Private senators' bills from 1901

  • 2021-
    Year: 2021
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Aged Care Amendment (Registered Nurses Ensuring Quality Care) Bill 2021 Introduced: 01/09/21 Patrick (Ind)  Lapsed
    Australian Federal Integrity Commission Bill 2021 Introduced: 20/10/21 Patrick (Ind)  Lapsed
    Biosecurity Amendment (No Crime to Return Home) Bill 2021 Introduced: 12/05/21 Patrick (Ind)  Lapsed
    Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Ensuring Voter Choice Through Optional Preferential Voting and the Robson Rotation) Bill 2021 Introduced: 01/12/21 McGrath (LP)  Lapsed
    Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Integrity of Elections) Bill 2021 Introduced: 01/09/21 Roberts (PHON)  Lapsed
    Coronavirus Economic Response Package Amendment (Ending Jobkeeper Profiteering) Bill 2021 Introduced: 21/06/21 McKim (AG)  Lapsed
    COVID-19 Vaccination Status (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill 2021

    Introduced: 21/10/21

    Restored to Notice Paper: 23/11/21

    Hanson (PHON)

    Negatived at second reading 22/11/21


    Customs Amendment (Banning Goods Produced By Forced Labour) Bill 2021 Introduced: 24/06/21 Patrick (Ind)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 23/08/21
      • Introduced—House of Representatives: 23/08/21


    Customs Legislation Amendment (Commercial Greyhound Export and Import Prohibition) Bill 2021

    Introduced: 01/09/21

    Restored to Notice Paper: 27/07/22

    Faruqi (AG)  
    Electric Vehicles Accountability Bill 2021

    Introduced: 16/06/21

    Restored to Notice Paper: 27/07/22

    Rice (AG)  
    Ensuring Northern Territory Rights Bill 2021 Introduced: 04/08/21 McMahon (Nats)  Lapsed
    Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Save the Koala) Bill 2021

    Introduced: 04/02/21

    Restored to Notice Paper: 27/07/22

    Hanson-Young (AG)  
    Fair Work Amendment (Improving Paid Parental Leave for Parents of Stillborn Babies) Bill 2021 Introduced: 05/08/21 Keneally (ALP)  Lapsed
    Federal Environment Watchdog Bill 2021

    Introduced: 31/08/21

    Restored to Notice Paper: 27/07/22

    Hanson-Young (AG)  
    Health Insurance Legislation Amendment (Transparent Patient Outcomes) Bill 2021 Introduced: 23/11/21 Griff (CA)  Lapsed
    Human Rights (Targeted Sanctions) Bill 2021 Introduced: 10/08/21 Rice (AG)  Lapsed
    International Human Rights and Corruption (Magnitsky Sanctions) Bill 2021 Introduced: 03/08/21 Kitching (ALP)  Lapsed
    Live Performance Federal Insurance Guarantee Fund Bill 2021

    Introduced: 25/08/21

    Restored to Notice Paper: 27/07/22

    Hanson-Young (AG)  
    Migration Amendment (Temporary Visa Extensions and Reinstatements) Bill 2021 Introduced: 20/10/21  McKim (AG)  Lapsed
    Ministerial Suitability Commission of Inquiry Bill 2021 Introduced: 16/06/21 Waters (AG)

    Negatived at first reading 16/06/21

    Negatived at first reading 22/06/21

    Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (Fight for Australia's Coastline) Bill 2021 Introduced: 29/11/21 Whish-Wilson (AG)  Lapsed
    Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Amendment (Improved Grants Reporting) Bill 2021 Introduced: 04/08/21 Gallagher (ALP)  Lapsed
    Ransomware Payments Bill 2021 (No. 2) Introduced: 12/08/21 Keneally (ALP)  Lapsed
    Snowy Hydro Corporatisation Amendment (No New Fossil Fuels) Bill 2021 [No. 2]

    Introduced: 13/05/21

    Restored to Notice Paper: 27/07/22

    Waters (AG)  
    Spam Amendment (Unsolicited Political Communications Bill 2021 Introduced: 20/10/21 Griff (CA)  Lapsed
    Year: 2022
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Amendment (Increased Financial Transparency) Bill 2022 Introduced: 08/02/22 Patrick (Ind)  Lapsed
    Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Banning Dirty Donations) Bill 2022 Introduced: 24/11/22 Waters (AG)  
    COVID-19 Vaccination Status (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill 2022 Introduced: 29/11/22 Hanson (PHON)  
    Customs Amendment (Banning Goods Produced by Forced Labour) Bill 2022 Introduced: 22/11/22 Steele-John (AG)  
    Education and Other Legislation Amendment (Abolishing Indexation and Raising the Minimum Repayment Income for Education and Training Loans) Bill 2022 Introduced: 30/11/22 Faruqi (AG)  
    Electoral Legislation Amendment (Voter Identification) Bill 2022 Introduced: 09/02/22 McGrath (LP) Lapsed
    Environment and Other Legislation Amendment (Removing Nuclear Energy Prohibitions) Bill 2022 Introduced: 28/09/22 Canavan (Nats); Antic (LP); Cadell (Nats); Colbeck (LP); Fawcett (LP); Nampijinpa-Price (CLP); O'Sullivan (LP); Rennick (LP); Van (LP)  
    Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Climate Trigger) Bill 2022 [No. 2] Introduced: 05/09/22 Hanson-Young (AG)  
    Fair Work Amendment (Equal Pay for Equal Work) Bill 2022

    Introduced: 10/02/22

    Restored to Notice Paper: 27/07/22

    Roberts (PHON)
    Human Rights (Children Born Alive Protection) Bill 2022 Introduced: 30/11/22 Canavan (Nats)
    Antic (LP)
    National Energy Transition Authority Bill 2022 Introduced: 27/09/22 Allman-Payne (AG)  
    Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (Fight for Australia's Coastline) Bill 2022 Introduced: 04/08/22 Whish-Wilson (AG)  
    Parliamentary Privileges Amendment (Royal Commission Response) Bill 2022 Introduced: 07/09/22 Lambie (JLN)
    Tyrrell (JLN)
    Sex Discrimination and Other Legislation Amendment (Save Women's Sport) Bill 2022 Introduced: 10/02/22 Chandler (LP)  Lapsed
    Social Services Legislation Amendment (Enhancing Pensioner and Veteran Workforce Participation) Bill 2022 Introduced: 03/08/22 Smith, Dean (LP)  
    United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Bill 2022

    Introduced: 29/03/22

    Restored to Notice Paper: 27/07/22

    Thorpe (AG) Negatived at second reading 06/12/23
    Year: 2023
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Acts Interpretation Amendment (Aboriginality) Bill 2023 Introduced: 11/05/23 Hanson (PHON) Negatived at first reading 11/05/23
    Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Amendment Bill 2023 Introduced: 19/06/23 Canavan (Nats) Negatived at second reading 13/09/23
    Australian Capital Territory Dangerous Drugs Bill 2023 Introduced: 14/09/23 Cash (LP) Negatived at second reading 19/10/23
    Australian Education Amendment (Save Our Public Schools) Bill 2023 Introduced: 14/09/23 Allman-Payne (AG)  
    Broadcasting Services Amendment (Ban on Gambling Advertisements During Live Sport) Bill 2023 Introduced: 14/06/23 Henderson (LP)  
    Childhood Gender Transition Prohibition Bill 2023 Introduced: 18/10/23 Antic (LP)
    Babet (UAP)
    Climate Change Amendment (Duty of Care and Intergenerational Climate Equity) Bill 2023 Introduced: 03/08/23 Pocock, David (Ind)  
    Competition and Consumer Amendment (Continuing ACCC Monitoring of Domestic Airline Competition) Bill 2023 Introduced: 12/09/23 Smith, Dean (LP)
    McKenzie (Nats)
    Copyright Legislation Amendment (Fair Pay for Radio Play) Bill 2023 Introduced: 03/08/23 Pocock, David (Ind)  
    Criminal Code Amendment (Inciting Illegal Disruptive Activities) Bill 2023 Introduced: 08/02/23 Antic (LP)  
    Criminal Code Amendment (Prohibition of Nazi Symbols) Bill 2023 Introduced: 23/03/23 Cash (LP)  
    Customs Amendment (Preventing Child Labour) Bill 2023 Introduced: 29/11/23 Roberts (PHON)  
    Defence Capability Assurance and Oversight Bill 2023 Introduced: 10/05/23 Fawcett (LP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 07/02/24
    Digital Assets (Market Regulation) Bill 2023 Introduced: 29/03/23 Bragg (LP)  
    Electoral Legislation Amendment (Fairer Contracts and Grants) Bill 2023 Introduced 04/09/23 Waters (AG)  
    Electoral Legislation Amendment (Lowering the Voting Age) Bill 2023 [No. 2] Introduced: 08/02/23 Steele-John (AG)  
    Ending Native Forest Logging Bill 2023 Introduced: 09/03/23 Rice (AG) Negatived at second reading 15/06/23
    Ending Native Forest Logging Bill 2023 Introduced: 12/09/23 Rice (AG)  
    Ending Poverty in Australia (Antipoverty Commission) Bill 2023 Introduced: 30/03/23 Rice (AG)  
    Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Expanding the Water Trigger) Bill 2023 [No. 2] Introduced: 18/10/23 Hanson-Young (AG)  
    Fair Work Amendment (Prohibiting COVID-19 Vaccine Discrimination) Bill 2023 Introduced: 08/02/23 Canavan (Nats)
    Antic (LP)
    Fair Work Amendment (Right to Disconnect) Bill 2023 [No. 2] Introduced: 27/03/23 Pocock, Barbara (AG)  
    Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency) Bill 2023 Introduced: 06/11/23

    Lambie (JLN)
    Pocock, David (Ind)

