's questions on notice from hearing in Canberra on 15 March 2023 (received 20 March 2023).
13Property Council of Australia: response to Senator Andrew Bragg's questions on notice from hearing in Canberra on 15 March 2023 (received 21 March 2023).