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  • Date
    16 Oct 2019 
    House of Representatives 
    Communications and the Arts 
    Amends the:
    Broadcasting Services Act 1992
    to: remove duplicative requirements for licensees, publishers and controllers to notify the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) of certain changes in control of regulated media assets; remove requirements for certain television broadcasters to apply different classification standards for films when developing industry codes of practice; remove certain classification-related licence conditions on commercial television and community television broadcasting licensees and providers of open narrowcasting services; and amend two statutory publication requirements;
    National Broadband Network Companies Act 2011
    to permit an NBN corporation to supply non-communications goods to another person in certain circumstances;
    Telecommunications Act 1997
    to: correct a technical error in relation to the admissibility of certain evidence in court proceedings; remove the requirement for the ACMA to consult with an advisory committee before declaring a submarine cable protection zone; and remove the ability of NBN Co to issue and keep a register of statements that it will not be installing fibre in a new real estate development;
    Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999
    to restore an inadvertently repealed provision clarifying that certain determinations of the minister are not legislative instruments;
    Broadcasting Legislation Amendment (Broadcasting Reform) Act 2017
    to: increase the transitional support payment for Network Investments from $632 000 to $819 000; and provide for transitional arrangements;
    Competition and Consumer Act 2010
    Telecommunications Act 1997
    to amend the statutory information collection powers of the ACMA and the ACCC;
    Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983
    Broadcasting Services Act 1992
    Special Broadcasting Service Act 1991
    to make technical amendments; and
    Telecommunications Act 1997
    and three other Acts to enable the development of an industry-based scheme for the management of telephone numbering resources. Also repeals 53 Act spent and redundant Acts; and makes amendments to four Acts to make consequential amendments and repeal redundant provisions. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    28 Nov 2019 
    House of Representatives 
    Communications, Cyber Safety and the Arts 
    Introduced with the Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Competition and Consumer) Bill 2019, the bill establishes an ongoing funding arrangement for fixed wireless and satellite infrastructure (the Regional Broadband Scheme) by imposing a monthly charge on carriers, including NBN Co Ltd, in relation to each premises connected to their network that has an active fixed-line superfast broadband service during the month. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    28 Nov 2019 
    House of Representatives 
    Communications, Cyber Safety and the Arts 
    Introduced with the Telecommunications (Regional Broadband Scheme) Charge Bill 2019, the bill amends the:
    Competition and Consumer Act 2010
    Telecommunications Act 1997
    in relation to: Layer 2 bitstream services; and statutory infrastructure providers;
    Competition and Consumer Act 2010
    Telecommunications Act 1997
    and two legislative instruments in relation to local access lines;
    Competition and Consumer Act 2010
    Telecommunications Act 1997
    Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999
    in relation to funding of fixed wireless broadband and satellite broadband; and
    National Broadband Network Companies Act 2011
    to require NBN Co to provide certain data about premises connected, or due to be connected, to the NBN. Also repeals four declarations. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    31 Jul 2019 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Communications, Cyber Safety and the Arts 
    Amends the
    Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983
    to: amend the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) Charter to require the ABC to broadcast programs that contribute to a sense of regional and national identity, and inform and entertain, and reflect the geographic and cultural diversity of, the Australian community; require the ABC Board to have two members with a substantial connection to, or substantial experience in, a regional area through business, industry or community involvement; establish a Regional Advisory Council to advise the ABC Board; and require the ABC Board to report annually on a range of additional matters, including the total number of individuals employed in regional and metropolitan areas, and the journalist to support staff ratio of employees. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    04 Dec 2019 
    House of Representatives 
    Amends the
    Student Identifiers Act 2014
    to: enable the extension of the unique student identifier from vocational education and training (VET) to higher education students; expand the powers and functions of the Student Identifiers Registrar to include the operation of the student identifier in the higher education sector; and make minor amendments contingent on the commencement of the
    Education Legislation Amendment (Tuition Protection and Other Measures) Act 2019
    Student Identifiers Amendment (Enhanced Student Permissions) Act 2019

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    04 Dec 2019 
    House of Representatives 
    Amends the
    Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011
    to: create a new criminal offence of providing or advertising an academic cheating service on a commercial basis; and broaden the role of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency to include the prevention and minimisation of the use and promotion of academic cheating services in courses provided by higher education providers. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    16 Oct 2019 
    House of Representatives 
    Amends the:
    Higher Education Support Act 2003
    to: increase the combined Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) loan limit to $152 700 for students undertaking eligible aviation courses with approved providers on or after 1 January 2020; enable the minister to determine the aviation courses for which the higher HELP loan limit will apply; reduce indexation on a person’s outstanding accumulated HELP debt while they are teaching in a school in a very remote location of Australia; and provide for all or part of a person’s HELP debt associated with their initial teacher education course to be remitted after they have undertaken an equivalent of four years’ full time work in a very remote location of Australia; and
    Higher Education Support Act 2003
    Higher Education Support Legislation Amendment (Student Loan Sustainability) Act 2018
    VET Student Loans Act 2016
    to allow the Department of Human Services restricted access to higher education data and VET student loans data in order to administer student benefits. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    18 Sep 2019 
    House of Representatives 
    Amends the
    Australian Research Council Act 2001
    to: apply indexation to existing appropriation amounts for the financial years commencing on 1 July 2019, 1 July 2020 and 1 July 2021; and insert a new funding cap for the financial year commencing on 1 July 2022. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    18 Sep 2019 
    House of Representatives 
    Amends the:
    A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999
    to: amend the requirement on child care providers for the issuing of Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) certificates by removing the 50 per cent limit on the number of children that a provider can self-certify for ACCS; enable the minister to prescribe circumstances in which a third party may contribute to meeting the cost of an individual’s child care fees without affecting that individual’s child care subsidies (CCS); enable the minister to prescribe specific circumstances in which CCS can be paid where the child is absent at the start or end of an enrolment; and include the In Home Care rate alongside the rates for other care types, and the capacity for the minister to specify eligibility criteria and care requirements that must be met for access to Commonwealth-subsidised In Home Care places; and
    A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999
    to: increase the number of weeks at which enrolments automatically cease due to non-attendance from 8 to 14 weeks; clarify that certain decisions must first be subject to internal review before application is made to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal; simplify the process for making claims for CCS; ensure that where an approved provider of child care service is suspended or cancelled, access to CCS is automatically suspended or cancelled; and enable child care providers to request voluntary suspension of their approval in appropriate circumstances. Also makes refinements, corrections and consequential amendments to both Acts. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    25 Jul 2019 
    Amends the
    Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011
    to implement certain recommendations of the
    Review of the impact of the TEQSA Act on the higher education sector
    by: removing references to specific categories of non-threshold standards; removing unnecessary references to 'the Research Minister' and requiring that advice on new standards need only be sought from that minister in certain circumstances; requiring TEQSA to advise the minister and the Higher Education Standards Panel (the panel) before it undertakes a quality review that could have certain impacts; providing that overseas universities can offer a course of study not wholly or mainly provided from Australian premises, and use the word 'university' to represent its operations, without committing an offence; providing that a quorum for TEQSA meetings is a majority of commissioners; expanding the skill set that the minister must ensure is encompassed by the panel members; expanding the functions of the panel; providing a consent-based exception to the offence of unauthorised disclosure or use of information; allowing TEQSA to disclose certain higher education and personal information to the minister, the secretary and relevant officers; and allowing TEQSA to disclose information for research purposes and to a complainant in relation to a complaint without the consent of the body to which the information applies. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

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