    • Passed—
      • Senate: 09/11/23
    Fair Work Legislation Amendment (First Responders) Bill 2023 Introduced: 06/11/23 Lambie (JLN)
    Pocock, David (Ind)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 09/11/23
    Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Small Business Redundancy Exemption) Bill 2023 Introduced: 06/11/23 Lambie (JLN)
    Pocock, David (Ind)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 09/11/23
    Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Strengthening Protections Against Discrimination) Bill 2023 Introduced: 06/11/23 Lambie (JLN)
    Pocock, David (Ind)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 09/11/23
    Freeze on Rent and Rate Increases Bill 2023 Introduced: 19/06/23 Faruqi (AG)
    McKim (AG)
    Governor-General Amendment (Cessation of Allowances in the Public Interest) Bill 2023 Introduced: 06/03/23 Shoebridge (AG)
    Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Amendment (Consideration of UNDRIP) Bill 2023 Introduced: 29/11/23 Thorpe (Ind)  
    Improving Access to Medicinal Cannabis Bill 2023 Introduced: 09/03/23 Hanson (PHON)  
    Legalising Cannabis Bill 2023 Introduced: 10/08/23 Shoebridge (AG)  
    Migration Amendment (Evacuation to Safety) Bill 2023 Introduced: 07/02/23 McKim (AG) Negatived at second reading 08/03/23
    Migration Amendment (Overseas Organ Transplant Disclosure and Other Measures) Bill 2023 Introduced: 22/06/23 Smith, Dean (LP)  
    Murdoch Media Inquiry Bill 2023 Introduced: 13/06/23 Hanson-Young (AG)  
    Northern Territory Safe Measures Bill 2023 Introduced: 07/02/23 Nampijinpa Price (CLP)  
    Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (Domestic Reserve) Bill 2023 Introduced: 05/09/23 Hanson (PHON)  
    Productivity Commission Amendment (Electricity Reporting) Bill 2023 Introduced: 22/03/23 Duniam (LP) Negatived at second reading 03/08/23
    Protecting the Spirit of Sea Country Bill 2023 Introduced: 08/08/23 Cox (AG)  
    Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Amendment (Vaccine Indemnity) Bill 2023 Introduced: 03/08/23 Babet (UAP)  
    Year: 2024
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Airline Passenger Protections (Pay on Delay) Bill 2024 Introduced: 27/02/24 McKenzie (Nats)
    Smith, Dean (LP)
    Commission of Inquiry into Antisemitism at Australian Universities Bill 2024 (No. 2) Introduced: 25/06/24 Henderson (LP)  
    Competition and Consumer Amendment (Divestiture Powers) Bill 2024 Introduced: 20/03/204 McKim (AG) Negatived at second reading 26/06/24
    COVID-19 Response Commission of Inquiry Bill 2024 Introduced: 25/06/24 Canavan (Nats)
    Antic (LP)
    Babet (UAP)
    O'Sullivan (LP)
    Rennick (LP)
    Roberts (PHON)
    Criminal Code Amendment (Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes) Bill 2024 Introduced: 07/02/24 Thorpe (Ind)  
    Digital ID Repeal Bill 2024 Introduced: 26/06/24 Antic (LP)
    Babet (UAP)
    Electoral Legislation Amendment (Fair and Transparent Elections) Bill 2024 (No. 2) Introduced: 25/03/24 Pocock, David (Ind)
    Lambie (JLN)
    Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Protecting Environmental Heritage) Bill 2024  Introduced: 27/02/24 Canavan (Nats)  
    Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Protecting Vulnerable Workers) Bill 2024  Introduced: 27/02/24 Lambie (JLN)  
    Legislate the Date to End Live Sheep Export Bill 2024  Introduced: 28/02/24 Faruqi (AG)  
    National Housing and Homelessness Plan Bill 2024 (No. 2)  Introduced: 25/06/24 Pocock, David (Ind)  
    Tax Laws Amendment (Incentivising Food Donations to Charitable Donations) Bill 2024  Introduced: 02/07/24 Smith, Dean (LP)  
    Treasury Laws Amendment (Extending the FBT Exemption for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles) Bill 2024  Introduced: 15/05/24 Van (LP)  
    Truth and Justice Commission Bill 2024  Introduced: 02/07/24 Cox (AG)
    Shoebridge (AG)
  • 2011-2020
    Year: 2011
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Air Navigation and Civil Aviation Amendment (Aircraft Crew) Bill 2011 Introduced: 17/08/11 Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Australian Broadcasting Corporation Amendment (International Broadcasting Services) Bill 2011 Introduced: 10/11/11 Ludlam (AG) Lapsed
    Bankruptcy Amendment (Exceptional Circumstances Exit Package) Bill 2011 Introduced: 05/07/11 Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Carbon Tax Plebiscite Bill 2011 Introduced: 21/06/11 Abetz (LP) Lapsed
    Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Tobacco Industry Donations) Bill 2011 Introduced: 15/06/11 Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Consumer Credit Protection Amendment (Fees) Bill 2011 Introduced: 21/06/11 Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Constitutional Corporations (Farm Gate to Plate) Bill 2011 Introduced: 13/09/11 Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Crimes Amendment (Fairness for Minors) Bill 2011 Introduced: 23/11/11 Hanson-Young (AG) Lapsed
    Customs Amendment (Anti-Dumping) Bill 2011 Introduced: 02/03/11 Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Bioregional Plans) Bill 2011 Introduced: 02/03/11 Colbeck (LP) Negatived at second reading 29/11/12
    Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Emergency Listings) Bill 2011 Introduced: 13/10/11 Waters (AG) Lapsed
    Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Protecting Australia's Water Resources) Bill 2011 Introduced: 01/11/11 Waters (AG) Lapsed
    Government Advertising (Accountability) Bill 2011 Introduced: 21/06/11 Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Government Investment Funds Amendment (Ethical Investments) Bill 2011 Introduced: 24/11/11 Di Natale (AG) Ludlam (AG) Lapsed
    Interactive Gambling and Broadcasting Amendment (Online Transactions and Other Measures) Bill 2011 [2013]
    • Introduced: 20/06/11
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 10/12/1319/04/16
    Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Landholders' Right to Refuse (Coal Seam Gas) Bill 2011 Introduced: 24/08/11 Waters (AG) Lapsed
    Live Animal Export Restriction and Prohibition Bill 2011 [No. 2] Introduced: 20/06/11 Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Live Animal Export (Slaughter) Prohibition Bill 2011 [No. 2] Introduced: 15/06/11 Siewert (AG) Discharged from Notice Paper 10/05/12
    Migration Amendment (Declared Countries) Bill 2011 Introduced: 16/06/11 Hanson-Young (AG) Discharged from Notice Paper 05/07/11
    Migration Amendment (Declared Countries) Bill (No. 2) 2011 Introduced: 05/07/11 Hanson-Young (AG) Lapsed
    Native Title Amendment (Reform) Bill 2011 Introduced: 21/03/11 Siewert (AG) Lapsed
    Protecting Children from Junk Food Advertising (Broadcasting and Telecommunications Amendment) Bill 2011 Introduced: 21/11/11 Bob Brown (AG) Di Natale (AG) Lapsed
    Public Service Amendment (Payments in Special Circumstances) Bill 2011 [2013]
    • Introduced: 12/05/11
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 10/12/1319/04/16
    Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Public Accounts and Audit Committee Amendment (Ombudsman) Bill 2011 Introduced: 01/11/11 Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Qantas Sale Amendment (Still Call Australia Home) Bill 2011 Introduced: 25/08/11 Xenophon (Ind) Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Quarantine Amendment (Disallowing Permits) Bill 2011 Introduced: 25/08/11 Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Telecommunications Amendment (Mobile Phone Towers) Bill 2011 Introduced: 14/09/11 Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Wild Rivers (Environmental Management) Bill 2011 Introduced: 10/02/11 Scullion (CLP) Lapsed
    Year: 2012
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Anti-Money Laundering Amendment (Gaming Machine Venues) Bill 2012 [2013]
    • Introduced: 30/10/12
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 10/12/1319/04/16
    Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Assisting Victims of Overseas Terrorism Bill 2012 Introduced: 01/03/12 Brandis (LP) Lapsed
    Broadcasting Services Amendment (Public Interest Test) Bill 2012 Introduced: 29/06/12 am Ludlam (AG) Lapsed
    Competition and Consumer Amendment (Australian Food Labelling) Bill 2012 (No. 2) Introduced: 17/09/12 Milne (AG) Discharged from Notice Paper 15/05/13
    Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Making Marine Parks Accountable) Bill 2012 Introduced: 13/09/12 Colbeck (LP) Lapsed
    Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Monitoring of Whaling) Bill 2012 Introduced: 09/02/12 Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Prohibition of Live Imports of Primates for Research) Bill 2012 Introduced: 22/11/12 Rhiannon (AG) Lapsed
    Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Retaining Federal Approval Powers) Bill 2012 Introduced: 27/11/12 Waters (AG) Lapsed
    Fair Work Amendment (Small Business— Penalty Rates Exemption) Bill 2012 Introduced: 16/08/12 Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Towards Transparency) Bill 2012 Introduced: 27/11/12 Abetz (LP) Lapsed
    Health Insurance (Dental Services) Bill 2012 [No. 2] Introduced: 21/03/12 Bushby (LP) Negatived at second reading 23/08/12
    Live Animal Export (Slaughter) Prohibition Bill 2012 Introduced: 22/03/12 Rhiannon (AG) Lapsed
    Low Aromatic Fuel Bill 2012 Introduced: 01/03/12 Siewert (AG)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 27/11/12
      • Reps: 06/02/13
      • Assent: 14/02/13;
        Act No. 1, 2013
    Marriage Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2012 Introduced: 10/09/12 Crossin (ALP) Carol Brown (ALP) Marshall (ALP) Pratt (ALP) Negatived at second reading 20/09/12
    Migration Amendment (Health Care for Asylum Seekers) Bill 2012 Introduced: 11/09/12 Hanson-Young (AG) Di Natale (AG) Lapsed
    Migration Amendment (Removal of Mandatory Minimum Penalties) Bill 2012 Introduced: 08/02/12 Hanson-Young (AG) Lapsed
    Migration Amendment (Special Protection Scheme for Afghan Coalition Employees) Bill 2012 Introduced: 20/11/12 Hanson-Young (AG) Lapsed
    Migration and Security Legislation Amendment (Review of Security Assessments) Bill 2012 Introduced: 10/10/12 Hanson-Young (AG) Lapsed
    Minerals Resource Rent Tax Amendment (Protecting Revenue) Bill 2012 Introduced: 12/09/12 Milne (AG) Lapsed
    Native Title Amendment (Reform) Bill (No. 1) 2012 Introduced: 29/02/12 Siewert (AG) Lapsed
    Parliamentary Service Amendment Bill 2012 Introduced: 28/11/12 President of the Senate (Hon. John Hogg) (ALP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 07/02/13
      • Reps: 13/02/13
      • Assent: 01/03/13;
        Act No. 4, 2013
    Poker Machine Harm Reduction ($1 Bets and Other Measures) Bill 2012 [2013]
    • Introduced: 22/03/12
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 03/12/1319/04/16
    Di Natale (AG) Madigan (DLP) Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment (Excessive Noise from Wind Farms) Bill 2012 Introduced: 29/06/12 am Madigan (DLP) Xenophon (Ind) Negatived at second reading 28/02/13
    Restoring Territory Rights (Voluntary Euthanasia Legislation) Bill 2012 Introduced: 26/11/12 Di Natale (AG) Lapsed
    Solar Hot Water Rebate Bill 2012 Introduced: 14/03/12 Birmingham (LP) Negatived at second reading 22/03/12
    Special Broadcasting Service Amendment (Natural Program Breaks and Disruptive Advertising) Bill 2012 Introduced: 27/02/12 Ludlam (AG) Lapsed
    Water Amendment (Save the Murray-Darling Basin) Bill 2012 Introduced: 27/11/12 Hanson-Young (AG) Lapsed
    Year: 2013
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Broadcasting Services Amendment (Advertising for Sports Betting) Bill 2013 Introduced: 15/05/13 Di Natale (AG) Lapsed
    Broadcasting Services Amendment (Material of Local Significance) Bill 2013 Introduced: 12/03/13 Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Citizen Initiated Referendum Bill 2013 Introduced: 12/03/13 Madigan (DLP) Lapsed
    Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Leaders' Debate Commission) Bill 2013 Introduced: 25/06/13 Milne (AG) Lapsed
    Competition and Consumer Amendment (Australian Country of Origin Food Labelling) Bill 2013 Introduced: 16/05/13 Milne (AG) Lapsed
    Copyright Legislation Amendment (Fair Go For Fair Use) Bill 2013 Introduced: 27/06/13 Ludlam (AG) Lapsed
    Criminal Code Amendment (Misrepresentation of Age to a Minor) Bill 2013 Introduced: 26/02/13 Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Great Barrier Reef) Bill 2013 Introduced: 20/03/13 Waters (AG) Lapsed
    Fair Trade (Australian Standards) Bill 2013
    • Introduced: 27/06/13
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 3/12/13
    Madigan (DLP) Lapsed
    Fair Trade (Workers' Rights) Bill 2013
    • Introduced: 20/06/13
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 13/11/13
    Madigan (DLP) Lapsed
    Guardian For Unaccompanied Children Bill 2013 Introduced: 27/06/13 Hanson-Young (AG) Lapsed
    Health Insurance Amendment (Medicare Funding for Certain Types of Abortion) Bill 2013
    • Introduced: 19/03/13
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 13/11/13
    Madigan (DLP) Lapsed
    Interactive Gambling Amendment (Virtual Credits) Bill 2013 Introduced: 16/05/13 Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Marine Engineers Qualifications Bill 2013 (No. 2) Introduced: 27/06/13 Williams (Nats)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 27/06/13
    Marriage Act Amendment (Recognition of Foreign Marriages for Same-Sex Couples) Bill 2013 Introduced: 16/05/13 Hanson-Young (AG) Negatived at second reading 20/06/13
    Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2013 Introduced: 25/02/13 Hanson-Young (AG) Lapsed
    Migration Amendment (Reinstatement of Temporary Protection Visas) Bill 2013 [No. 2] Introduced: 28/02/13 Cash (LP) Negatived at second reading 27/06/13
    Overseas Aid (Millennium Development Goals) Bill 2013 Introduced: 26/06/13 Rhiannon (AG) Lapsed
    Reserve Bank Amendment (Australian Reconstruction and Development Board)Bill 2013 [No. 2] Introduced: 27/06/13 Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Small Business Commissioner Bill 2013 Introduced: 25/02/13 Whish-Wilson (AG) Lapsed
    Social Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Caring for Single Parents) Bill 2013 Introduced: 13/03/13 Siewert (AG) Lapsed
    Social Security Legislation Amendment (Caring for People on Newstart) Bill 2013 Introduced: 07/02/13 Siewert (AG) Lapsed
    Telecommunications Amendment (Get a Warrant) Bill 2013 Introduced: 18/06/13 Ludlam (AG) Lapsed
    Therapeutic Goods Amendment (Pharmaceutical Transparency) Bill 2013 Introduced: 28/02/13 Di Natale (AG) Lapsed
    Voice for Animals (Independent Office of Animal Welfare) Bill 2013 [No. 2] Introduced: 20/06/13 Rhiannon (AG) Lapsed
    YEARS: 2013 (from the commencement of the 44th Parliament, on 12 November 2013)
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Above the Line Voting) Bill 2013 Introduced: 13/11/13 Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Criminal Code Amendment (Harming Australians) Bill 2013 Introduced: 11/12/13 Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Criminal Code Amendment (Misrepresentation of Age to a Minor) Bill 2013
    • Introduced: 12/12/13
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 19/04/16
    Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Defence Legislation Amendment (Woomera Prohibited Area) Bill 2013 Introduced: 12/12/13 Farrell (ALP) Lapsed
    Landholders' Right to Refuse (Gas and Coal) Bill 2013 Introduced: 09/12/13 Waters (AG) Negatived at second reading 06/03/14
    Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2013
    • Introduced: 12/12/13
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 19/04/16
      • 31/08/16
    Hanson-Young (AG) Lapsed
    Migration Amendment (Visa Maximum Numbers Determinations) Bill 2013
    • Introduced: 09/12/13 Restored to Notice Paper: 19/04/16
    Hanson-Young (AG) Lapsed
    National Integrity Commission Bill 2013
    • Introduced: 13/11/13
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 19/04/16
      • 15/09/16
    Milne (AG) Lapsed
    Parliamentary Proceedings Broadcasting Amendment Bill 2013
    • Introduced: 13/11/13
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 19/04/16
    Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Reserve Bank Amendment (Australian Reconstruction and Development Board) Bill 2013
    • Introduced: 05/12/13
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 19/04/16
    Xenophon (Ind) and Madigan (DLP) Lapsed
    Year: 2014
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Amendment (A Stronger Land Account) Bill 2014
    • Introduced: 24/06/14
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 19/04/16
    Siewert (AG) Lapsed
    Adelaide Airport Curfew Amendment (Protecting Residents' Amenity) Bill 2014 Introduced: 12/02/14 Wright (AG) Lapsed
    Australian Broadcasting Corporation Amendment (Local Content) Bill 2014
    • Introduced: 27/11/14
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 19/04/16
    Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Donations Reform) Bill 2014
    • Introduced: 04/12/14
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 19/04/16
      • 31/08/16
    Rhiannon (AG) Lapsed
    Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Reducing Barriers for Minor Parties) Bill 2014
    • Introduced: 04/03/14
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 19/04/16
      • 31/08/16
    Rhiannon (AG) Lapsed
    Competition and Consumer Amendment (Misuse of Market Power) Bill 2014
    • Introduced: 06/03/14
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 19/04/16
    Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Corporations Amendment (Financial Advice) Bill 2014 Introduced: 02/09/14 Whish-Wilson (AG) Lapsed
    Corporations Amendment (Publish What You Pay) Bill 2014
    • Introduced: 28/10/14
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 19/04/16
    Milne (AG) Lapsed
    Defence Amendment (Fair Pay for Members of the ADF) Bill 2014 Introduced: 02/12/14 Lambie (Ind)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 19/03/15
      • Lapsed in the House of Representatives
    Defence Legislation Amendment (Parliamentary Approval of Overseas Service) Bill 2014 Introduced: 17/07/14 Ludlam (AG) Negatived at second reading 04/09/14
    End Cruel Cosmetics Bill 2014
    • Introduced: 18/03/14
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 19/04/16
      • 15/09/16
    Rhiannon (AG) Lapsed
    Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Alpine Grazing) Bill 2014
    • Introduced: 13/05/14
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 19/04/16
    Di Natale (AG) Lapsed
    Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment Bill 2014 Introduced: 19/03/14 Ludwig (ALP) Lapsed
    Family Tax Benefit (Tighter Income Test) Bill 2014 Introduced: 27/11/14 Leyonhjelm (LDP) Negatived at second reading 04/12/14
    Flags Amendment Bill 2014 Introduced: 06/03/14 Xenophon (Ind) and Madigan (DLP) Lapsed
    Freedom to Marry Bill 2014 Introduced: 26/11/14 Leyonhjelm (LDP) Lapsed
    Great Barrier Reef Legislation Amendment Bill 2014
    • Introduced: 13/02/14
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 19/04/16
    Waters (AG) Lapsed
    Guardian for Unaccompanied Children Bill 2014
    • Introduced: 16/07/14
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 19/04/16
      • 15/09/16
    Hanson-Young (AG) Lapsed
    Independent National Security Legislation Monitor (Improved Oversight and Resourcing) Bill 2014
    • Introduced: 03/12/14
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 15/09/16
    Wright (AG) Lapsed
    Live Animal Export (Slaughter) Prohibition Bill 2014
    • Introduced: 27/03/14
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 19/04/16
    Rhiannon (AG) Lapsed
