Appendix 1: Full list of Legislative Instruments received by the committee between 23 November 2013 and 31 January 2014

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Appendix 1: Full list of Legislative Instruments received by the committee between 23 November 2013 and 31 January 2014

The committee considers all legislative instruments that come before either House of Parliament for compatibility with human rights. This report considers instruments received by the committee between 23 November 2013 to 31 January 2014, which usually correlates with the instruments that were made or registered during that period.

Where the committee considers that an instrument does not appear to raise any human rights concerns and is accompanied by a statement of compatibility that is adequate, this is referenced in the table with a '-'.

Where the committee considers that an instrument does not appear to raise human rights concerns, but is accompanied by a statement of compatibility that does not fully meet the committee's expectations,[1] it will write to the relevant Minister in a purely advisory capacity providing guidance on the preparation of statements of compatibility. This is referenced in the table with an 'A' to indicate an advisory letter was sent to the relevant Minister.

Where an instrument is not accompanied by a statement of compatibility in circumstances where it was required, the committee will write to the Minister in an advisory capacity. This is referenced in the table with an 'A*' to indicate an advisory letter was sent to the relevant Minister.

Where an instrument is exempt from the requirement for a statement of compatibility this is referenced in the table with an 'E'.

Where the committee has commented in this report on an instrument, this is referenced in the table with a 'C'.

Where the committee has deferred its consideration of an instrument, this is referenced in the table with a 'D'.

The Federal Register of Legislative Instruments (FRLI) website should be consulted for the text of instruments and explanatory statements, as well as associated information.[2] Instruments may be located on FRLI by entering the relevant FRLI number into the FRLI search field (the FRLI number is shown in square brackets after the name of each instrument listed below).

In relation to determinations made under the Defence Act 1903, the legislative instrument may be consulted at

Instruments received week ending 29 November 2013

Aged Care Act 1997


Aged Care (Residential Care Subsidy - Homeless Supplement Amount) Determination 2013 [F2013L01984]


Residential Care Subsidy Amendment (Homeless Supplement) Principle 2013 [F2013L01981]


Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry Act 1997


Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry (Beef Export to the USA-Quota Year 2014) Order 2013 [F2013L01966]


Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry (Sheepmeat and Goatmeat Export to the European Union—Quota Year 2014) Order 2013 [F2013L01965]


Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998


Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (confidentiality) determination No. 22 of 2013 [F2013L01983]


Charter of the United Nations Act 1945


Charter of the United Nations (Sanctions—Somalia) Amendment Regulation 2013 (No. 1) [Select Legislative Instrument 2013 No. 246] [F2013L01974]


Civil Aviation Act 1988


AD/CESSNA 400/86 Amdt 2 - Powerplant Fire Detection System – Installation [F2013L01958]


AD/PZL/5 Amdt 2 - Centre Wing to Outboard Wing Attachment Joints [F2013L01967]


CASA ADCX 024/13 - Revocation of Airworthiness Directive [F2013L01957]


Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Crew Licensing Suite) Regulation 2013 [Select Legislative Instrument 2013 No. 254] [F2013L01976]


Clean Energy Act 2011


Clean Energy Legislation Amendment (Jobs and Competitiveness Program) Regulation 2013 [Select Legislative Instrument 2013 No. 243] [F2013L01975]


Corporations Act 2001


ASIC Class Order [CO 13/1406] [F2013L01986]


ASIC Class Order [CO 13/1409] [F2013L01987]


ASIC Class Order [CO 13/1410] [F2013L01988]


ASIC Class Order [CO 13/1411] [F2013L01989]


ASIC Class Order [CO 13/1412] [F2013L01990]


ASIC Class Order [CO 13/1413] [F2013L01991]


ASIC Class Order [CO 13/1473] [F2013L01992]


ASIC Class Rule Waiver [CW 13/1448] [F2013L01961]


ASIC Class Rule Waiver [CW 13/1479] [F2013L01959]


Criminal Code Act 1995


Criminal Code (Terrorist Organisation—Al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula) Regulation 2013 [Select Legislative Instrument 2013 No. 241] [F2013L01969]


Currency Act 1965


Currency (Royal Australian Mint) Determination 2013 (No. 5) [F2013L01960]


Customs Act 1901


Customs Amendment (Record Keeping Requirements and Other Measures) Regulation 2013 [Select Legislative Instrument 2013 No. 251] [F2013L01968]


Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999


Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens - Torres Strait Tropical Rock Lobster Fishery 13/11/2013 [EPBC303DC/SFS/2013/57] [F2013L01956]


Fair Work Act 2009


Fair Work and Other Legislation Amendment (AusAID) Regulation 2013 [Select Legislative Instrument 2013 No. 242] [F2013L01972]


Federal Court of Australia Act 1976


Federal Court Amendment (Electronic Court File Measures No. 1) Rules 2013 [Select Legislative Instrument 2013 No. 256] [F2013L01970]


Fisheries Management Act 1991


Heard Island and McDonald Islands Fishery Total Allowable Catch Determination 2013 [F2013L01996]


Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975


Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment (Public Moorings and Infrastructure) Regulation 2013 [Select Legislative Instrument 2013 No. 244] [F2013L01973]


