Appendix 3

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Appendix 3

2010 Ministerial Direction for the AFP

Minister for Home Affairs, the Hon Brendan O’Connor MP

This Ministerial Direction is issued under subsection 37(2) of the Australian Federal Police (AFP) Act 1979 and outlines the Government's priorities and expectations for the AFP. Under section 37(1) of the Act, the Commissioner has the general administration, and the control of the operations, of the AFP. It supersedes the Direction issued on 25 August 2008.

The AFP is the Australian Government’s primary law enforcement agency. It is Australia’s international law enforcement and policing representative and the chief source of advice to the Government on policing issues. AFP functions are set out in section 8 of the AFP Act 1979. Within that framework, the AFP pursues clearly defined outcomes agreed by the Government.

The Government is committed to the goal of the AFP being a law enforcement agency second to none. It is also committed to ensuring the AFP is adequately positioned and appropriately resourced to deal with a complex and shifting law enforcement environment.

My expectation of the AFP, where appropriate in partnership with other Commonwealth agencies, is to address the following key strategic priorities:

In performing its functions and prioritising its activities I expect the AFP to adhere to Government policies and to:


I also ask that you consult with my Department if for any reason you believe any of these priorities may not be achievable or if you believe the list of priorities should be amended.

The Hon Brendan O’Connor MP Minister for Home Affairs

1 July 2010

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