    Migration Amendment (Humanitarian Visa Intake) Bill 2014
    • Introduced: 25/09/14
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 19/04/16
    Hanson-Young (AG) Lapsed
    Migration Amendment (Protecting Babies Born in Australia) Bill 2014
    • Introduced: 18/06/14
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 19/04/16
    Hanson-Young (AG) Lapsed
    Mining Subsidies Legislation Amendment (Raising Revenue) Bill 2014
    • Introduced: 27/08/14
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 19/04/16
      • 15/09/16
    Milne (AG) Lapsed
    Motor Vehicle Standards (Cheaper Transport) Bill 2014
    • Introduced: 10/07/14
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 19/04/16
      • 15/09/16
    Milne (AG) Lapsed
    National Broadband Network Companies Amendment (Tasmania) Bill 2014 Introduced: 05/03/14 Urquhart (ALP) Lapsed
    Native Title Amendment (Reform) Bill 2014
    • Introduced: 04/03/14
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 19/04/16
    Siewert (AG) Lapsed
    Privacy Amendment (Privacy Alerts) Bill 2014
    • Introduced: 20/03/14
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 19/04/16
    Singh (ALP) Lapsed
    Private Health Insurance Amendment (GP Services) Bill 2014
    • Introduced: 27/03/14
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 19/04/16
      • 15/09/16
    Di Natale (AG) Lapsed
    Racial Discrimination Amendment Bill 2014
    • Introduced: 25/09/14
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 02/05/16
    Day (FFP), Bernardi (LP), Leyonhjelm (LDP) and Smith (LP) Lapsed
    Recognition of Foreign Marriages Bill 2014
    • Introduced: 15/05/14
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 19/04/16
      • 15/09/16
    Hanson-Young (AG) Lapsed
    Regulator of Medicinal Cannabis Bill 2014 Introduced: 27/11/14 Di Natale (AG), Leyonhjelm (LDP), Macdonald (LP) and Urquhart (ALP) Lapsed
    Save Our Sharks Bill 2014
    • Introduced: 25/03/14
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 19/04/16
    Siewert (AG) Lapsed
    Social Security Amendment (Caring for People on Newstart) Bill 2014
    • Introduced: 06/03/14
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 19/04/16
    Siewert (AG) Lapsed
    Social Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Caring for Single Parents) Bill 2014
    • Introduced: 17/11/14
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 19/04/16
    Siewert (AG) Lapsed
    Stop Dumping on the Great Barrier Reef Bill 2014
    • Introduced: 04/09/14
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 19/04/16
    Waters (AG) Lapsed
    Trade and Foreign Investment (Protecting the Public Interest) Bill 2014
    • Introduced: 05/03/14
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 19/04/16
    Whish-Wilson (AG) Lapsed
    Year: 2015
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Australian Broadcasting Corporation Amendment (Rural and Regional Advocacy) Bill 2015
    • Introduced: 01/12/15
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 19/04/16
      • 13/09/16
    McKenzie (Nats) Lapsed
    Australian Centre for Social Cohesion Bill 2015
    • Introduced: 09/02/15
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 19/04/16
      • 15/09/16
    Milne (AG) Lapsed
    Australian Government Boards (Gender Balanced Representation) Bill 2015
    • Introduced: 24/06/15
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 24/06/15
      • 19/04/16
    Xenophon (Ind), Waters (AG), Lambie (Ind), and Lazarus (Ind) Lapsed
    Automotive Transformation Scheme Amendment (Securing the Automotive Component Industry) Bill 2015
    • Introduced: 10/11/15
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 19/04/16
      • 15/09/16
    Rice (AG) and Simms Lapsed
    Charter of Budget Honesty Amendment (Intergenerational Report) Bill 2015
    • Introduced: 17/03/15
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 19/04/16
      • 15/09/16
    Milne (AG) Lapsed
    Commonwealth Grants Commission Amendment (GST Distribution) Bill 2015
    • Introduced: 13/10/15
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 19/04/16
    Wang (PUP) Lapsed
    Competition and Consumer Amendment (Australian Country of Origin Food Labelling) Bill 2015
    • Introduced: 12/02/15
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 19/04/16
      • 15/09/16
    Milne (AG) and Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Criminal Code Amendment (Animal Protection) Bill 2015
    • Introduced: 11/02/15
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 19/04/16
      • 31/08/16
    Back (LP) Lapsed
    Defence Legislation Amendment (Parliamentary Approval of Overseas Service) Bill 2015
    • Introduced: 04/03/15
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 19/04/16
      • 31/08/16
    Ludlam (AG) Lapsed
    Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Prohibition of Live Imports of Primates for Research) Bill 2015
    • Introduced: 17/09/15
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 19/04/16
      • 31/08/16
    Rhiannon (AG) Lapsed
    Fair Work Amendment (Gender Pay Gap) Bill 2015
    • Introduced: 17/09/15
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 19/04/16
      • 31/08/16
      • 17/03/21
    Waters (AG) Lapsed
    Fair Work Amendment (Penalty Rates Exemption for Small Businesses) Bill 2015
    • Introduced: 13/08/15
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 31/08/16
    Leyonhjelm (LDP) and Day (FFP) Lapsed
    Food Standards Amendment (Fish Labelling) Bill 2015 Introduced: 26/03/15 Xenophon (Ind), Lazarus (Ind), Lambie (Ind), Whish-Wilson (AG), Wang (PUP) and Madigan (Ind) Negatived at second reading 12/08/15
    Freedom of Information Amendment (Requests and Reasons) Bill 2015
    • Introduced: 13/05/15
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 19/04/16
    Ludwig (ALP) Lapsed
    Higher Education Support Amendment (New Zealand Citizens) Bill 2015 Introduced: 24/06/15 Carr (ALP) Lapsed
    Interactive Gambling Amendment (Sports Betting Reform) Bill 2015
    • Introduced: 24/11/15
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 19/04/16
      • 31/08/16
    Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    International Aid (Promoting Gender Equality) Bill 2015
    • Introduced: 05/03/15
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 19/04/16
    Rhiannon (AG) Lapsed
    Landholders' Right to Refuse (Gas and Coal) Bill 2015
    • Introduced: 04/03/15
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 19/04/16
      • 31/08/16
      • 31/07/19
      • 27/07/22
    Waters (AG)  
    Marriage Equality Plebiscite Bill 2015 Introduced: 19/08/15 Rice (AG), Lazarus (Ind), Leyonhjelm (LDP), Lambie (Ind), Muir (AMEP) and Xenophon(Ind) Lapsed
    Parliamentary Expenses Amendment (Transparency and Accountability) Bill 2015
    • Introduced: 13/08/15
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 19/04/16
      • 08/02/17
    Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security Amendment Bill 2015
    • Introduced: 10/08/15
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 19/04/16
      • 31/08/16
    Wong (ALP) Lapsed
    Restoring Territory Rights (Assisted Suicide Legislation) Bill 2015
    • Introduced: 02/12/15
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 31/08/16
    Leyonhjelm (LDP) Negatived at second reading 15/08/18
    Social Security (Administration) Amendment (Consumer Lease Exclusion) Bill 2015 Introduced: 24/06/15 Cameron (ALP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 10/09/15
      • Lapsed in the House of Representatives
    Veterans' Entitlements Amendment (Expanded Gold Card Access) Bill 2015
    • Introduced: 11/11/15
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 19/04/16
      • 01/09/16
    Lambie (Ind) Lapsed
    Voice for Animals (Independent Office of Animal Welfare) Bill 2015
    • Introduced: 23/06/15
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 19/04/16
      • 21/06/17
    Rhiannon (AG) Lapsed
    Year: 2016 (44th Parliament)
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Political Donations and Other Measures) Bill 2016
    • Introduced: 02/03/16
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 19/04/16
      • 31/08/16
    Rhiannon (AG) Lapsed
    Fair Work Amendment (Protecting Australian Workers) Bill 2016
    • Introduced: 15/03/16
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 31/08/16
    Cameron (ALP) Lapsed
    Migration Amendment (Free the Children) Bill 2016
    • Introduced: 02/03/16
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 19/04/16
      • 15/09/16
    Hanson-Young (AG) Lapsed
    Restoring Territory Rights (Dying with Dignity) Bill 2016
    • Introduced: 01/03/16
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 19/04/16
      • 01/09/16
    Di Natale (AG) and Gallagher (ALP) Lapsed
    Social Security Amendment (Diabetes Support) Bill 2016
    • Introduced: 03/03/16
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 19/04/16
    Muir (AMEP) Lapsed
    Year: 2016 (45th Parliament)
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Donation Reform and Transparency) Bill 2016 Introduced: 28/11/16 Farrell (ALP) Lapsed
    Criminal Code Amendment (Misrepresentation of Age to a Minor) Bill 2016 Introduced: 12/10/16 Kakoschke-Moore (NXT) and Griff (NXT Lapsed
    Freedom to Marry Bill 2016 Introduced: 13/09/16 Leyonhjelm (LDP) Lapsed
    Great Australian Bight Environment Protection Bill 2016 Introduced: 15/09/16 Hanson-Young (AG) Lapsed
    Racial Discrimination Amendment Bill 2016 Introduced: 31/08/16 Bernardi (LP), Abetz (LP), Back (LP), Burston (PHON), Bushby (LP), Culleton (PHON), Day (FFP), Duniam (LP), Fawcett (LP), Hanson (PHON), Hinch (DHJP), Leyonhjelm (LDP), Macdonald, (LP), McKenzie (Nats), O'Sullivan (Nats), Paterson (LP), Reynolds (LP), Roberts (PHON), Smith (LP), Williams (Nats) Lapsed
    Racial Discrimination Law Amendment (Free Speech) Bill 2016 Introduced: 15/09/16 Leyonhjelm (LDP), Burston (PHON), Hanson (PHON),Culleton (PHON), Hinch (DHJP), Roberts (PHON), Day (FFP) Lapsed
    Year: 2017
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Amendment (Make Electricity GST Free) Bill 2017
    • Introduced: 05/09/17
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 23/08/18
    Leyonhjelm (LDP)
    • Negatived at second reading 07/09/17
      Subsequently restored to Notice Paper
    • Lapsed
    Aged Care Amendment (Ratio of Skilled Staff to Care Recipients) Bill 2017 Introduced: 06/09/17 Hinch (DHJP) Lapsed
    Australian Broadcasting Corporation Amendment (Regional Australia) Bill 2017 Introduced: 09/08/17 Burston (PHON) Lapsed
    Australian Broadcasting Corporation Amendment (Restoring Shortwave Radio) Bill 2017 Introduced: 13/02/17 Xenophon (NXT) Lapsed
    Australian Human Rights Commission Amendment (Preliminary Assessment Process) Bill 2017 Introduced: 07/02/17 Burston (PHON) Lapsed
    Banking and Financial Services Commission of Inquiry Bill 2017 Introduced: 22/03/17 Whish-Wilson (AG), Hanson (PHON)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 15/06/17
      • Removed from the House of Representatives Notice Paper 06/02/18
    Coal-Fired Power Funding Prohibition Bill 2017
    • Introduced: 17/10/17
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 04/07/19
    Di Natale (AG)  Lapsed
    Communications Legislation Amendment (Executive Remuneration) Bill 2017 Introduced: 21/03/17 Hanson (PHON) Lapsed
    Competition and Consumer Legislation Amendment (Small Business Access to Justice) Bill 2017 Introduced: 16/02/17 Gallagher (ALP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 10/08/17
      • Removed from the House of Representatives Notice Paper 19/06/18
    Competition and Consumer Amendment (Truth in Labelling—Palm Oil) Bill 2017
    • Introduced: 21/06/17
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 04/07/19
    Xenophon (NXT)  Lapsed
    Corporations Amendment (Modernisation of Members Registration) Bill 2017 Introduced: 15/06/17 Xenophon (NXT) Lapsed
    Criminal Code Amendment (Prohibition of Full Face Coverings in Public Places) Bill 2017 Introduced: 08/02/17 Lambie (JLN) Lapsed
    Customs Amendment (Safer Cladding) Bill 2017 Introduced: 11/09/17 Xenophon (NXT) Lapsed
    Defence Amendment (Fair Pay for Members of the ADF) Bill 2017 Introduced: 16/08/17 Lambie (JLN) Lapsed
    Environment and Infrastructure Legislation Amendment (Stop Adani) Bill 2017
    • Introduced: 13/06/17
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 04/07/19
    Waters (AG)  Lapsed
    Fair Work Amendment (Pay Protection) Bill 2017 Introduced: 29/03/17 Rhiannon (AG) Lapsed
    Fair Work Amendment (Protecting Take-Home Pay) Bill 2017 Introduced: 21/03/17 Cameron (ALP), Di Natale (AG), Lambie (JLN)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 30/03/17
      • Lapsed in the House of Representatives
    High Speed Rail Planning Authority Bill 2017 Introduced: 04/09/17 Farrell (ALP) Lapsed
    Judiciary Amendment (Commonwealth Model Litigant Obligations) Bill 2017 Introduced: 15/11/17 Leyonhjelm (LDP) Lapsed
    Lands Acquisition Amendment (Public Purpose) Bill 2017 Introduced: 13/09/17 Hanson (PHON) Negatived at second reading 14/09/17
    Live Animal Export (Slaughter) Prohibition Bill 2017 Introduced: 21/06/17 Rhiannon (AG) Lapsed
    Marriage Amendment (Definition and Religious Freedoms) Bill 2017 Introduced: 15/11/17 Smith (LP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 29/11/17
      • Reps: 07/12/17
      • Assent: 08/12/17;
        Act No. 129, 2017
    Medicinal Cannabis Legislation Amendment (Securing Patient Access) Bill 2017 Introduced: 12/09/17 Di Natale (AG)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 19/10/17
      • Removed from the House of Representatives Notice Paper 19/06/18
    Nuclear Fuel Cycle (Facilitation) Bill 2017
    • Introduced: 14/11/17
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 04/07/19
    Bernardi (AC)  Lapsed
    Parliamentary Business Resources Amendment (Voluntary Opt-out) Bill 2017 Introduced: 12/09/17 Roberts (PHON) Lapsed
    Productivity Commission Amendment (Addressing Inequality) Bill 2017
    • Introduced: 14/06/17
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 17/10/19
    McAllister (ALP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 12/11/18
      • Lapsed in the House of Representatives but subsequently restored to the Senate Notice Paper
    Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Amendment (Executive Remuneration) Bill 2017 Introduced: 15/11/17 Whish-Wilson (AG) Lapsed
    Regional Forest Agreements Legislation (Repeal) Bill 2017
    • Introduced: 07/09/17
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 04/07/19
    Rice (AG)  Lapsed
    Renew Australia Bill 2017 Introduced: 28/03/17 Di Natale (AG) Lapsed
    Social Security Amendment (Caring for People on Newstart) Bill 2017 Introduced: 09/08/17 Siewert (AG) Negatived at second reading 14/08/17
    Taxation Administration Amendment (Corporate Tax Entity Information) Bill 2017 Introduced: 14/08/17 Gallagher (ALP
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 25/6/18
      • Lapsed in the House of Representatives
    Vaporised Nicotine Products Bill 2017 Introduced: 19/06/17 Leyonhjelm (LDP), Roberts (PHON) Lapsed
    Year: 2018
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    A Fair Go for Australians in Trade Bill 2018 [No. 2] Introduced: 15/10/18 Carr (ALP) Lapsed
    Air Services Amendment Bill 2018
    • Introduced: 27/03/18
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 04/07/19
    Rice (AG)  Lapsed
    Animal Export Legislation Amendment (Ending Long-haul Live Sheep Exp orts) Bill 2018 Introduced: 18/06/18 Rhiannon (AG), Hinch (DHJP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 10/09/18
      • Lapsed in the House of Representatives
    Australian Broadcasting Corporation Amendment (Appointment of Directors) Bill 2018 Introduced: 17/10/18 Storer (Ind) Lapsed
    Australian Cannabis Agency Bill 2018
    • Introduced: 27/11/18
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 04/07/19
    Di Natale (AG)  Lapsed
    Australian Citizenship Legislation Amendment (Strengthening the Commitments for Australian Citizenship and Other Measures) Bill Introduced: 07/02/18 Hanson (PHON) Lapsed
    Australian Human Rights Commission Repeal (Duplication Removal) Bill 2018 Introduced: 15/02/18 Bernardi (AC) Lapsed
    Australian Multicultural Bill 2018
    • Introduced: 23/08/18
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 04/07/19
    Di Natale (AG)  Lapsed
    Australian Research Council Amendment (Ensuring Research Independence) Bill 2018
    • Introduced: 15/11/18
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 04/07/19
    Faruqi (AG)  Lapsed
    Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Lowering Voting Age and Increasing Voter Participation) Bill 2018
    • Introduced: 18/06/18
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 04/07/19
      • 22/07/22
    Steele-John (AG) Discharged from Senate Notice Paper 08/02/23
    Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Amendment (Debt Ceiling) Bill 2018 Introduced: 06/02/18 Bernardi (AC) Negatived at second reading 13/08/18
    Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Amendment (Restoring the Debt Ceiling) Bill 2018 Introduced: 25/06/18 Hanson (PHON) Lapsed
    Commonwealth Places and Services (Facial Recognition) Bill 2018 Introduced: 11/09/18 Bernardi (AC) Lapsed
    Criminal Code and Other Legislation Amendment (Removing Commonwealth Restrictions on Cannabis) Bill 2018 Introduced: 09/05/18 Leyonhjelm (LDP) Lapsed
    Defence Amendment (Sovereign Naval Shipbuilding) Bill 2018 Introduced: 09/05/18 Patrick (CA) Lapsed
    Discrimination Free Schools Bill 2018
    • Introduced: 16/10/18
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 04/07/19
    Di Natale (AG)  Lapsed
    Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Great Australian Bight) Bill 2018 Introduced: 29/11/18 Storer (Ind) Lapsed
    Export Control Amendment (Equine Live Export for Slaughter Prohibition) Bill 2018 Introduced: 26/06/18 Rhiannon (AG), Hinch (DHJP) Lapsed
    Fair Work Amendment (Restoring Penalty Rates) Bill 2018 [No. 2]
    • Introduced: 14/11/18
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 17/10/19
    Cameron (ALP)  Lapsed
    Freedom of Information Legislation Amendment (Improving Access and Transparency) Bill 2018
    • Introduced: 22/08/18
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 04/07/19
    Patrick (CA)  Lapsed
    Freedom of Speech Legislation Amendment (Censorship) Bill 2018 Introduced: 27/06/18 Leyonhjelm (LDP) Lapsed
    Freedom of Speech Legislation Amendment (Insult and Offend) Bill 2018 Introduced: 27/06/18 Leyonhjelm (LDP) Lapsed
    Freedom of Speech Legislation Amendment (Security) Bill 2018 Introduced: 27/06/18 Leyonhjelm (LDP) Lapsed
    Galilee Basin (Coal Prohibition) Bill 2018
    • Introduced: 05/12/18
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 24/02/20
    Waters (AG)  
    Halal Certification Transitional Authority Bill 2018 Introduced: 28/11/18 Bernardi (AC) Lapsed
    Intelligence Services Amendment (Enhanced Parliamentary Oversight of Intelligence Agencies) Bill 2018
    • Introduced: 14/08/18
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 04/07/19
    Patrick (CA)  Lapsed
    Lower Tax Bill 2018 Introduced: 29/11/18 Leyonhjelm (LDP) Lapsed
    National Integrity Commission Bill 2018 (No. 2)
    • Introduced: 29/11/18
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 01/08/19
    Waters (AG)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 09/09/19
    Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (Reporting of Gas Reserves) Bill 2018 Introduced: 14/08/18 Georgiou (PHON) Lapsed
    Parliamentary Joint Committee on the Australia Fund Bill 2018 Introduced: 14/11/18 Burston (UAP) Lapsed
    Plebiscite (Future Migration Level) Bill 2018
    • Introduced: 15/08/18
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 24/07/19
      • 03/08/22
    Hanson (PHON)