Health Insurance Act 1973


Health Insurance Legislation Amendment (Various Measures) Regulation 2013 [Select Legislative Instrument 2013 No. 250] [F2013L01982]


Health Insurance (Diagnostic Imaging Services Table) Regulation 2013 [Select Legislative Instrument 2013 No. 247] [F2013L01979]


Health Insurance (General Medical Services Table) Regulation 2013 [Select Legislative Instrument 2013 No. 248] [F2013L01980]


Health Insurance (Pathology Services Table) Regulation 2013 [Select Legislative Instrument 2013 No. 249] [F2013L01978]


Higher Education Support Act 2003


Higher Education Provider Approval No. 6 of 2013 [F2013L01985]


Higher Education Support Act 2003 - VET Provider Approval (No. 70 of 2013) [F2013L01993]


Migration Act 1958


Migration Amendment (Internet Applications and Related Matters) Regulation 2013 [Select Legislative Instrument 2013 No. 252] [F2013L01962]


Migration Amendment (Visa Application Charge and Related Matters No. 2) Regulation 2013 [Select Legislative Instrument 2013 No. 253] [F2013L01963]


National Health Act 1953


National Health (Concession or entitlement card fee) Amendment Determination 2013 (No. 1) (No. PB 86 of 2013) [F2013L01955]


Radiocommunications Act 1992


Radiocommunications (Spectrum Access Charges - 2.3 GHz Band) Determination 2013 [F2013L01994]


Radiocommunications (Spectrum Access Charges — 1800 MHz Band) Determination 2013 (No. 2) [F2013L01995]


Social Security Act 1991


Social Security (Disaster Recovery Allowance) (Rate calculator) Determination 2013 [F2013L01971]


Social Security (Disaster Recovery Allowance) (Prescribed payments) Determination 2013 [F2013L01964]

E -

Water Act 2007


Water Amendment (Interactions with State Laws and Water Information) Regulation 2013 [Select Legislative Instrument 2013 No. 245] [F2013L01977]



Instruments received week ending 6 December 2013

Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994


Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2013 (No. 10) [F2013L02030]

E -

Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests (Treatment) Act 2006


Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests) 2006 (No. R45/2013) [F2013L02027]


Treatment Principles (Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests) 2006 (No. R54/2013) [F2013L02031]


Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998


Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (confidentiality) determination No. 21 of 2013 [F2013L02032]


Autonomous Sanctions Act 2011


Autonomous Sanctions (Designated Persons and Entities and Declared Persons - Libya) Amendment List 2013 [F2013L02044]


Broadcasting Services Act 1992


Broadcasting Services (Events) Notice (No. 1) 2010 (Amendment No. 17 of 2013) [F2013L02042]


Broadcasting Services (Primary Commercial Television Broadcasting Service) Amendment Declaration 2013 (No. 3) [F2013L01999]


Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011


Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) (Native Forest from Managed Regrowth) Methodology Determination 2013 [F2013L02036]


Civil Aviation Act 1988


CASA 254/13 - Direction — number of cabin attendants (Sunstate Airlines) [F2013L02019]


CASA 260/13 - Direction under subregulation 235(2) relating to landing weight and landing distance required [F2013L02020]


CASA ADCX 025/13 - Revocation of Airworthiness Directives [F2013L02035]


CASA EX127/13 - Exemption — instrument rating flight tests in a synthetic flight training device [F2013L02034]


Disability Services Act 1986


Disability Services Act (Administration of Part II of the Act) Guidelines 2013 [F2013L02002]


Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999


Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens - Hippopus hippopus (horse’s hoof clam) (19/11/2013) [EPBC303DC/SFS/2013/58] [F2013L01998]


Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens - Pilbara Fish Trawl Interim Managed Fishery (19/11/2013) [EPBC303DC/SFS/2013/56] [F2013L01997]


Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens - Queensland East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery (26/11/2013) (deletion) [EPBC303DC/SFS/2013/53] [F2013L02003]


Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens - Queensland East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery (26/11/2013) (inclusion) [EPBC303DC/SFS/2013/61] [F2013L02004]


Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens - Queensland Gulf of Carpentaria Line Fishery (26/11/2013) (deletion) [EPBC303DC/SFS/2013/60] [F2013L02000]


Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens - Queensland Gulf of Carpentaria Line Fishery (26/11/2013) (inclusion) [EPBC303DC/SFS/2013/48] [F2013L02001]


Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997


Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 Determination 2013/15 — Section 32 (Transfer of Functions from DRALGAS to Health and PM&C) [F2013L02021]

E -

Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 Determination 2013/16 – Section 32 (Transfer of Functions from PM&C to Social Services) [F2013L02022]

E -

Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 Determination 2013/17 — Section 32 (Transfer of Functions from Health to Social Services) [F2013L02024]

E -

Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 Determination 2013/18 — Section 32 (Transfer of Functions from Industry to Education) [F2013L02025]

E -

Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 Determination 2013/19 — Section 32 (Transfer of Functions from DEEWR to PM&C) [F2013L02026]

E -

Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991


Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code — Standard 1.4.2 — Maximum Residue Limits Amendment Instrument No. APVMA 7, 2013 [F2013L02028]

