Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Reducing Barriers for Minor Parties) Bill 2014

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Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Reducing Barriers for Minor Parties) Bill 2014

Sponsor: Senator Rhiannon
Introduced: Senate, 4 March 2014

1.89      This bill proposes to amend the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 to reverse the increase in nomination fees that occurred as a result of the Electoral and Referendum Amendment (Improving Electoral Procedure) Act 2013, passed in February 2013.[1] The nomination fee for a Senator will be $1000 (currently $2000); or $500 (currently $1000) for a member of the House of Representatives.

1.90      The purpose of the bill is to 'reduce registration fees for individuals and minor parties that want to participate in Commonwealth elections'.[2]

1.91      The bill is accompanied by a statement of compatibility that states that the bill promotes the right to take part in elections[3] 'by reducing barriers to political participation for those seeking to be elected'.[4]

1.92      The committee considers that the bill does not appear to give rise to human rights concerns.

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