    Negatived at second reading 29/07/19

    Negatived at second reading 21/03/24

    Plebiscite (Allowing Australians to Decide Who Comes Here) Bill 2018 Introduced: 26/11/18 Anning (Ind) Negatived at first reading 26/11/18
    Plebiscite (Restricting Non-European Migration) Bill 2018 Introduced: 18/10/18 Anning (KAP) Negatived at first reading 18/10/18
    Sex Discrimination Amendment (Removing Discrimination Against Students) Bill 2018 Introduced: 29/11/18 Wong (ALP) Lapsed
    Sex Discrimination and Marriage Legislation Amendment (Protecting Supporters of Traditional Marriage) Bill 2018 Introduced: 04/12/18 Anning (Ind) Lapsed
    Social Security Commission Bill 2018 [No. 2] Introduced: 03/12/18 Storer (Ind) Lapsed
    Social Services Legislation Amendment (Ending the Poverty Trap) Bill 2018
    • Introduced: 10/09/18
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 04/07/19
    Siewert (AG) Discharged from Notice Paper 17/06/20
    Treasury Laws Amendment (Axe the Tampon Tax) Bill 2018 Introduced: 09/05/18 Rice (AG), Griff (CA), Leyonhjelm (LDP), Hinch (DHJP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 18/06/18
      • Lapsed in the House of Representatives
    Treasury Laws Amendment (Improving the Energy Efficiency of Rental Properties) Bill 2018 Introduced: 22/08/18 Storer (Ind) Lapsed
    Year: 2019
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Aged Care Amendment (Resident Welfare and Provider Disclosure) Bill 2019 Introduced: 02/04/19 Griff (CA) Lapsed
    Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Amendment (Assisted Reproductive Treatment Statistics) Bill 2019 Introduced: 03/04/19 Griff (CA) Lapsed
    Banking System Reform (Separation of Banks) Bill 2019 Introduced: 12/02/19 Hanson (PHON) Lapsed
    Broadcasting Services Amendment (Audio Description) Bill 2019
    • Introduced: 12/02/19
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 04/07/19
      • 27/07/22
    Steele-John (AG)  
    Competition and Consumer Amendment (Prevention of Exploitation of Indigenous Cultural Expressions) Bill 2019
    • Introduced: 12/02/19
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 04/07/19
    Hanson-Young (AG)  Lapsed
    Environment Legislation Amendment (Protecting Dugongs and Turtles) Bill 2019 Introduced: 14/02/19 Hinch (DHJP) Lapsed
    Export Control Amendment (Banning Cotton Exports to Ensure Water Security) Bill 2019 Introduced: 13/02/19 Patrick (CA) Lapsed
    Higher Education Legislation Amendment (Voluntary Student Services and Amenities Fee) Bill 2019 Introduced: 14/02/19 McGrath (LP) Lapsed
    Human Services Amendment (Photographic Identification and Fraud Prevention) Bill 2019
    • Introduced: 13/02/19
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 24/07/19
    Hanson (PHON)  Lapsed
    Ministers of State (Checks for Security Purposes) Bill 2019
    • Introduced: 12/02/19
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 04/07/19
    Patrick (CA)  Lapsed
    Murray-Darling Basin Commission of Inquiry Bill 2019
    • Introduced: 13/02/19
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 04/07/19
    Hanson-Young (AG)  Lapsed
    Social Security Amendment (A Fair Go for Age Pensioners) Bill 2019 Introduced: 02/04/19 Anning (Ind) Lapsed
    Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Unsolicited Communications) Bill 2019
    • Introduced: 13/02/19
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 04/07/19
    Griff (CA)  Lapsed
    Water Amendment (Purchase Limit Repeal) Bill 2019 Introduced: 13/02/19 Pratt (ALP) Lapsed
    Year: 2019 (from the commencement of the 46th Parliament on 2 July)
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Amendment (Assisted Reproductive Treatment Statistics) Bill 2019 Introduced: 04/07/19 Griff (CA)  Lapsed
    Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Transparency Measures—Lowering the Disclosure Threshold) Bill 2019 Introduced: 27/11/19 Farrell (ALP)  Lapsed
    Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Transparency Measures—Real Time Disclosure) Bill 2019 Introduced: 27/11/19 Farrell (ALP  Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Freedom of Expression and Freedom of the Press) 2019 Introduced: 04/07/19 Griff (CA), Patrick (CA)  Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Water Resources) 2019 Introduced: 04/07/19 Patrick (CA)  Lapsed
    Customs Amendment (Safer Cladding) Bill 2019 Introduced: 10/09/19 Patrick (CA)  Lapsed
    Family Law (Self-Assessment) Bill 2019 Introduced: 12/09/19 Hanson (PHON)  Lapsed
    Governor-General Amendment (Cessation of Allowances in the Public Interest) Bill 2019 Introduced: 13/11/19 Siewert (AG)  Lapsed
    Great Australian Bight Environment Protection Bill 2019 Introduced: 25/07/19 Hanson-Young (AG)  Lapsed
    Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Amendment (Australian Freedoms) Bill 2019 Introduced: 23/07/19 Bernardi (Ind)  Lapsed
    Live Animal Export (Slaughter) Prohibition Bill 2019 Introduced: 04/07/19 Faruqi (AG)  Lapsed
    Marine Safety (Domestic Commercial Vessel) National Law Amendment (Improving Safety) Bill 2019 Introduced: 05/12/19 Sterle (ALP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 10/02/20
      • Introduced—House of Representatives: 11/02/20


    National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment (Small Amount Credit Contract and Consumer Lease Reforms) Bill 2019 (No. 2) Introduced: 02/12/19 McAllister (ALP)  Lapsed
    National Integrity (Parliamentary Standards) Bill 2019 Introduced: 17/10/19 Waters (AG)  Lapsed
    Product Stewardship Amendment (Packaging and Plastics) Bill 2019 Introduced: 11/09/19 Whish-Wilson (AG)  Lapsed
    Protecting Australian Dairy Bill 2019 Introduced: 16/10/19 Hanson (PHON) Negatived at second reading 11/11/19
    Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Amendment (Tax Transparency in Procurement Introduced: 13/11/19 Patrick (CA)  Lapsed
    Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Amendment (Waiver of Debt and Act of Grace Payments) Bill 2019 Introduced: 02/12/19 Gallagher (ALP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 09/08/21
      • Introduced—House of Representatives: 09/08/21


    Saving Australian Dairy Bill 2019 Introduced: 02/12/19 Hanson (PHON)  Lapsed
    Telecommunications Amendment (Repairing Assistance and Access) Bill 2019 Introduced: 04/12/19 Keneally (ALP)  Lapsed
    Year: 2020
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Aged Care Legislation Amendment (Financial Transparency) Bill 2020 Introduced: 12/06/20 Griff (CA)  Lapsed
    Australian Education Legislation Amendment (Prohibiting the Indoctrination of Children) Bill 2020

    Introduced: 10/02/20

    Restored to Notice Paper: 03/08/22

    Hanson (PHON)  
    Australian Sports Commission Amendment (Ensuring a Level Playing Field) Bill 2020 Introduced: 14/05/20 Rice (AG)  Lapsed
    Banking Amendment (Deposits) Bill 2020 Introduced: 27/02/20 Roberts (PHON)  Lapsed
    COAG Reform Fund Amendment (No Electric Vehicle Taxes) Bill 2020 Introduced: 10/12/20 Rice (AG) Negatived at second reading 21/06/21
    Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Banning Dirty Donations) Bill 2020 Introduced: 17/06/20 Waters (AG)  Lapsed
    Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Donation Reform and Other Measures) Bill 2020 Introduced: 05/02/20 Lambie (JLN)  Lapsed
    Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Ensuring Fair Representation of the Northern Territory) Bill 2020 Introduced: 11/06/20 McCarthy (ALP), Farrell (ALP)  Lapsed
    Customs Amendment (Banning Goods Produced By Uyghur Forced Labour) Bill 2020 Introduced: 08/12/20 Patrick (Ind) Discharged from Senate Notice Paper 24/06/21
    Coronavirus Economic Support and Recovery (No-one Left Behind) Bill 2020 Introduced: 11/06/20 Waters (AG)  Lapsed
    Defence Amendment (Parliamentary Approval of Overseas Service) Bill 2020