E -

Food Standards (Application A1075 – Quillaia Extract (Quillaja Extract) as a Food Additive (Emulsifier)) Variation [F2013L02037]

E -

Food Standards (Proposal P1019 – Carbon Monoxide as a Processing Aid for Fish) Variation [F2013L02039]

E -

Health Insurance Act 1973


Health Insurance (Accredited Pathology Laboratories - Approval) Amendment Principles 2013 (No. 1) [F2013L02017]


Health Insurance (Pharmacogenetic Testing) Determination 2013 (No. 1) [F2013L02018]


Higher Education Support Act 2003


Higher Education Provider Approval No. 7 of 2013 [F2013L02041]


Higher Education Support Act 2003 - VET Provider Approval (No. 71 of 2013) [F2013L02040]


Higher Education Support Act 2003 - VET Provider Approval (No. 72 of 2013) [F2013L02005]


Migration Act 1958


Migration Act 1958 - Determination of Granting of Protection Class XA Visas in 2013/2014 Financial Year - IMMI 13/156 [F2013L02038]


Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004


MRCA Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (No. MRCC 44/2013) [F2013L02012]


MRCA Treatment Principles (No. MRCC 53/2013) [F2013L02016]


National Health Act 1953


National Health (Efficient Funding of Chemotherapy) Special Arrangement Amendment Instrument 2013 (No. 11) (No. PB 79 of 2013) [F2013L02023]


National Health (Highly specialised drugs program for hospitals) Special Arrangement Amendment Instrument 2013 (No. 8) (No. PB 78 of 2013) [F2013L02011]


National Health (Listed drugs on F1 or F2) Amendment Determination 2013 (No. 7) (No. PB 76 of 2013) [F2013L02008]


National Health (Listing of Pharmaceutical Benefits) Amendment Instrument 2013 (No. 13) (No. PB 74 of 2013) [F2013L02013]


National Health (Pharmaceutical Benefits - Therapeutic Groups) Amendment Determination 2013 (No. 4) (No. PB 77 of 2013) [F2013L02010]


National Health (Price and Special Patient Contribution) Amendment Determination 2013 (No. 7) (No. PB 75 of 2013) [F2013L02007]


National Health Act (Pharmaceutical Benefits - Early Supply) Amendment December 2013 - specification under subsection 84AAA(2) (No. PB 83 of 2013) [F2013L02014]


National Health Act 1953 - Amendment determination under paragraph 98C(1)(b) (No. PB 80 of 2013) [F2013L02015]


Radiocommunications Act 1992


Radiocommunications (Spectrum Access Charges — 1800 MHz Band) Determination 2013 (No. 1) [F2013L02006]


Research Involving Human Embryos Act 2002


Declaration of 'corresponding State laws' [F2013L02043]


Therapeutic Goods Act 1989


Therapeutic Goods (Listing) Notice 2013 (No. 7) [F2013L02033]


Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986


Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (No. R43/2013) [F2013L02009]


Treatment Principles (No. R52/2013) [F2013L02029]



Instruments received week ending 13 December 2013

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998


Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (confidentiality) determination No. 25 of 2013 [F2013L02065]


Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (confidentiality) determination No. 26 of 2013 [F2013L02066]


Autonomous Sanctions Act 2011


Autonomous Sanctions (Designated Persons and Entities - Democratic People's Republic of Korea) Amendment List 2013 [F2013L02049]


Civil Aviation Act 1988


Civil Aviation Order 100.5 Amendment Instrument 2013 (No. 3) [F2013L02068]


CASA 267/13 - Approval — means of providing surface wind information - Exemption — provision of a wind direction indicator [F2013L02069]


CASA EX121/13 - Exemption - from standard take-off and landing minima - Japan Airlines [F2013L02072]


CASA EX123/13 - Exemption — solo flight training at Archerfield Aerodrome using ultralight aeroplanes registered with Recreational Aviation Australia [F2013L02061]


CASA EX124/13 - Exemption - from standard take-off and landing minima - Philippine Airlines [F2013L02071]


Commonwealth Places (Mirror Taxes) Act 1998


Commonwealth Places (Mirror Taxes) (Modification of Applied Law - Victoria) Notice 2013 [F2013L02055]


Corporations Act 2001


ASIC Class Rule Waiver [CW 13/1543] [F2013L02062]


Customs Act 1901


Customs By-law No. 1339704 [F2013L02056]

E -

Revocation of Customs By-law - Instrument of Revocation No. 3 (2013) [F2013L02057]

E -

Defence Act 1903


Defence Determination 2013/55, Means of travel – amendment


Defence Determination 2013/56, Interdependent partner, recreation leave and travel costs - amendment


Defence Determination 2013/57, Education assistance - amendment


Defence Determination 2013/58, Higher duties allowance - amendment


Defence Determination 2013/59, Dependents with special needs, Maternity leave and travel - amendment


Defence Determination 2013/60, Post indexes - price review


Defence Honours and Awards Appeals Tribunal Amendment Procedural Rule 2013 (No. 1) [F2013L02047]


Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999


Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable for Live Import (17/11/2013) (1) [EPBC/s.303EC/SSLI/Amend/065] [F2013L02051]


Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable for Live Import (17/11/2013) (2) [EPBC/s.303EC/SSLI/Amend/066] [F2013L02052]


Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 - Conservation Themes for Prioritising Nominations for Listing Threatened Species, Threatened Ecological Communities and Key Threatening Processes for the Assessment Period Commencing 1 October 2014 (21/11/2013) (155) [F2013L02074]

E -

Fair Work Act 2009


Fair Work Commission Rules 2013 [F2013L02054]


Financial Sector (Collection of Data) Act 2001


Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting standard) determination No. 100 of 2013 - SRS 703.0 - Fees Disclosed [F2013L02064]


High Court of Australia Act 1979


High Court Amendment Rules 2013 (No. 2) [Select Legislative Instrument 2013 No. 257] [F2013L02048]


Higher Education Support Act 2003


Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines (Education) 2013 [F2013L02070]


Higher Education Support Act 2003 – Tax file number guidelines for higher education providers and Open Universities Australia Revocation 2013 [F2013L02067]


Higher Education Support Act 2003 - VET Provider Approval (No. 73 of 2013) [F2013L02045]


Higher Education Support Act 2003 - VET Provider Approval (No. 74 of 2013) [F2013L02059]


Migration Act 1958


Migration Agents Regulations 1998 - Specification of Class of Persons - IMMI 13/153 [F2013L02053]


Migration Regulations 1994 - Specification of Post Office Box and Courier Addresses - IMMI 13/144 [F2013L02046]

E -

Parliamentary Service Act 1999


Parliamentary Service Amendment Determination 2013 (No. 1) [F2013L02060]


Remuneration Tribunal Act 1973


Remuneration Tribunal Determination 2013/24 - Remuneration and Allowances for Holders of Public Office [F2013L02073]


Social Security (Administration) Act 1999


Social Security (Administration) (Specified vulnerable and declared voluntary income management areas) Amendment Determination 2013 [F2013L02058]


Superannuation Act 2005


Tenth Amendment of the Superannuation (PSSAP) Trust Deed [F2013L02063]


Taxation Administration Act 1953


Taxation Administration Act 1953 (Meaning of End Benefit) Instrument 2013 [F2013L02050]



Instruments received week ending 20 December 2013

Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976


Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Amendment (Delegation) Regulation 2013 [SLI 2013 No. 272] [F2013L02122]


Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983


Australian Broadcasting Corporation (Selection criteria for the appointment of non-executive Directors) Determination 2013 [F2013L02091]


Australian Citizenship Act 2007


Australian Citizenship Amendment (Foreign Currency) Regulation 2013 [SLI 2013 No. 267] [F2013L02120]


Australian Education Act 2013


Australian Education (SES Scores) Determination 2013 [F2013L02136]


Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998


Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (confidentiality) determination No. 24 of 2013 [F2013L02086]


Australian Prudential Regulation Authority(confidentiality) determination No. 23 of 2013 [F2013L02088]


Civil Aviation Act 1988


Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Crew Licensing and Other Matters) Regulation 2013 [SLI 2013 No. 274[ [F2013L02129]


Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Maintenance and Other Matters) Regulation 2013 [SLI 2013 No. 275[ [F2013L02128]


Civil Aviation Regulations 1988


CASA 239/13 - Direction under regulation 209 - conduct of parachute training operations [F2013L02111]


CASA EX131/13 - Exemption — Jetstar Boeing 787-8 aircraft passive participation in land and hold short operations [F2013L02082]


Competition and Consumer Act 2010


Competition and Consumer Amendment Regulation 2013 (No. 4) [SLI 2013 No. 277[ [F2013L02092]


Corporations Act 2001


ASIC Class Order [CO 13/1534] [F2013L02077]


Court Security Act 2013


Court Security Regulation 2013 [SLI 2013 No. 260] [F2013L02112]


Criminal Code Act 1995


Criminal Code (Terrorist Organisation—Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) Regulation 2013 [SLI 2013 No. 261] [F2013L02097]


Customs Act 1901


Customs Amendment (Infringement Notices) Regulation 2013 [SLI 2013 No. 271] [F2013L02125]


Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999


Amendment - List of Specimens taken to be Suitable for Live Import (26/11/2013) (1) [F2013L02079]


Amendment - List of Specimens taken to be Suitable for Live Import (26/11/2013) (2) [F2013L02080]


Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens - Western Australian Pearl Oyster Fishery (12/12/2013) [F2013L02087]


Amendment to the list of migratory species under section 209 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (26/11/2013) [F2013L02109]


Amendment to the list of threatened species under section 178 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (145) (21/11/2013) [F2013L02075]


Amendment to the list of threatened species under section 178 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (146) (04/11/2013) [F2013L02106]


Amendment to the list of threatened species under section 178 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (150) (03/12/2013) [F2013L02107]


Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (Commonwealth Marine Reserves) Proclamation 2013 [F2013L02108]

E -

Fair Work Act 2009


Fair Work Amendment (Anti-Bullying) Regulation 2013 [SLI 2013 No. 263] [F2013L02094]


Fair Work (State Declarations - employer not to be a national system employer) Endorsement 2013 (No. 3) [F2013L02116]

