Marine Engineers Qualifications Bill 2013

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Marine Engineers Qualifications Bill 2013

Introduced into the House of Representatives on 18 March 2013

By: Mr Wilkie


1.64      This bill seeks to set minimum standards in relation to the certification of marine engineering and electro-technical competency in order to prevent any reduction in those standards.  The bill will require relevant marine regulations, such as Marine Orders, to be amended by the issuing authority to comply with and give effect to the existing Australian standards for engineering training and certification.

Compatibility with human rights

1.65      The bill is accompanied by a self-contained statement of compatibility which states that the bill engages and promotes the right to safe and healthy working conditions in article 7 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR):

This Bill helps ensure all persons have the right to safe and healthy conditions at work by ensuring a minimum competency standard. Maritime working environments have a potential to be hazardous and the competency of maritime workers can directly affect the health and safety of others.

1.66             The committee considers that the bill does not appear to give rise to any human rights concerns.

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