    Introduced: 07/12/20

    Restored to Notice Paper: 27/07/22

    Steele-John (AG) Negatived at second reading 29/03/23
    Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Climate Trigger) Bill 2020 Introduced: 13/02/20 Hanson-Young (AG)  Lapsed
    Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Regional Forest Agreements) Bill 2020

    Introduced: 09/12/20

    Restored to Notice Paper: 01/08/22

    McKenzie (Nats)  
    Fair Work Amendment (COVID-19) Bill 2020 Introduced: 12/05/20 Faruqi (AG)  Lapsed
    Fair Work Amendment (One in, All in) Bill 2020 [No. 2] Introduced: 16/06/20 Farqui (AG)  Lapsed
    Fair Work Amendment (Ten Days Paid Domestic and Family Violence Leave) Bill 2020 [No. 2] Introduced: 09/12/20 McAllister (ALP)  Lapsed
    Franchising Laws Amendment (Fairness in Franchising) Bill 2020 Introduced: 02/09/20 O'Neill (ALP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 22/02/21
      • Introduced—House of Representatives: 22/02/21


    Intelligence and Security Legislation Amendment (Implementing Independent Intelligence Review) Bill 2020 Introduced: 26/02/20 McAllister (ALP)  Lapsed
    Interactive Gambling Amendment (Prohibition on Credit Card Use) Bill 2020 Introduced: 25/08/20 Griff (CA)  Lapsed
    Judges' Pensions Amendment (Pension Not Payable for Misconduct) Bill 2020 Introduced: 06/10/20 Patrick (Ind)  Lapsed
    Migration Amendment (New Maritime Crew Visas) Bill 2020 Introduced: 11/11/20 Keneally (ALP)  Lapsed
    Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (Benefit to Australia) Bill 2020

    Introduced: 08/12/20

    Restored to Notice Paper: 03/08/22

    Hanson (PHON)  
    Royal Commissions Amendment (Confidentiality Protections) Bill 2020 Introduced: 06/10/20 Steele-John (AG)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 15/02/21
      • Introduced—House of Representatives: 15/02/21