E -

Family Law Act 1975


Family Law Amendment (Scale of Costs) Rules 2013 [SLI 2013 No. 282] [F2013L02132]


Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997


Financial Management and Accountability Amendment (2013 Measures No. 1) Regulation 2013 [SLI 2013 No. 281] [F2013L02089]


Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 Determination 2013/20 – Section 32 (Transfer of Functions from DEEWR to Education and Employment) [F2013L02110]

E -

Fisheries Levy Act 1984


Fisheries Levy (Torres Strait Prawn Fishery) Amendment Regulation 2013 (No. 1) [SLI 2013 No. 259] [F2013L02099]


Fisheries Management Act 1991


Logbook Determination (Particular Fisheries) 2013 No. 2 [F2013L02114]


Fisheries Management Act 1991 and Fishing Levy Act 1991


Fishing Levy Regulation 2013 [SLI 2013 No. 258] [F2013L02127]


Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991


Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code - Standard 1.4.2 - Maximum Residue Limits Amendment Instrument No. APVMA 8, 2013 [F2013L02130]

E -

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975


Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment (Outlook Report and Other Measures) Regulation 2013 [SLI 2013 No. 264] [F2013L02137]


Health Insurance Act 1973


Health Insurance (Allied Health Services) Determination 2014 [F2013L02134]


Health Insurance (Pharmacogenetic Testing - Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor) Determination 2013 [F2013L02131]


Higher Education Support Act 2003


Amendment No. 1 to the Commonwealth Grant Scheme Guidelines 2012 [F2013L02078]


Insurance Act 1973


Insurance (exemption) determination No. 2 of 2013 - Audit requirements relating to certain yearly statutory accounts [F2013L02141]


Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 1 of 2013 - Prudential Standard GPS 230 - Reinsurance Management [F2013L02139]


Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 2 of 2013 - Prudential Standard GPS 310 - Audit and Related Matters [F2013L02140]


Migration Act 1958


Migration Amendment (AusAID) Regulation 2013 [SLI 2013 No. 268] [F2013L02103]


Migration Amendment (Bridging Visas—Code of Behaviour) Regulation 2013 SLI 2013 No. 269 [F2013L02102]


Migration Amendment (Disclosure of Information) Regulation 2013 [SLI 2013 No. 270] [F2013L02101]


Migration Amendment (Unauthorised Maritime Arrival) Regulation 2013 [SLI 2013 No. 280] [F2013L02104]


Migration Regulations 1994


Code of Behaviour for Public Interest Criterion 4022 - IMMI 13/155 [F2013L02105]


Migration Regulations 1994 - Specification of Payment of Visa Application Charges and Fees in Foreign Currencies (Conversion Instrument) - IMMI 13/126 [F2013L02085]


Migration Regulations 1994 - Specification of Places and Currencies for Paying of Fees - Places and Currencies Instrument - IMMI 13/127 [F2013L02115]

E -

National Health Act 1953


National Health (Supplies of out-patient medication) Determination 2013 [F2013L02133]


National Health (Weighted average disclosed price - main disclosure cycle) Determination 2013 (No. 2) (PB 82 of 2013) [F2013L02124]


Native Title Act 1993


Native Title (Assistance from Attorney-General) Amendment Guideline 2013 [F2013L02084]


Navigation Act 2012


Marine Order 18 (Measures to enhance maritime safety) 2013 [F2013L02096]


Marine Order 21 (Safety of navigation and emergency procedures) Modification 2013 (No. 1) [F2013L02095]


Navigation Act 2012 and Protection of the Sea (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) Act 1983


Marine Order 96 (Marine pollution prevention — sewage) 2013 [F2013L02098]


Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Regulatory Levies) Act 2003


Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Regulatory Levies) Amendment (Safety Case and Environment Plan Levies) Regulation 2013 [SLI 2013 No. 273] [F2013L02117]


Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act 1989


Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Amendment (Various Matters) Regulation 2013 [SLI 2013 No. 265] [F2013L02135]


Privacy Act 1988


Privacy Regulation 2013 [SLI 2013 No. 262] [F2013L02126]


Private Health Insurance Act 2007


Private Health Insurance (Benefit Requirements) Amendment Rules 2013 (No. 7) [F2013L02113]


Programs and Awards Statute 2013


Assessment Rules (No. 4) 2013 [F2013L02138]

E -

Coursework Handbook Rules 2013 [F2013L02083]

E -

Protection of the Sea (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) Act 1983, Protection of the Sea (Harmful Anti-fouling Systems) Act 2006 and Navigation Act 2012


Marine Order 1 (Administration) 2013 [F2013L02093]


Public Service Act 1999


Public Service Amendment (Public Interest Disclosure and Other Matters) Regulation 2013 [SLI 2013 No. 276] [F2013L02121]


Public Works Committee Act 1969


Public Works Committee Amendment Regulation 2013 (No. 2) [SLI 2013 No. 266] [F2013L02119]


Radiocommunications Act 1992


Radiocommunications (26.5–31.3 GHz Band) Reform Instrument 2013 [F2013L02100]


Retirement Savings Accounts Regulations 1997 and Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 and Superannuation Contributions Tax (Assessment and Collection) Act 1997


Superannuation Legislation Amendment (2013 Measures No. 2) Regulation 2013 [SLI 2013 No. 278] [F2013L02118]


