Appendix 1Submissions and additional information
1Genesis Pregnancy Support Inc
2South Australian Abortion Action Coalition
3The Canberra Declaration
4SPHERE Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health Coalition
5Presbyterian Church of Victoria
6Australian Christian Lobby
7Children By Choice Association Incorporated
8Lutherans for Life
9The Anglican Diocese of Sydney
10Queensland Nurses and Midwives' Union
11Australian College of Midwives
12Australian Lawyers for Human Rights
13The Right to Life Australia Inc.
14Office of National Rural Health Commissioner
15MSI Australia
16Love Adelaide
17FamilyVoice Australia
18Australian Women's Health Network
19South Australian Department of Health and Wellbeing
20Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
21Women and Babies Support (WOMBS)
22Public Health Association of Australia
23Australian Catholic Bishops Conference
24Australian College of Nursing
25Catholic Women's League Australia Inc. and Australian Catholic Medical Association
26Catholic Women's League of Victoria and Wagga Wagga Inc.
27Women's Forum Australia
28Plunkett Centre for Ethics, Australian Catholic University
29PM Glynn Institute, Australian Catholic University
30Cherish Life
31Cherish Life, Atherton Branch
32Cherish Life, Rockhampton Branch
33Queensland Bioethics Centre, Australian Catholic University
34Coalition for the Defence of Human Life
35Medicine with Morality
36ACT Right to Life Association
37the Hon Nick Goiran MLC
38Dr Johnny Sakr
39Dr Joseph Turner
40Professor Joanna Howe
41Mrs Rita Joseph
42Miss Katherine Pistor
43Mr Garth Penglase
44Mrs Ursula O'Leary
45Mr James Murray
46Mr Bernard Bednarz
47Mr Giulio di Somma
48Mr Murray Thomas
49Ms Sandra Laskaris
50Mr Ernie Laskaris
51Maris Valentine
52Rosemary McIlgorm
53Mel Thompson
54Jennifer Spinks
55Katrina Mathai
56Joanna Slomka
57Bridie Walsh
58Larry Lawler
59Anna Walsh
60Mr Robin Moore
61Corry Geale
62Name Withheld
63Name Withheld
64Name Withheld
65Name Withheld
66Name Withheld
67Name Withheld
68Name Withheld
69Name Withheld
70Name Withheld
71Name Withheld
72Name Withheld
73Name Withheld
74Name Withheld
75Name Withheld
76Name Withheld
77Name Withheld
78Name Withheld
79Name Withheld
80Name Withheld
81Name Withheld
82Name Withheld
83Gala for Life
84Pro-Life Victoria
85The Royal Women's Hospital
86Victorian Government Department of Health
88Name Withheld
89Julie Shapland
90Juliet Ballinger
91Val Stares
92Alan Prentice
93Allan Tree
94Peter Buttery
95Rowan Shann
96Ashley Schneider
97Ms Lynette Burnell
98Mr Paul Donohue
99Ms Wendy Harrap
100Name Withheld
101Mr Bruce Langford
102Mr Geoff Walcott
103Ms Nicole Hussey
104Felikss Klavins
105Mr Frank Reale
106Mr David Campbell
107Mrs Jennifer Gent
108Mr Ian Childs
109Ms Jane Anderson
110Pauline Khoury
111Roslyn Blackwood
112Vanessa Burgess
113Sally Tang
114Gillian Dickinson
115Jane Lui
116Chantel Frost
117David Doyle
118Jacqui Lambert
119James Moesker
120Rhonda Owen
121Jaimee Green
122Heather Hogan
123Name Withheld
124Name Withheld
125Name Withheld
126Name Withheld
127Name Withheld
128Name Withheld
129Name Withheld
130Name Withheld
131Name Withheld
132Name Withheld
133Name Withheld
134Name Withheld
135Name Withheld
136Name Withheld
137James Grieshaber
138Julie Robinson
139Canberra Declaration, Love Adelaide and Professor Joanna Howe campaign
140Cherish Life campaign
141Form letter 1
142Form letter 2
143Form letter 3
144Form letter 4
145Form letter 5
146Form letter 6
147Form letter 7
148Alana Mosely
149Denis Scanlan
150Louise Scott
151Shirley Hogg
152Sharon Gee
153Karis Anders
154Name Withheld
Answers to questions on notice
1Answers to questions taken on notice by Dr Prudence Flowers, SAAAC at a public hearing on 8 June 2023; received 19 June 2023.
2Answers to questions taken on notice by The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists at a public hearing on 8June 2023; received 23 June 2023.
3Answers to questions taken on notice by Professor Joanna Howe at a public hearing on 8 June 2023; received 23 June 2023.
4Answers to questions taken on notice by Associate Professor Patricia Moore, SPHERE Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Coalition at a public hearing on 8 June 2023; received 26 June 2023.