    Social Security (Administration) Amendment (Protecting Consumers from Predatory Leasing Practices) Bill 2020 Introduced: 12/11/20 McAllister (ALP) Negatived at second reading 07/12/20
    Social Security Amendment (COVID-19 Supplement) Bill 2020 Introduced: 09/10/20 Siewert (AG)  Lapsed
  • 2001-2010
    Year: 2001
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    ABC Amendment (Online and Multichannelling Services) Bill 2001
    • Introduced: 03/04/01
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 13/02/02
    Bourne (AD) Lapsed
    Award of Victoria Cross for Australia Bill 2001 Introduced: 04/04/01 Schacht (ALP) Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Appropriations for the Ordinary Annual Services of the Government) 2001
    • Introduced: 26/06/01
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 13/02/0217/11/0414/02/08
    Stott Despoja (AD) Murray (AD) Lapsed
    Customs Tariff Amendment (Petrol Tax Cut) Bill 2001 [No. 2] Introduced: 07/02/01 Cook (ALP) Lapsed
    Excise Tariff Amendment (Petrol Tax Cut) Bill 2001 (No. 2) Introduced: 07/02/01 Cook (ALP) Lapsed
    Fair Prices and Better Access for All (Petroleum) Bill 2001 Introduced: 19/06/01 Schacht (ALP) Lapsed
    Parliamentary Charter of Rights and Freedoms Bill 2001
    • Introduced: 27/09/01
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 09/11/0514/02/08
    Lees (AD) Lapsed
    Public Interest Disclosure Bill 2001 Introduced: 27/06/01 Murray (AD) Discharged from Notice Paper 11/12/02
    Reconciliation Bill 2001
    • Introduced: 05/04/01
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 13/02/0217/11/04
    Ridgeway (AD) Lapsed
    Republic (Consultation of the People) Bill 2001
    • Introduced: 26/09/01
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 13/02/0217/11/0414/02/08
    Stott Despoja (AD) Lapsed
    State Elections (One Vote, One Value) Bill 2001
    • Introduced: 07/08/01
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 13/02/0217/11/0414/02/08
    Murray (AD) Lapsed
    Trade Practices Amendment (Mergers in Regional Markets) Bill 2001 Introduced: 19/06/01 Schacht (ALP) Lapsed
    Trade Practices Amendment (Operation of State and Territory Laws) Bill 2001 Introduced: 19/06/01 Schacht (ALP) Lapsed
    Trade Practices Amendment (Representative Actions) Bill 2001 Introduced: 19/06/01 Schacht (ALP) Lapsed
    Trade Practices Amendment (Unconscionable Conduct) Bill 2001 Introduced: 19/06/01 Schacht (ALP) Lapsed
    Year: 2002
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Australian Broadcasting Corporation (Scrutiny of Board Appointments) Amendment Bill 2002 Introduced: 15/05/02 Bourne (AD) Lapsed
    Corporations Amendment (Improving Corporate Governance) Bill 2002 [No. 2] Introduced: 23/09/02 Conroy (ALP) Lapsed
    Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Invasive Species) Bill 2002
    • Introduced: 19/11/02
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 17/11/04
    Bartlett (AD) Lapsed
    Family Law Amendment (Joint Residency) Bill 2002 Introduced: 20/06/02 Harris (PHON) Lapsed
    Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (Boundary Extension) Amendment Bill 2002 Introduced: 21/03/02 Bartlett (AD) Lapsed
    Kyoto Protocol (Ratification) Bill 2002 Introduced: 19/09/02 Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Ministers of State (Post-Retirement Employment Restrictions) Bill 2002
    • Introduced: 13/03/02
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 17/11/0414/02/08
    Stott Despoja (AD) Murray (AD) Lapsed
    Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (Bali Bombings) Bill 2002 Introduced: 04/12/02 Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (Forest Practices) Bill 2002 Introduced: 20/06/02 Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Plastic Bag Levy (Assessment and Collection) Bill 2002
    • Introduced: 21/10/02
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 14/05/08
    Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Plastic Bag (Minimisation of Usage) Education Fund Bill 2002 [No. 2] Introduced: 21/10/02 Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Public Interest Disclosure (Protection of Whistleblowers) Bill 2002
    • Introduced: 11/12/02
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 17/11/04
    Murray (AD) Discharged from Notice Paper 19/06/07
    Trade Practices Amendment (Credit Card Reform) Bill 2002 [No. 2] Introduced: 23/09/02 Conroy (ALP) Lapsed
    Trade Practices Amendment (Public Liability Insurance) Bill 2002 [No. 2] Introduced: 23/09/02 Conroy (ALP) Lapsed
    Workplace Relations Amendment (Paid Maternity Leave) Bill 2002
    • Introduced: 16/05/02
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 17/11/04
    Stott Despoja (AD) Lapsed
    Year: 2003
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Broadcasting Services (Safeguarding Local Content and Local Audience Needs) Amendment Bill 2003 Introduced: 03/12/03 Lees (APA) Lapsed
    Defence Amendment (Parliamentary approval for Australian involvement in overseas conflicts) Bill 2003
    • Introduced: 27/03/03
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 17/11/04
    Bartlett (AD)Stott Despoja (AD) Lapsed
    Electoral Amendment (Political Honesty) Bill 2003
    • Introduced: 27/03/03
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 17/11/0414/02/08
    Murray (AD) Lapsed
    Financial Management and Accountability (Anti-Restrictive Software Practices) Amendment Bill 2003
    • Introduced: 18/09/03
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 17/11/04
    Greig (AD) Lapsed
    Freedom of Information Amendment (Open Government) Bill 2003
    • Introduced: 25/06/03
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 17/11/0418/03/08
    Murray (AD) Lapsed
    Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (Protecting the Great Barrier Reef from Oil Drilling and Exploration) Amendment Bill 2003
    • Introduced: 05/03/03
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 10/10/06
    McLucas (ALP) Bartlett (AD) Lapsed
    Kyoto Protocol Ratification Bill 2003 [No. 2] Introduced: 30/10/03 Lundy (ALP) Bob Brown (AG)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 01/04/2004
      • Lapsed in House of Representatives
    Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Bill 2003 Introduced: 06/03/03 Conroy (ALP) Lapsed
    National Animal Welfare Bill 2003
    • Introduced: 11/08/03
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 17/11/04
    Bartlett (AD) Lapsed
    Racial and Religious Hatred Bill 2003 [No. 2] Introduced: 01/12/03 Ludwig (ALP) Lapsed
    Sexuality and Gender Identity Discrimination Bill 2003
    • Introduced: 25/11/03
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 17/11/04
    Greig (AD) Lapsed
    Sexuality Anti-Vilification Bill 2003
    • Introduced: 27/03/03
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 17/11/04
    Greig (AD) Lapsed
    Social Security Amendment (Supporting Young Carers) Bill 2003 Introduced: 26/06/03 Lees (APA) Lapsed
    Textbook Subsidy Bill 2003
    • Introduced: 18/06/03
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 17/11/0414/02/08
    Stott Despoja (AD) Lapsed
    Truth in Food Labelling Bill 2003
    • Introduced: 13/10/03
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 11/08/05
    Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Year: 2004
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Criminal Code Amendment (Workplace Death and Serious Injury) Bill 2004
    • Introduced: 04/08/04
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 30/11/04
    Nettle (AG) Lapsed
    Euthanasia Laws (Repeal) Bill 2004
    • Introduced: 03/03/04
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 30/11/0414/02/08
    Allison (AD) Lapsed
    Flags Amendment (Eureka Flag) Bill 2004
    • Introduced: 23/03/04
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 09/12/04
    Marshall (ALP) Lapsed
    Invasion of Iraq Royal Commission (Restoring Public Trust in Government) Bill 2004 [No. 2] Introduced: 03/03/04 Bob Brown (AG) Nettle (AG) Lapsed
    Parliamentary Service Amendment Bill 2004 Introduced: 21/06/04 President of the Senate (Hon. Paul Calvert) Lapsed
    Renewable Energy Amendment (Increased MRET) Bill 2004 Introduced: 17/06/04 Lees (APA) Lapsed
    Resale Royalty Bill 2004 Introduced: 11/03/04 Lundy (ALP) Lapsed
    Senate Voters' Choice (Preference Allocation) Bill 2004 Introduced: 09/12/04 Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Year: 2005
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Migration Amendment (Act of Compassion) Bill 2005 Introduced: 16/06/05 Nettle (AG) Lapsed
    Migration Amendment (Mandatory Detention) Bill 2005 Introduced: 16/06/05 Nettle (AG) Lapsed
    National Animal Welfare Bill 2005 Introduced: 20/06/05 Bartlett (AD) Lapsed
    Parliamentary Service Amendment Bill 2005 Introduced: 09/03/05 President of the Senate (Hon. Paul Calvert)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 10/03/05
      • Reps: 16/03/05
      • Assent: 1/4/05;
        Act No. 39, 2005
    Spyware Bill 2005 Introduced: 12/05/05 Greig (AD) Lapsed
    Taxation Laws Amendment (Scholarships) Bill 2005
    • Introduced: 21/06/05
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 14/02/08
    Stott Despoja (AD) Lapsed
    Therapeutic Goods Amendment (Repeal of Ministerial responsibility for approval of RU486) Bill 2005 [2006] Introduced: 08/12/05 Nash (Nats) Troeth (LP) Allison (AD) Moore (ALP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 09/02/06
      • Reps: 16/02/06
      • Assent: 3/3/06;
        Act No. 5, 2006
    Transparent Advertising and Notification of Pregnancy Counselling Services Bill 2005 Introduced: 23/06/05 Stott Despoja (AD) Lapsed
    Year: 2006
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Amendment (Disallowance Power of the Commonwealth) Bill 2006 Introduced: 19/06/06 Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change (Kyoto Protocol Ratification) Bill 2006 [No. 2] Introduced: 28/11/06 Carr (ALP) Lapsed
    Climate Change Action Bill 2006 Introduced: 30/11/06 Milne (AG) Lapsed
    Cluster Munitions (Prohibition) Bill 2006
    • Introduced: 05/12/06
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 14/02/08
    Allison (AD) Bartlett (AD) Bishop (ALP) Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Crimes Amendment (Victim Impact Statements) Bill 2006 Introduced: 18/10/06 Ludwig (ALP) Lapsed
    Migration Legislation Amendment (Appropriate Access to Detention Centres) Bill 2006 Introduced: 19/06/06 Bartlett (AD) Lapsed
    Migration Legislation Amendment (Appropriate Review) Bill 2006 Introduced: 19/10/06 Bartlett (AD) Lapsed
    Migration Legislation Amendment (Complementary Protection Visas) Bill 2006
    • Introduced: 13/09/06
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 12/03/08
    Bartlett (AD) Negatived at second reading 20/03/08
    Migration Legislation Amendment (Duration of Detention) Bill 2006 Introduced: 09/11/06 Bartlett (AD) Lapsed
    Migration Legislation Amendment (Enabling Permanent Protection) Bill 2006 Introduced: 12/10/06 Bartlett (AD) Lapsed
    Migration Legislation Amendment (End of Mandatory Detention) Bill 2006
    • Introduced: 07/09/06
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 12/03/08
    Bartlett (AD) Lapsed
    Migration Legislation Amendment (Migration Zone Excision Repeal) Bill 2006
    • Introduced: 15/06/06
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 12/03/08
    Bartlett (AD) Lapsed
    Migration Legislation Amendment (Migration Zone Excision Repeal) (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2006
    • Introduced: 15/06/06
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 12/03/08
    Bartlett (AD) Lapsed
    Migration Legislation Amendment (Provisions Relating to Character and Conduct) Bill 2006
    • Introduced: 14/08/06
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 12/03/08
    Bartlett (AD) Lapsed
    Migration Legislation Amendment (Restoration of Fair Process) Bill 2006 Introduced: 30/11/06 Bartlett (AD) Lapsed
    Migration Legislation Amendment (Restoration of Human Rights) Bill 2006 Introduced: 09/11/06 Bartlett (AD) Lapsed
    Migration Legislation Amendment (Return to Procedural Fairness) Bill 2006 Introduced: 17/08/06 Bartlett (AD) Lapsed
    Migration Legislation Amendment (Temporary Protection Visas Repeal) Bill 2006
    • Introduced: 22/06/06
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 12/03/08
    Bartlett (AD) Lapsed
    Pregnancy Counselling (Truth in Advertising) Bill 2006
    • Introduced: 07/12/06
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 19/06/08
    Stott Despoja (AD) Troeth (LP)Nettle (AG)Carol Brown (ALP) Lapsed
    Privacy (Extension to Political Acts and Practices) Amendment Bill 2006
    • Introduced: 22/06/06
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 14/02/08
    Stott Despoja (AD) Lapsed
    Prohibition of Human Cloning for Reproduction and the Regulation of Human Embryo Research Amendment Bill 2006 Introduced: 19/10/06 Patterson (LP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 07/11/06
      • Reps: 06/12/06
      • Assent: 12/12/06;
        Act No. 172, 2006
    Protecting Children from Junk Food Advertising Bill 2006
    • Introduced: 30/03/06
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 14/02/08
    Allison (AD) Lapsed
    Removal of Recognition of US Military Commissions (David Hicks) Bill 2006 Introduced: 07/12/06 Nettle (AG)Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Same-Sex Marriages Bill 2006
    • Introduced: 15/06/06
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 14/02/08
    Stott Despoja (AD) Bartlett (AD) Lapsed
    Social Security (Helping Pensioners Hit by the Skills Shortage) Bill 2006 Introduced: 14/09/06 Evans (ALP) Lapsed
    Year: 2007
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Alcohol Toll Reduction Bill 2007
    • Introduced: 19/09/07
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 18/06/08
    Fielding (FFP) Lapsed
    Australian Securities and Investments Commission (Fair Bank and Credit Card Fees) Amendment Bill 2007 Introduced: 21/06/07 Fielding (FFP) Lapsed
    Australian Territories Rights of the Terminally Ill Bill 2007 Introduced: 08/02/07 Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Criminal Code Amendment (Anti-Child Abuse and Pornography Materials) Bill 2007 Introduced: 21/03/07 Ludwig (ALP) Lapsed
    Electoral (Greater Fairness of Electoral Processes) Amendment Bill 2007
    • Introduced: 01/03/07
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 14/02/08
    Murray (AD) Lapsed
    Food Safety (Trans Fats) Bill 2007 Introduced: 26/03/07 Nettle (AG) Lapsed
    Independent Contractors Amendment Bill 2007 (No. 2) Introduced: 20/06/07 Sterle (ALP) Lapsed
    Lobbying and Ministerial Accountability Bill 2007 Introduced: 14/06/07 Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Marriage (Relationships Equality) Amendment Bill 2007 Introduced: 01/03/07 Nettle (AG) Lapsed
    Migration (Climate Refugees) Amendment Bill 2007 Introduced: 21/06/07 Nettle (AG) Lapsed
    Migration Legislation Amendment (Access to Judicial Review of Migration Decisions) Bill 2007
    • Introduced: 01/03/07
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 12/03/08
    Bartlett (AD) Lapsed
    Migration Legislation Amendment (Removal of Unjust Restrictions) Bill 2007 Introduced: 01/03/07 Bartlett (AD) Lapsed
    Migration Legislation Amendment (Restoration of Rights and Procedural Fairness) Bill 2007
    • Introduced: 08/08/07
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 12/03/08
    Bartlett (AD) Lapsed
    National Market Driven Energy Efficiency Target Bill 2007
    • Introduced: 14/08/07
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 14/02/08
    Allison (AD) Lapsed
    Parliamentary (Judicial Misbehaviour or Incapacity) Commission Bill 2007
    • Introduced: 11/09/07
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 15/05/08
    Kirk (ALP) Lapsed
    Peace and Non-Violence Commission Bill 2007
    • Introduced: 18/06/07
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 14/02/08
    Allison (AD) Lapsed
    Privacy (Data Security Breach Notification) Amendment Bill 2007
    • Introduced: 16/08/07
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 14/02/08
    Stott Despoja (AD) Lapsed
    Public Interest Disclosures Bill 2007
    • Introduced: 14/06/07
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 14/02/08
    Murray (AD) Lapsed
    Qantas Sale (Keep Jetstar Australian) Amendment Bill 2007
    • Introduced: 27/02/07
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 13/02/08
    Fielding (FFP) Lapsed
    Repatriation of Citizens Bill 2007
    • Introduced: 29/03/07
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 14/02/08
    Allison (AD)Stott Despoja (AD) Lapsed
    Same-Sex: Same Entitlements Bill 2007
    • Introduced: 14/08/07
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 14/02/08
    Allison (AD) Bartlett (AD) Murray (AD)Stott Despoja (AD) Lapsed
    Stolen Generation Compensation Bill 2007 Introduced: 13/09/07 Bartlett (AD) Lapsed
    Trade Practices Amendment (Predatory Pricing) Bill 2007 Introduced: 18/06/07 Fielding (FFP) Lapsed
    Trade Practices (Creeping Acquisitions) Amendment Bill 2007
    • Introduced: 20/09/07
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 13/02/08
    Fielding (FFP) Lapsed
    Workplace Relations (Guaranteeing Paid Maternity Leave) Amendment Bill 2007
    • Introduced: 13/09/07
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 14/02/08
    Stott Despoja (AD) Lapsed
    Workplace Relations (Restoring Family Work Balance) Amendment Bill 2007 Introduced: 29/03/07 Fielding (FFP) Lapsed
    Year: 2008
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Improved Access to Baby Bonus) Amendment Bill 2008 Introduced: 20/03/08 Stott Despoja (AD) Lapsed
    ATMs and Cash Facilities in Licensed Venues Bill 2008 Introduced: 04/09/08 Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Australian Securities and Investments Commission (Fair Bank and Credit Card Fees) Amendment Bill 2008 Introduced: 14/02/08 Fielding (FFP) Lapsed
    Building and Construction Industry (Restoring Workplace Rights) Bill 2008 Introduced: 28/08/08 Siewert (AG) Lapsed
    Commonwealth Electoral (Above-the-Line Voting) Amendment Bill 2008 Introduced: 14/05/08 Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Commonwealth Radioactive Waste Management (Repeal and Consequential Amendment) Bill 2008 Introduced: 25/09/08 Ludlam (AG) Lapsed