Social Security Act 1991


Social Security Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Determination 2013 (No. 2) [F2013L02076]


Special Broadcasting Service Act 1991


Special Broadcasting Service Corporation (Selection criteria for the appointment of non-executive Directors) Determination 2013 [F2013L02090]


Student Assistance Act 1973


Student Assistance (Education Institutions and Courses) Amendment Determination 2013 (No. 1) [F2013L02081]


Taxation Administration Act 1953 and Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 and A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 and Income Tax Assessment Act 1997


Tax Laws Amendment (2013 Measures No. 1) Regulation 2013 [SLI 2013 No. 279] [F2013L02123]



Instruments received week ending 27 December 2013

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998


Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (confidentiality) determination No. 27 of 2013 [F2013L02158]


Currency Act 1965


Currency (Perth Mint) Determination 2013 (No. 5) [F2013L02142]


Customs Act 1901


Customs (Definition of “compliance period”) Determination 2013 [F2013L02172]


Customs (Definition of “small-medium enterprise”) Determination 2013 [F2013L02171]


Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999


Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens - Tasmanian Scalefish Fishery (16/12/2013) [F2013L02156]


Fair Work Act 2009


Fair Work Commission Amendment (Anti-Bullying and Other Measures) Rules 2013 [F2013L02160]


Fees Statute 2006


Tuition Fees Order (No. 2) 2013 [F2013L02154]

E -

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) Act 2001


Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting standard) determination No. 101 of 2013 - GRS 460.0 - Reinsurance Assets by Counterparty [F2013L02147]


Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting standard) determination No. 102 of 2013 - GRS 460.1 - Exposure Analysis by Reinsurance Counterparty [F2013L02148]


Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting standard) determination No. 103 of 2013 - GRS 460.0_G - Reinsurance Assets by Counterparty (Level 2 Insurance Group) [F2013L02149]


Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting standard) determination No. 104 of 2013 - GRS 460.1_G - Exposure Analysis by Reinsurance Counterparty (Level 2 Insurance Group) [F2013L02151]


Higher Education Support Act 2003


Higher Education (Maximum Amounts for Commonwealth Scholarships) Determination 2013 [F2013L02164]


Higher Education (Maximum Amounts for Other Grants) Determination 2013 [F2013L02165]


Higher Education Support (Maximum Grant Amounts) List Variation 2013 [F2013L02145]


Higher Education Support Act 2003 - List of Grants under Division 41 for 2014 [F2013L02144]


Migration Act 1958


Migration Act 1958 - Revocation of IMMI 13/156 'Granting of Protection Class XA Visas in 2013/2014 Financial Year' - IMMI 13/159 [F2013L02163]

E -

National Health Act 1953


National Health (Listing of Pharmaceutical Benefits) Amendment Instrument 2013 (No. 14) (No. PB 88 of 2013) [F2013L02170]


National Health (Prescriber bag supplies) Amendment Determination 2013 (No. 2) (No. PB 90 of 2013) [F2013L02168]


National Health (Price and Special Patient Contribution) Amendment Determination 2013 (No. 8) (No. PB 89 of 2013) [F2013L02169]


National Health Act 1953 - Amendment determination under paragraph 98C(1)(b) (No. PB 91 of 2013 [F2013L02167]


Private Health Insurance Act 2007


Private Health Insurance (Data Provision) Rules 2013 [F2013L02161]


Private Health Insurance (Health Insurance Business) Rules 2013 [F2013L02159]


Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013


Public Interest Disclosure Standard 2013 [F2013L02146]


Radiocommunications Act 1992


Radiocommunications (Unacceptable Levels of Interference — 2.3 GHz Band) Determination 2013 [F2013L02155]


Radiocommunications Advisory Guidelines (Managing Interference from Spectrum Licensed Transmitters — 2.3 GHz Band) 2013 [F2013L02143]


Radiocommunications Advisory Guidelines (Managing Interference to Spectrum Licensed Receivers — 2.3 GHz Band) 2013 [F2013L02150]


Social Security (Administration) Act 1999


Social Security (Administration) (Recognised State/Territory Authority - Qld Family Responsibilities Commission) Determination 2013 [F2013L02153]


Social Security Act 1991


Social Security (Personal Care Support) (NSW Government Individual Budgets: Direct Payments) Determination 2013 [F2013L02152]


Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011


Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 - Determination of Fees No. 3 of 2013 [F2013L02162]


Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 - Notice of revocation of Ministerial Direction No. 1 of 2013 [F2013L02157]


Work Health and Safety Act 2011


Work Health and Safety (Operation Sovereign Borders) Declaration 2013 [F2013L02166]


Instruments received week ending 3 January 2014

No instruments were received.

Instruments received week ending 10 January 2014

No instruments were received.

