Terms of Reference

The Joint Standing Committee on Trade and Investment Growth shall inquire into and report on the approach adopted by the Australian government when negotiating trade and investment agreements with trading partners, including:

    (a)  How the Australian Government develops a negotiating mandate and framework which factors in whole of government priorities;
    (b)  How the priorities for, States and Territory Governments, businesses, workers and other relevant stakeholders are considered and incorporated into a negotiating mandate;
    (c)  The consultation process undertaken with interested parties, including representatives of industry and workers throughout the process;
    (d)  The steps taken to ensure transparency and parliamentary oversight;
    (e)  How the economic, social and environmental impacts of an agreement are considered and acted upon;
    (f)  The steps taken to ensure agreements protect and advance Australia's national interests, including the ability to regulate in the public interest;
    (g)  The steps taken to ensure agreements protect and advance Australia's cultural interests;
    (h)  Whether agreements appropriately ensure First Nations Australians can participate and benefit in trade;
    (i)  How the Australian approach compares with other, similar countries; and
    (j)  How the process could be appropriately legislated to enshrine this approach in law.

Committee Secretariat contact:

PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 2233

About this inquiry

On 9 August 2023, following a referral from Senator the Hon Don Farrell, Minister for Trade and Tourism, the Joint Standing Committee on Trade and Investment Growth resolved to inquire into and report on the Australian Government's approach to negotiating trade and investment agreements.

Past Public Hearings

14 Mar 2024: CANBERRA
01 Mar 2024: CANBERRA
13 Dec 2023: CANBERRA


Inquiry Status

Submissions Closed


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