    Crimes Legislation Amendment (Enhanced Child Protection from Predatory Tourism Offences) Bill 2008 Introduced: 17/06/08 Bernardi (LP) Lapsed
    Defence Amendment (Parliamentary Approval of Overseas Service) Bill 2008 Introduced: 13/02/08 Bartlett (AD) Lapsed
    Defence Amendment (Parliamentary Approval of Overseas Service) Bill 2008 [No. 2] Introduced: 17/09/08 Ludlam (AG) Lapsed
    Drink Container Recycling Bill 2008 Introduced: 13/03/08 Fielding (FFP) Lapsed
    Emergency Assistance Fund for the Lower Lakes and Coorong Region of South Australia Bill 2008 [No. 2] Introduced: 04/09/08 Minchin (LP) Lapsed
    Emergency Water (Murray-Darling Basin Rescue) Bill 2008 Introduced: 28/08/08 Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Control of Power Station Emissions) Bill 2008 Introduced: 19/06/08 Allison (AD) Lapsed
    Flags (Protection of Australian Flags) Amendment Bill 2008 Introduced: 03/09/08 Barnett (LP) Lapsed
    Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Laws Bill 2008 [No. 2] Introduced: 23/06/08 Troeth (LP) Humphries (LP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 13/11/08
      • Lapsed in House of Representatives
    Marriage (Relationships Equality) Amendment Bill 2008 Introduced: 14/02/08 Nettle (AG) Lapsed
    National Commissioner for Children Bill 2008 Introduced: 18/03/08 Bartlett (AD) Lapsed
    Plebiscite for an Australian Republic Bill 2008 Introduced: 11/11/08 Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Poker Machine Harm Minimisation Bill 2008 Introduced: 19/06/08 Fielding (FFP) Lapsed
    Poker Machine Harm Reduction Tax (Administration) Bill 2008
    • Introduced: 14/02/08 Restored to Notice Paper: 30/09/10
    Fielding (FFP) Lapsed
    Protecting Children from Junk Food Advertising (Broadcasting Amendment) Bill 2008 Introduced: 04/09/08 Bob Brown (AG) Negatived at second reading 18/06/09
    Renewable Energy Amendment (Feed-in-Tariff for Electricity) Bill 2008 Introduced: 11/11/08 Milne (AG) Lapsed
    Renewable Energy Amendment (Increased Mandatory Renewable Energy Target) Bill 2008 Introduced: 27/11/08 Milne (AG) Lapsed
    Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment (Feed-in-Tariff) Bill 2008 Introduced: 15/05/08 Milne (AG) Discharged from Notice Paper 11/11/08
    Renewable Energy Legislation Amendment (Renewable Power Percentage) Bill 2008 Introduced: 14/02/08 Allison (AD) Lapsed
    Restoring Territory Rights (Voluntary Euthanasia Legislation) Bill 2008 Introduced: 17/09/08 Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Rights of the Terminally Ill (Euthanasia Laws Repeal) Bill 2008 Introduced: 14/02/08 Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Save Our Solar (Solar Rebate Protection) Bill 2008 [No. 2] Introduced: 24/06/08 Johnston (LP) Lapsed
    Special Broadcasting Service Amendment (Prohibition of Disruptive Advertising) Bill 2008 Introduced: 12/03/08 Allison (AD) Lapsed
    Stolen Generation Compensation Bill 2008 Introduced: 14/02/08 Bartlett (AD) Lapsed
    Stolen Generations Reparations Tribunal Bill 2008 Introduced: 24/09/08 Siewert (AG) Lapsed
    Unit Pricing (Easy comparison of grocery prices) Bill 2008 Introduced: 15/05/08 Fielding (FFP) Lapsed
    Urgent Relief for Single Age Pensioners Bill 2008 Introduced: 22/09/08 Coonan (LP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 22/09/08
      • Lapsed in House of Representatives
    Water Amendment (Saving the Goulburn and Murray Rivers) Bill 2008 Introduced: 03/12/08 Birmingham (LP) Lapsed
    Year: 2009
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Anti-Terrorism Laws Reform Bill 2009 Introduced: 23/06/09 Ludlam (AG) Lapsed
    Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Amendment (Disallowance and Amendment Power of the Commonwealth) Bill 2009 Introduced: 26/11/09 Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Banking Amendment (Keeping Banks Accountable) Bill 2009 Introduced: 25/06/09 Fielding (FFP) Lapsed
    Britt Lapthorne Bill 2009 Introduced: 17/09/09 Fielding (FFP) Lapsed
    Environment Protection (Beverage Container Deposit and Recovery Scheme) Bill 2009 Introduced: 14/05/09 Ludlam (AG) Lapsed
    Fair Work Amendment (Paid Parental Leave) Bill 2009 Introduced: 13/05/09 Hanson-Young (AG) Lapsed
    Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and Other Legislation Amendment (Restoration of Racial Discrimination Act) Bill 2009 Introduced: 29/10/09 Siewert (AG) Lapsed
    Food Safety (Trans Fats) Bill 2009 Introduced: 16/03/09 Siewert (AG) Lapsed
    Food Standards Amendment (Truth in Labelling Laws) Bill 2009 Introduced: 20/08/09 Xenophon (Ind) Bob Brown (AG) Joyce (Nats) Lapsed
    Food Standards Amendment (Truth in Labelling—Palm Oil) Bill 2009 Introduced: 23/11/09 Xenophon (Ind) Bob Brown (AG) Joyce (Nats) Lapsed
    Geothermal and Other Renewable Energy (Emerging Technologies) Amendment Bill 2009 (No. 2) Introduced: 16/09/09 Minchin (LP) Lapsed
    Health Insurance Amendment (Revival of Table Items) Bill 2009 Introduced: 28/10/09 Cormann (LP)Fielding (FFP) Xenophon (Ind)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 28/10/09
      • Lapsed in House of Reprsentatives
    Infrastructure Australia Amendment (National Broadband Network and Other Projects) Bill 2009 Introduced: 15/06/09 Minchin (LP) Lapsed
    Keeping Jobs from Going Offshore (Protection of Personal Information) Bill 2009
    • Introduced: 26/10/09
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 30/09/10
    Fielding (FFP) Lapsed
    Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2009 Introduced: 24/06/09 Hanson-Young (AG) Negatived at second reading 25/02/10
    Parliamentary Superannuation Amendment (Removal of Excessive Super) Bill 2009 Introduced: 14/05/09 Fielding (FFP) Lapsed
    Plain Tobacco Packaging (Removing Branding from Cigarette Packs) Bill 2009
    • Introduced: 20/08/09
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 30/09/10
    Fielding (FFP) Lapsed
    Poker Machine (Reduced Losses—Interim Measures) Bill 2009 Introduced: 28/10/09 Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Protecting Problem Gamblers Bill 2009 Introduced: 27/10/09 Fielding (FFP) Lapsed
    Renewable Energy (Certificates and Other Matters) Amendment Bill 2009 Introduced: 17/09/09 Cash (LP) Lapsed
    Renewable Energy (Food Processing Activities) Amendment Bill 2009 Introduced: 17/09/09 Boswell (Nats) Lapsed
    Safe Climate (Energy Efficient Non-Residential Buildings Scheme) Bill 2009 Introduced: 17/09/09 Milne (AG) Lapsed
    Special Broadcasting Service Amendment (Prohibition of Disruptive Advertising) Bill 2009 Introduced: 07/09/09 Ludlam (AG) Lapsed
    Trade Practices Amendment (Guaranteed Lowest Prices—Blacktown Amendment) Bill 2009 Introduced: 24/06/09 Xenophon (Ind) Joyce (Nats) Lapsed
    Trade Practices Amendment (Material Lessening of Competition—Richmond Amendment) Bill 2009 Introduced: 26/11/09 Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Year: 2010
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Alcohol Toll Reduction Bill 2010 Introduced: 30/09/10 Fielding (FFP) Lapsed
    Anti-Terrorism Laws Reform Bill 2010 Introduced: 29/09/10 Ludlam (AG) Lapsed
    Assisting Victims of Overseas Terrorism Bill 2010 Introduced: 26/11/10 Brandis (LP) Discharged from Notice Paper 10/05/11
    Banking Amendment (Controls on Variable Interest Rate Changes) Bill 2010 Introduced: 18/11/10 Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Banking Amendment (Delivering Essential Financial Services) Bill 2010 (No. 2) Introduced: 30/09/10 Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Banking Amendment (Delivering Essential Financial Services for the Community) Bill 2010 Introduced: 15/06/10 Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Broadcasting Legislation Amendment (Anti- Siphoning) Bill 2010 Introduced: 23/11/10 Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Building and Construction Industry (Restoring Workplace Rights) Bill 2010 Introduced: 29/09/10 Siewert (AG) Lapsed
    Choice of Repairer Bill 2010
    • Introduced: 24/06/10
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 30/09/10
    Fielding (FFP) Lapsed
    Commonwealth Commissioner for Children and Young People Bill 2010 Introduced: 12/05/10 Hanson-Young (AG) Lapsed
    Commonwealth Commissioner for Children and Young People Bill 2010 Introduced: 29/09/10 Hanson-Young (AG) Negatived at second reading 01/03/12
    Commonwealth Electoral (Above-the-Line Voting) Amendment Bill 2010 Introduced: 30/09/10 Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Commonwealth Radioactive Waste Management (Repeal and Consequential Amendment) Bill 2010 Introduced: 29/09/10 Ludlam (AG) Discharged from Notice Paper 15/05/13
    Criminal Code Amendment (Misrepresentation of Age to a Minor) Bill 2010 Introduced: 03/02/10 Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Defence Amendment (Parliamentary Approval of Overseas Service) Bill 2010 [No. 2] Introduced: 30/09/10 Ludlam (AG) Lapsed
    Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits Amendment (Fair Indexation) Bill 2010 Introduced: 18/11/10 Ronaldson (LP) Negatived at third reading 16/06/11
    Drink Container Recycling Bill 2010 Introduced: 30/09/10 Fielding (FFP) Lapsed
    Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Prohibition of Support for Whaling) Bill 2010 Introduced: 04/02/10 Siewert (AG) Abetz (LP) Lapsed
    Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Prohibition of Support for Whaling) Bill 2010 Introduced: 29/09/10 Siewert (AG) Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Environment Protection (Beverage Container Deposit and Recovery Scheme) Bill 2010 Introduced: 30/09/10 Ludlam (AG) Negatived at second reading 13/09/12
    Evidence Amendment (Journalists' Privilege) Bill 2010 (No. 2) Introduced: 29/09/10 Brandis (LP) Lapsed
    Fair Work Amendment (Paid Parental Leave) Bill 2010 Introduced: 30/09/10 Hanson-Young (AG) Lapsed
    Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and Other Legislation Amendment (Restoration of Racial Discrimination Act) Bill 2010 Introduced: 29/09/10 Siewert (AG) Lapsed
    Financial Management and Accountability Amendment (Value for Money in Government Spending) Bill 2010 Introduced: 24/06/10 Barnett (LP) Lapsed
    Food Importation (Bovine Meat Standards) Bill 2010 Introduced: 09/03/10 Colbeck (LP) Joyce (Nats)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 15/03/10
      • Lapsed in the House of Representatives
    Food Safety (Trans Fats) Bill 2010 Introduced: 30/09/10 Siewert (AG) Lapsed
    Food Standards Amendment (Truth in Labelling— Genetically Modified Material) Bill 2010 Introduced: 16/11/10 Xenophon (Ind) Siewert (AG) Lapsed
    Food Standards Amendment (Truth in Labelling—Palm Oil) Bill 2010 Introduced: 30/09/10 Xenophon (Ind) Bob Brown (AG)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 23/06/11
      • Removed from House of Representatives Notice Paper: 20/03/12
    Foreign Acquisitions Amendment (Agricultural Land) Bill 2010 [2013]
    • Introduced: 24/11/10
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 10/12/1319/04/1631/08/16
    Xenophon (Ind) Milne (AG) Lapsed
    Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2010 Introduced: 29/09/10 Hanson-Young (AG) Discharged from Notice Paper 25/02/13
    Migration Amendment (Detention of Minors) Bill 2010 Introduced: 28/10/10 Hanson-Young (AG) Lapsed
    Migration Amendment (Detention Reform and Procedural Fairness) Bill 2010 Introduced: 18/11/10 Hanson-Young (AG) Lapsed
    National Broadband Network Financial Transparency Bill 2010 (No. 2) Introduced: 23/11/10 Birmingham (LP) Negatived at second reading 15/09/11
    National Integrity Commissioner Bill 2010 Introduced: 22/06/10 Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    National Integrity Commissioner Bill 2010 Introduced: 30/09/10 Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Ombudsman Amendment (Education Ombudsman) Bill 2010 Introduced: 11/03/10 Hanson-Young (AG) Lapsed
    Ombudsman Amendment (Education Ombudsman) Bill 2010 Introduced: 29/09/10 Hanson-Young (AG) Lapsed
    Parliamentary Budget Office Bill 2010 Introduced: 24/06/10 Barnett (LP) Lapsed
    Patent Amendment (Human Genes and Biological Materials) Bill 2010 Introduced: 24/11/10 Coonan (LP) Heffernan (LP) Siewert (AG) Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Plastic Bag Levy (Assessment and Collection) Bill 2010 Introduced: 22/11/10 Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Plebiscite for an Australian Republic Bill 2010 Introduced: 30/09/10 Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Poker Machine (Reduced Losses—Interim Measures) Bill 2010 Introduced: 29/09/10 Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Preventing the Misuse of Government Advertising Bill 2010 Introduced: 16/06/10 Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Preventing the Misuse of Government Advertising Bill 2010 Introduced: 29/09/10 Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Protecting Children from Junk Food Advertising (Broadcasting Amendment) Bill 2010 Introduced: 30/09/10 Bob Brown (AG) Negatived at second reading 03/03/11
    Renewable Energy Amendment (Feed-in-Tariff for Electricity) Bill 2010 Introduced: 29/09/10 Milne (AG) Lapsed
    Renewable Energy—Electricity (Water Heaters and Phantom Certificates) Bill 2010 Introduced: 24/02/10 Milne (AG) Lapsed
    Responsible Takeaway Alcohol Hours Bill 2010 Introduced: 13/05/10 Fielding (FFP) Lapsed
    Responsible Takeaway Alcohol Hours Bill 2010 Introduced: 30/09/10 Fielding (FFP) Lapsed
    Restoring Territory Rights (Voluntary Euthanasia Legislation) Bill 2010 Introduced: 29/09/10 Bob Brown (AG) Discharged from Notice Paper 22/11/12
    Safe Climate (Energy Efficient Non-Residential Buildings Scheme) Bill 2010 Introduced: 29/09/10 Milne (AG) Lapsed
    Social Security Amendment (Income Support for Regional Students) Bill 2010 Introduced: 28/10/10 Nash (Nats)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 10/02/11
      • House declined to consider bill 21/02/11
    Social Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Scholarship Payments) Bill 2010 Introduced: 24/02/10 Hanson-Young (AG) Lapsed
    Special Broadcasting Service Amendment (Prohibition of Disruptive Advertising) Bill 2010 Introduced: 30/09/10 Ludlam (AG) Lapsed
    Stolen Generations Reparations Tribunal Bill 2010 Introduced: 30/09/10 Siewert (AG) Lapsed
    Tax Laws Amendment (Public Benefit Test) Bill 2010 Introduced: 13/05/10 Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Territories Self-Government Legislation Amendment (Disallowance and Amendment of Laws) Bill 2011 (formerly the Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Amendment (Disallowance and Amendment Power of the Commonwealth) Bill 2010) Introduced: 29/09/10 Bob Brown (AG)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 18/08/11
      • Reps: 02/11/11
      • Assent: 4/12/11;
        Act No. 166, 2011
    Transport Safety Investigation Amendment (Incident Reports) Bill 2010 Introduced: 30/09/10 Xenophon (Ind) Lapsed
    Water (Crisis Powers and Floodwater Diversion) Bill 2010 Introduced: 18/03/10 Xenophon (Ind) Hanson-Young (AG) Lapsed
    Water (Crisis Powers and Floodwater Diversion) Bill 2010 Introduced: 30/09/10 Xenophon (Ind) Hanson-Young (AG) Lapsed
    Wild Rivers (Environmental Management) Bill 2010 [No. 2] Introduced: 23/02/10 Scullion (CLP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 22/06/10
      • Lapsed in the House of Representatives
  • 1991-2000
    Year: 1991
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Acts Interpretation (Delegated Legislation) Amendment Bill 1991
    • Introduced: 20/06/91
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 05/05/9301/05/96
    Harradine (Ind) Lapsed
    Acts Interpretation (Ministerial Undertakings) Amendment Bill 1991 Introduced: 09/04/91 Powell (AD) Lapsed
    Commission of Inquiry (Bank Practices) Bill 1991
    • Introduced: 28/05/91
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 05/05/93
    McLean (AD) Lapsed
    Commonwealth Banks Amendment Bill 1991 Introduced: 13/03/91 Short (LP) Lapsed
    Defence (Middle East Anti-conscription) Amendment Bill 1991 Introduced: 22/01/91 Powell (AD) Lapsed
    Income Tax Assessment (Valueless Shares) Amendment Bill 1991 Introduced: 17/10/91 Watson (LP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 17/10/91
      • Lapsed in House of Representatives
    Ombudsman Amendment Bill 1991 Introduced: 14/08/91 Herron (LP) Lapsed
    Parliamentary Privileges Amendment (Effect of Other Laws) Bill 1991 Introduced: 09/09/91 Crichton-Browne (LP) Lapsed
    Political Disclosures (Donations) Bill 1991 Introduced: 14/08/91 Powell (AD) Lapsed
    Threatened Species Bill 1991 Introduced: 09/09/91 Coulter (AD) Discharged from Notice Paper 07/10/92
    Training Guarantee (Guidelines) Bill 1991 Introduced: 17/04/91 Reid (LP) Lapsed
    Whistleblowers Protection Bill 1991 Introduced: 12/12/91 Vallentine (GWA) Lapsed
    Year: 1992
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Australian National University Amendment (Autonomy) Bill 1992 Introduced: 04/03/92 Tierney (LP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate:08/ 10/92
      • Lapsed in House of Representatives
    Constitution Alteration (Qualifications and Disqualifications of Members of Parliament) 1992
    • Introduced: 24/11/92
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 05/05/9301/05/96
    Kernot (AD) Lapsed
    Defence (Conscientious Objection) Bill 1992 Introduced: 09/11/92 Chamarette (GWA) Lapsed
    Income Tax Assessment (Isolated Area Zone Extension) Amendment Bill 1992 Introduced: 01/04/92 Panizza (LP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate:05/ 11/92
      • Lapsed in House of Representatives
    Industrial Relations (Resolution of Boycotts) Amendment Bill 1992
    • Introduced: 17/12/92
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 05/05/93
    Powell (Ind) Lapsed
    Motor Vehicle Standards (Headlights) Amendment Bill 1992 Introduced: 26/03/92 Panizza (LP) Lapsed
    Parliamentary Presiding Officers Amendment Bill 1992 Introduced: 25/06/92 Colston (ALP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 08/10/92
      • Reps: 25/11/92
      • Assent: 11/12/92;
        Act No. 163, 1992
    Radioactive Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports) Bill 1992
    • Introduced: 25/11/92
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 05/05/9301/05/96
    Sowada (AD) Lapsed
    Year: 1992