Instruments received week ending 17 January 2014

Aged Care Act 1997


Accountability Amendment (Quality Agency) Principle 2013 [F2013L02179]


Complaints Amendment (Quality Agency) Principle 2013 [F2013L02181]


Residential Care Subsidy Amendment (Leave from Care) Determination 2013 [F2013L02182]


Information Amendment (Quality Agency) Principle 2013 [F2013L02183]


Residential Care Subsidy Amendment (Quality Agency) Principle 2013 [F2013L02184]


Committee Amendment (Aged Care Financing Authority) Principle 2013 [F2013L02185]


User Rights Amendment (Investment of Accommodation Bonds) Principle 2013 [F2013L02186]


Quality Agency Reporting Principles 2013 [F2013L02189]


Auditor-General Act 1997


Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) Auditing Standards (19/12/2013) [F2014L00027]


Australian Aged Care Quality Agency (Transitional Provisions) Act 2013


Australian Aged Care Quality Agency (Transitional Provisions) Regulation 2013 [SLI 2013 No. 255] [F2013L02190]


Australian Aged Care Quality Agency Act 2013


Quality Agency Principles 2013 [F2013L02188]


Banking Act 1959


Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 3 of 2013 - Prudential Standard APS 210 – Liquidity [F2013L02187]


Broadcasting Services Act 1992          Broadcasting Services (Events) Notice (No. 1) 2010 (Amendment No. 18 of 2013) [F2014L00029]


Broadcasting Services (Events) Notice (No. 1) 2010 (Amendment No. 19 of 2013) [F2014L00030]


Licence Area Plan - Sydney Radio - Variation No. 1 of 2013 [F2014L00057]


Charities Act 2013


Charities (Definition of Government Entity) Instrument 2013 [F2013L02173]


Civil Aviation Act 1988 and Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998


Manual of Standards Part 172 Amendment Instrument 2013 (No. 1) [F2013L02178]


Civil Aviation Act 1988, Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 and Civil Aviation Regulations 1988


Civil Aviation Order 48.1 Amendment Instrument 2013 (No. 1) [F2013L02192]


Civil Aviation Regulations 1988


CASA 294/13 - Direction under subregulation 235(2) relating to landing weight and landing distance required [F2014L00003]


CASA EX135/13 - Exemption – carriage of flight data recorder – Pel-Air Aviation [F2013L02174]


CASA EX134/13 - Exemption — operations by hang-gliders in the Corryong Cup [F2013L02197]


CASA EX129/13 - Exemption – recency requirements for night flying – Regional Express Pty Ltd [F2014L00002]


CASA ADCX 026/13 - Revocation of Airworthiness Directives [F2014L00041]


CASA ADCX 001/14 - Revocation of Airworthiness Directives [F2014L00048]


Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 and Acts Interpretation Act 1901


CASA ADCX 027/13 - Revocation of Airworthiness Directives [F2014L00042]


Corporations Act 2001            ASIC Class Order [CO 13/1621] [F2014L00039]


Customs Act 1901


Customs Act 1901 - Specified Percentage of Total Factory Costs Determination No. 1 of 2013 [F2013L02198]


Disability Services Act 1986


Disability Services Act (National Standards for Disability Services) Determination 2013 [F2013L02180]


Education Services for Overseas Students (TPS Levies) Act 2012


Education Services for Overseas Students (TPS Levies) (Risk Rated Premium and Special Tuition Protection Components) Determination 2013 [F2013L02176]


Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999


Amendment to the list of threatened species under section 178 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (147) (04/12/2013) [F2013L02175]


Amendment to the list of threatened species, ecological communities and key threatening processes under section 178, 181 and 183 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (153) (11/11/2013) [F2013L02177]


Amendment to the list of threatened species under section 178 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (148) (12/12/2013) [F2014L00004]


Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens - Northern Prawn Fishery (20/12/2013) (inclusion) [F2014L00046]


Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens - Northern Prawn Fishery (20/12/2013) (deletion) [F2014L00047]


Fair Work (Building Industry) Act 2012


Amendment No. 1 to the Building Code 2013 [F2013L02196]


Federal Court of Australia Act 1976


Federal Court Amendment (Costs and Other Measures) Rules 2013 [SLI 2013 No. 283] [F2014L00001]


Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997


Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 Determination 2013/21 – Section 32 (Transfer of Functions from Social Services to AACQA) [F2013L02194]

E -

Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991        Food Standards (Application A1077 – Fungal Chitosan as a Processing Aid) Variation [F2014L00033]

E -

Food Standards (Application A1080 – Food derived from Herbicide-tolerant Cotton MON88701) Variation [F2014L00035]

E -

Food Standards (Proposal M1009 – Maximum Residue Limits) Variation [F2014L00037]

E -

Higher Education Support Act 2003


Higher Education Support Act 2003 - VET Provider Approval (No. 75 of 2013) [F2014L00031]


Higher Education Support Act 2003 - VET Provider Approval (No. 1 of 2014) [F2014L00043]


Amendment No. 1 to the VET Guidelines 2013 [F2014L00049]


Higher Education Support Act 2003 - Revocation of Approval as a Higher Education Provider (Jansen Newman Institute Pty Ltd) [F2014L00053


Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989


Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule – Definitions and Vehicle Categories) 2005 Amendment 7 [F2014L00032]


Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 38/04 – Trailer Brake Systems) 2013 [F2014L00055]


National Health Act 1953


National Health (Highly specialised drugs program for hospitals) Special Arrangement Amendment Instrument 2013 (No. 9) (No. PB 92 of 2013) [F2013L02191]


