National Gambling Reform (Related Matters Bill (No. 2) 2012

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National Gambling Reform (Related Matters Bill (No. 2) 2012

Introduced into the House of Representatives on 1 November 2012
Portfolio: Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

1.2        This bill is part of a package of three bills in relation to a national scheme for gaming machines.

1.3        The bill imposes a gaming machine regulation levy payable by anyone entitled to any gaming machine revenue from gaming machines which do not meet precommitment systems and warning requirements.

1.4        No separate statement of compatibility was provided for this bill; instead a combined statement was provided for all three bills that form part of this package. A combined explanatory memorandum for the three bills was also submitted. Neither document identifies any human rights issues raised by this bill.

1.5        The committee considers that this bill does not appear to raise any issues of compatibility with human rights.

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