Appendix 2Coordinated campaigns and form letters
1.1The inquiry received a large volume of material associated with two coordinated campaigns, and seven form letters. Samples of each coordinated campaign and form letter have been published on the inquiry’s website alongside a cover page for each, summarising the key topics raised as well as the respective numbers received.
Coordinated campaigns
Canberra Declaration, Love Adelaide and Professor Joanna Howe
1.2The committee received over 350 emails from this campaign.
1.3Key issues included:
State and territory data on live births following pregnancy termination;
The Northern Territory Coroner’s report into the death of Jessica Jane;
Queensland Health medical practice guidelines;
Calls for statutory requirement and medical protocols to provide medical care to infants showing signs of life after pregnancy termination;
Calls for mandatory national data collection on live births following pregnancy termination;
Calls for mandatory counselling prior to pregnancy termination including risk of live birth; and
Calls for birth and death certificates, burial or cremation, and referral to the Coroner.
Cherish Life
1.4The committee received over 20 emails from this campaign.
1.5Key issues included:
Australia’s international obligations to human rights conventions; and
Data from a 2021 YouGov poll commissioned by Cherish Life Australia.
Form letters
Form letter 1
1.6The committee received this form letter from over 60 signatories.
1.7Key issues included statistics on live births following pregnancy termination in Victoria, Queensland Health medical practice guidelines, and the limitation of a parent’s rights in relation to pregnancy termination following a live birth.
Form letter 2
1.8The committee received this form letter from over 10 signatories.
1.9Key issues included anecdotal data on live births following pregnancy termination, Queensland Health medical practice guidelines, and the limitation of a parent’s rights in relation to pregnancy termination following a live birth.
Form letter 3
1.10The committee received this form letter from 40 signatories.
1.11Key issues included inadequacy of Western healthcare services, claims that hundreds of Australians have been left to die, and citation of the Christian parable of the Good Samaritan.
Form letter 4
1.12The committee received this form letter from 40 signatories.
1.13Key issues included that the right to life does not change based on the circumstances of birth, and that data must be kept on live births following pregnancy terminations.
Form letter 5
1.14The committee received this form letter from over 50 signatories.
1.15Key issues included comparison of premature births to live births after pregnancy termination, and adherence with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Form letter 6
1.16The committee received this form letter from over 50 signatories.
1.17Key issues included that passing this bill is a good starting point to eradicate abortion, and adherence with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Form letter 7
1.18The committee received this form letter from 9 signatories.
1.19Key issues included data on parent regret following pregnancy termination, advocacy for adoption, and advocacy for policy change akin to that demonstrated in the United States.