National Health (Paraplegic and Quadriplegic Program) Special Arrangement Amendment Instrument 2013 (No. 4) (No. PB 94 of 2013) [F2013L02193]


National Health (Efficient Funding of Chemotherapy) Special Arrangement Amendment Instrument 2013 (No. 12) (No. PB 93 of 2013) [F2013L02195]


National Health Determination under paragraph 98C(1)(b) Amendment 2014 (No. 1) (PB 3 of 2014) [F2014L00050]


National Health (Listing of Pharmaceutical Benefits) Amendment Instrument 2014 (No. 1) (No. PB 1 of 2014) [F2014L00051]


National Health (Price and Special Patient Contribution) Amendment Determination 2014 (No. 1) (No. PB 2 of 2014) [F2014L00052]


Plant Health Australia (Plant Industries) Funding Act 2002


Plant Health Australia (Plant Industries) Funding Determination 2013 [F2014L00056]


Primary Industries (Excise) Levies Act 1999


Primary Industries (Excise) Levies (Designated Bodies) Declaration 2013 [F2014L00054]


Private Health Insurance Act 2007


Private Health Insurance (Complying Product) Amendment Rules 2013
(No. 5) [F2014L00017]


Private Health Insurance (Incentives) Amendment Rules 2013 (No. 1) [F2014L00019]


Radiocommunications (Receiver Licence Tax) Act 1983


Radiocommunications (Receiver Licence Tax) Amendment Determination 2013 [F2014L00036]


Radiocommunications (Transmitter Licence Tax) Amendment Determination 2013 [F2014L00038]


Radiocommunications Act 1992

Radiocommunications (Trading Rules for Spectrum Licences) Amendment Determination 2013 [F2014L00034]


Radiocommunications Licence Conditions (PTS Licence) Determination 2013 [F2014L00045]


Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988


Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation (Definition of Employee) Amendment Notice 2013 [F2014L00006]


Social Security Act 1991


Social Security (Personal Care Support) (United Kingdom Government Personal Independence Payment) Determination 2013 [F2014L00021]


Taxation Administration Act 1953


Taxation Administration Act 1953 - PAYG withholding - Occasional payroll donations to deductible gift recipients No. 4 [F2014L00012]


Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979


Notice of a declaration of a Commonwealth Royal Commission as an eligible Commonwealth authority under section 5AA of the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 [F2014L00040]


Therapeutic Goods Act 1989


Poisons Standard Amendment No. 1 of 2014 [F2014L00044]

E -

Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986


Statement of Principles concerning heart block No. 2 of 2014 [F2014L00005]


Statement of Principles concerning heart block No. 1 of 2014 [F2014L00007]


Statement of Principles concerning dermatomyositis No. 9 of 2014 [F2014L00008]


Statement of Principles concerning dental pulp and apical disease No. 4 of 2014 [F2014L00009]


Statement of Principles concerning morbid obesity No. 5 of 2014 [F2014L00010]


Statement of Principles concerning dermatomyositis No. 10 of 2014 [F2014L00011]


Statement of Principles concerning chronic fatigue syndrome No. 11 of 2014 [F2014L00013]


Statement of Principles concerning dental pulp and apical disease No. 3 of 2014 [F2014L00014]


Statement of Principles concerning chronic fatigue syndrome No. 12 of 2014 [F2014L00015]


Statement of Principles concerning fibromyalgia No. 13 of 2014 [F2014L00016]


Statement of Principles concerning fibromyalgia No. 14 of 2014 [F2014L00018]


Statement of Principles concerning sick sinus syndrome No. 15 of 2014 [F2014L00020]


Statement of Principles concerning morbid obesity No. 6 of 2014 [F2014L00022]


Statement of Principles concerning narcolepsy No. 7 of 2014 [F2014L00023]


Statement of Principles concerning sick sinus syndrome No. 16 of 2014 [F2014L00024]


Statement of Principles concerning narcolepsy No. 8 of 2014 [F2014L00025]


Amendment Statement of Principles concerning Alzheimer-type dementia No. 17 of 2014 [F2014L00026]


Amendment Statement of Principles concerning Alzheimer-type dementia No. 18 of 2014 [F2014L00028]



Instruments received week ending 24 January 2014

Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994


Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2014 (No. 1) [F2014L00065]

E -

Corporations Act 2001


ASIC Class order [CO 13/1644] [F2014L00058]


ASIC Market Integrity Rules (FEX Market) 2013 [F2014L00063]


Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999


Amendment to the list of threatened species, ecological communities and key threatening processes under section 178, 181 and 183 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (131) (20/12/2013) [F2014L00062]


Higher Education Support Act 2003


Higher Education Provider Approval No. 1 of 2014 [F2014L00059]


Higher Education Support Act 2003 - VET Provider Approval (No. 2 of 2014) [F2014L00060]


National Health Act 1953


National Health Act 1953 - Amendment Determination under section 84AH (2014) (No. 1) (No. PB 7 of 2014) [F2014L00064]


Social Security Act 1991


Social Security (Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment) Determination 2014 (No. 1) [F2014L00061]

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Instruments received week ending 31 January 2014

No instruments were received.

The committee considered 315 legislative instruments.

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