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Referendum (Goods and Services Tax) Bill 1992 Introduced: 24/11/92 Coulter (AD) Lapsed
    Regulation of Video Material Bill 1992 Introduced: 12/11/92 Walters (LP) Lapsed
    Threatened Species Bill 1992 Introduced: 05/03/92 Coulter (AD) Negatived at second reading 15/10/92
    World Heritage Properties Conservation (Protection of Exit Cave, Tasmania) Amendment Bill 1992
    • Introduced: 08/10/92
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 05/05/9301/05/96
    Bell (AD) Lapsed
    Year: 1993
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Audit (Auditor-General an Officer of the Parliament) Amendment Bill 1993 Introduced: 06/10/93 Watson (LP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 28/10/93
      • Lapsed in House of Reprsentatives
    Australian National University Amendment (Autonomy) Bill 1993 Introduced: 06/05/93 Tierney (LP) Lapsed
    Food Labelling Bill 1993 Introduced: 27/05/93 Lees (AD) Lapsed
    Income Tax Assessment (Isolated Area Zone Extension) Amendment Bill 1993 Introduced: 25/11/93 Panizza (LP) Lapsed
    Motor Vehicle Standards (Headlights) Amendment Bill 1993 Introduced: 07/09/93 Panizza (LP) Lapsed
    National Residue Survey Administration (Cost Sharing) Amendment Bill 1993
    • Introduced: 30/8/93
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 01/05/96
    Bell (AD) Lapsed
    Native Title (Status Quo) Bill 1993 Introduced: 09/12/93 Chamarette (GWA) Lapsed
    Nuclear Power, Uranium Enrichment and Reprocessing (Prohibition) Bill 1993
    • Introduced: 13/05/93
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 01/05/96
    Coulter (AD) Lapsed
    Social Security Amendment (Listed Securities) Bill 1993 Introduced: 06/05/93 Patterson (LP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 12/05/93
      • Lapsed in House of Representatives
    Social Security Legislation Amendment (Shares and Securities) Bill 1993 Introduced: 06/05/93 Bell (AD) Lees (AD) Lapsed
    Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) (Exemption of Council Allowances) Amendment Bill 1993 Introduced: 01/09/93 I. Macdonald (LP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 28/10/93
      • Lapsed in House of Representatives
    Tax Legislation Amendment (Fiscal Responsibility) Bill 1993
    • Introduced: 27/05/93
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 01/05/96
    Kernot (AD) Lapsed
    Toxic Chemicals (Community Right to Know) Bill 1993
    • Introduced: 19/05/93
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 01/05/96
    Powell (AD) Lapsed
    Toxic Chemicals (Community Right to Know) Bill 1993 [No. 2] Introduced: 01/09/93 Chamarette (GWA) Lapsed
    Veterans' Entitlements Amendment (Listed Securities) Bill 1993 Introduced: 10/05/93 MacGibbon (LP) Lapsed
    Whistleblowers Protection Bill 1993 Introduced: 05/10/93 Chamarette (GWA) Lapsed
    Year: 1994
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Flags Amendment Bill 1994 Introduced: 20/06/94 Kemp (LP) Lapsed
    Parliamentary Approval of Treaties Bill 1994 Introduced: 29/06/94 Bourne (AD) Discharged from Notice Paper 01/06/95
    Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (Security of Australia) Bill 1994
    • Introduced: 30/06/94
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 01/05/96
    Woodley (AD) Lapsed
    Parliamentary Privileges Amendment (Enforcement of Lawful Orders) Bill 1994
    • Introduced: 23/03/94
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 01/05/96
    Kernot (AD) Lapsed
    Rights to Privacy and Equality (ICCPR) Bill 1994 Introduced: 22/09/94 Chamarette (GWA) Lapsed
    Sales Tax (Exemptions and Classification) (Two Wheel Drive Vehicles with Jeep, Platform,Pick-up or Utility Body Type) Amendment Bill 1994 Introduced: 05/05/94 Watson (LP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 02/06/1994
      • Lapsed in House of Representatives
    Telecommunications (Performance Standards) Amendment Bill 1994 Introduced: 10/02/94 Alston (LP) Lapsed
    Tobacco Advertising Prohibition (Broadcasting and Tobacco Advertising Legislation) Amendment Bill 1994 Introduced: 07/06/94 Lees (AD) Lapsed
    Year: 1995
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Air Navigation Amendment (Extension of Curfew and Limitation of Aircraft Movements) Bill 1995
    • Introduced: 27/03/95
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 01/05/9623/11/9813/02/02
    Bourne (AD) Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Ecology, Diversity and Sustainability) 1995
    • Introduced: 29/03/95
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 01/05/96
    Coulter (AD) Lapsed
    Native Forest Protection Bill 1995 Introduced: 27/11/95 Chamarette (GWA) Lapsed
    Parliamentary Approval of Treaties Bill 1995
    • Introduced: 31/05/95
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 01/05/9623/11/9813/02/0217/11/04
    Bourne (AD) Lapsed
    Prohibition of Exportation of Uranium to France (Customs Act Amendment) Bill 1995
    • Introduced: 27/06/95
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 01/05/96
    Coulter (AD) Lapsed
    Public Service (Abolition of Compulsory Retirement Age) Amendment Bill 1995 Introduced: 07/06/95 Patterson (LP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 30/06/1995
      • Lapsed in House of Representatives
    Sales Tax Assessment (Refunds for Certain Public Interest and Charitable Bodies) Amendment Bill 1995 Introduced: 27/03/95 Watson (LP) Lapsed
    Sexuality Discrimination Bill 1995
    • Introduced: 29/11/95
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 01/05/9623/11/98
    Spindler (AD) Lapsed
    Year: 1996
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (16 and 17 Year Old Voluntary Enrolment) Bill 1996 Introduced: 26/06/96 Chamarette (GWA) Lapsed
    Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Political Freedom) Bill 1996 Introduced: 09/10/96 Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (President of the Commonwealth of Australia) 1996 Introduced: 25/06/96 Teague (LP) Lapsed
    Customs and Excise Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1996 Introduced: 09/12/96 Margetts (GWA) Lapsed
    D'Entrecasteaux National Park Protection Bill 1996
    • Introduced: 08/10/96
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 23/11/98
    Margetts (GWA) Murray (AD) Lapsed
    Koongarra Project Area Repeal Bill 1996
    • Introduced: 07/05/96
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 23/11/98
    Lees (AD) Lapsed
    Labelling of Genetically Manipulated and Other Foods Bill 1996 Introduced: 27/06/96 Woodley (AD) Lapsed
    Native Forest Protection Bill 1996
    • Introduced: 11/09/96
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 23/11/98
    Bob Brown (AG) Lees (AD) Lapsed
    Natural Heritage Trust Fund Bill 1996 Introduced: 21/05/96 Kernot (AD) Lapsed
    Ombudsman Amendment Bill 1996 Introduced: 27/06/96 Conroy (ALP) Lapsed
    Patents Amendment Bill 1996
    • Introduced: 27/06/96
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 23/11/9814/05/0217/11/0414/02/08
    Stott Despoja (AD) Lapsed
    Prohibition of Exportation of Uranium (Customs Act Amendment) Bill 1996
    • Introduced: 07/05/96
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 23/11/98
    Lees (AD) Lapsed
    Restitution of Property to King Island Dairy Products Pty Ltd Bill 1996
    • Introduced: 09/05/96Restored to Notice Paper: 23/11/98
    Bell (AD) Discharged from Notice Paper 25/03/99
    Uranium Mining in Australian World Heritage Properties (Prohibition) Bill 1996 Introduced: 07/05/96 Lees (AD) Lapsed
    World Heritage Properties Conservation Amendment (Protection of Wet Tropics of Tully) Bill 1996
    • Introduced: 09/05/96
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 23/11/98
    Lees (AD) Lapsed
    Year: 1997
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Customs Legislation (Economies in Transition) Amendment Bill 1997 Introduced: 24/11/97 Cook (ALP) Lapsed
    Customs Legislation (Willett Review of Anti- Dumping Measures) Amendment Bill 1997 Introduced: 24/11/97 Murphy (ALP) Lapsed
    Customs Tariff Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1997 Introduced: 26/05/97 Cook (ALP) Lapsed
    Defence Cooperation Control Amendment Bill 1997
    • Introduced: 24/02/97
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 23/11/98
    Woodley (AD) Lapsed
    Plebiscite for an Australian Republic Bill 1997
    • Introduced: 26/06/97
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 23/11/98
    Bolkus (ALP) Kernot (AD) Lapsed
    Privacy Amendment Bill 1997 Introduced: 25/09/97 Stott Despoja (AD) Discharged from Notice Paper 27/05/98
    Quarantine Amendment (Ministerial Approval) Bill 1997 Introduced: 28/10/97 Neal (ALP) Lapsed
    Sun Fund Bill 1997 Introduced: 25/06/97 Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Taxation Laws Amendment (Part-time Students) Bill 1997
    • Introduced: 30/10/97
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 23/11/98
    Stott Despoja (AD) Lapsed
    Telecommunications Amendment (Prohibition of B-Party Charging of Internet Service Providers) Bill 1997
    • Introduced: 26/06/97
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 23/11/98
    Allison (AD) Lapsed
    Trade Practices Amendment (Fair Trading) Bill 1997 Introduced: 24/06/97 Murray (AD) Lapsed
    Year: 1998
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Captioning for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired Bill 1998
    • Introduced: 28/05/98
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 23/11/98
    Stott Despoja (AD) Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Right to Stand for Parliament—Qualification of Members and Candidates) 1998 Introduced: 24/06/98 Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Employee Protection (Wage Guarantee) Bill 1998 [No. 2] Introduced: 14/05/98 Forshaw (ALP) Lapsed
    Employment Security Bill 1998 [No. 2] Introduced: 26/05/98 Mackay (ALP) Lapsed
    Food Labelling Bill 1998 Introduced: 24/03/98 Woodley (AD) Lapsed
    Genetic Privacy and Non-discrimination Bill 1998
    • Introduced: 11/03/98
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 23/11/9814/05/0217/11/0414/02/08
    Stott Despoja (AD) Lapsed
    Uranium Mining in or near Australian World Heritage Properties (Prohibition) Bill 1998
    • Introduced: 28/05/98
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 23/11/9811/12/0217/11/0414/02/08
    Allison (AD) Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Right to Stand for Parliament—Qualification of Members and Candidates) 1998 (No. 2)
    • Introduced: 24/11/98
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 16/05/02 Laid aside at third readingunder SO 135 (no absolutemajority): 15/05/03Restored to Notice Paperand recommitted: 01/12/04
    Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Year: 1999
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Anti-Genocide Bill 1999
    • Introduced: 13/10/99
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 13/02/0217/11/04
    Greig (AD) Lapsed
    Australian Broadcasting Corporation Amendment Bill 1999
    • Introduced: 25/03/99
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 13/02/02
    Bourne (AD) Lapsed
    Child Care Legislation Amendment (High Need Regions) Bill 1999 Introduced: 24/11/99 Evans (ALP) Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Proportional Representation in the Senate) 1999 Introduced: 24/08/99 Harris (PHON) Lapsed
    Convention on Climate Change (Implementation) Bill 1999
    • Introduced: 02/09/99
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 12/11/02
    Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Customs Amendment (Anti-Radioactive Waste Storage Dump) Bill 1999
    • Introduced: 20/10/99
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 12/11/02
    Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Electoral Amendment (Optional Preferential Voting) Bill 1999 Introduced: 29/09/99 Harris (PHON) Lapsed
    Electoral Amendment (Senate Elections) Bill 1999 Introduced: 22/06/99 Colston (Ind) Lapsed
    Employee Security Bill 1000 [No. 2] Introduced: 13/05/99 Collins (ALP) Lapsed
    Human Rights (Mandatory Sentencing of Juvenile Offenders) Bill 1999 Introduced: 25/08/99 Bob Brown (AG) Bolkus (ALP) Greig (AD)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 15/03/2000
      • Lapsed in House of Representatives
    Republic (Consultation on an Elected President) Bill 1999 Introduced: 30/06/99 Murray (AD) Lapsed
    Workplace Relations Amendment (Australian Defence Force Service and Training) Bill 1999 (No. 2) Introduced: 13/10/99 Collins (ALP) Lapsed
    Year: 2000
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Auditor of Parliamentary Allowances and Entitlements Bill 2000 [No. 2] Introduced: 01/11/00 Faulkner (ALP) Lapsed
    Charter of Political Honesty Bill 2000
    • Introduced: 10/10/00
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 13/02/0217/11/04
    Murray (AD) Discharged from Notice Paper 01/03/07
    Constitution Alteration (Electors' Initiative, Fixed Term Parliaments and Qualification of Members) 2000
    • Introduced: 04/04/00
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 13/02/0217/11/0414/02/08
    Murray (AD) Lapsed
    Corporate Code of Conduct Bill 2000
    • Introduced: 06/09/00
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 13/02/02
    Bourne (AD) Lapsed
    Electoral Amendment (Political Honesty) Bill 2000
    • Introduced: 10/10/00
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 13/02/02
    Murray (AD) Discharged from Notice Paper 27/03/03
    Freedom of Information Amendment (Open Government) Bill 2000
    • Introduced: 5/9/00Restored to Notice Paper: 13/02/02
    Murray (AD) Discharged from Notice Paper 25/06/03
    Human Rights (Mandatory Sentencing for Property Offences) Bill 2000
    • Introduced: 06/09/00
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 12/11/02
    Bob Brown (AG) Lapsed
    Job Network Monitoring Authority Bill 2000 [No. 2] Introduced: 31/10/00 Collins (ALP) Lapsed
    Sex Discrimination Legislation Amendment (Pregnancy and Work) Bill 2000 [No. 2] Introduced: 14/03/00 Crossin (ALP) Lapsed
    Superannuation (Entitlements of same-sex couples) Bill 2000 Introduced: 15/02/00 Conroy (ALP) Lapsed
  • 1981-1990
    Year: 1981
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Aborigines and Islanders (Admissibility of Confessions) Bill 1981 Introduced: 05/03/81 Bonner (LP) Lapsed
    Banking Amendment Bill 1981 Introduced: 19/08/81 Haines (AD) Lapsed
    Conciliation and Arbitration Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1981 Introduced: 25/11/81 Button (ALP) Negatived at second reading 26/11/81
    Constitution Alteration (Fixed Term Parliaments) 1981 Introduced: 11/11/81 G. Evans (ALP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 17/11/82
      • Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Holders of Officers of Profit) 1981 Introduced: 05/03/81 Colston (ALP) Lapsed
    Customs Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1981
    • Introduced: 19/08/81
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 22/04/83
      • 22/02/85
    Macklin (AD) Lapsed
    Customs Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1981 (No. 2) Introduced: 08/09/81 Ryan (ALP) Lapsed
    Health Acts Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1981 Introduced: 19/08/81 Haines (AD) Lapsed
    Income Tax Assessment Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1981
    • Introduced: 19/08/81
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 22/04/83
      • 22/02/85
    Haines (AD) Lapsed
    Industrial Democracy Bill 1981 Introduced: 27/08/81 Siddons (AD)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 26/11/81
      • Lapsed
    Institute of Freshwater Studies Bill 1981 Introduced: 09/06/81 McLaren (ALP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 25/02/82
      • Lapsed
    Insurance (Agents and Brokers) Bill 1981 Introduced: 28/05/81 G. Evans (ALP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 29/10/81
      • Lapsed
    Liquor Advertising Tax Assessment Bill 1981
    • Introduced: 26/11/81
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 22/04/83
      • 22/02/85
    Chipp (AD) Lapsed
    Liquor Education Fund Bill 1981
    • Introduced: 26/11/81
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 22/04/83
      • 22/02/85
    Chipp (AD) Lapsed
    Offences Against the Parliament Bill 1981 Introduced: 12/11/81 Button (ALP) Lapsed
    Queensland Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders (Self-management and Land Rights) Bill 1981 Introduced: 27/08/81 Ryan (ALP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 18/03/82
      • Lapsed in the House of Representatives
    Repatriation Acts (Tuberculosis Pensions) Amendment Bill 1981 Introduced: 19/08/81 Macklin (AD)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 26/11/81
      • Lapsed in the House of Representatives
    Sales Tax Assessment (Rebate for Transport Costs) Bill 1981
    • Introduced: 19/11/81
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 22/04/83
      • 22/02/85
    Chipp (AD) Lapsed
    Senate Elections (Queensland) Bill 1981Act citation: Senate Elections (Queensland) Act 1982 Introduced: 26/03/81 Colston (ALP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 29/04/82
      • Reps: 05/05/82
      • Assent: 21/5/82;
        Act No. 31, 1982
    Sex Discrimination Bill 1981 Introduced: 26/11/81 Ryan (ALP) Lapsed
    Western Australian Aboriginals (Right to Electoral Enrolment) Bill 1981 Introduced: 05/03/81 Walsh (ALP) Negatived at second reading 10/09/81
    Year: 1982
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Banks and Financial Corporations (Overdraft and Loan Charges) Bill 1982
    • Introduced: 15/12/82
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 22/04/83
    Chipp (AD) Lapsed
    Broadcasting and Television Amendment Bill 1982 Introduced: 17/02/82 Macklin (AD) Lapsed
    Commonwealth Electoral Amendment Bill 1982 Introduced: 22/09/82 Siddons (AD) Lapsed
    Commonwealth Electoral Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1982 Introduced: 11/11/82 Gietzelt (ALP) Lapsed
    Commonwealth Electoral Amendment Bill (No. 3) 1982 Introduced: 11/11/82 Gietzelt (ALP) Lapsed
    Commonwealth Electoral Amendment Bill (No. 4) 1982 Introduced: 11/11/82 Gietzelt (ALP) Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Elector's Initiative) 1982
    • Introduced: 20/05/82
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 22/04/83
      • 22/02/85
    Mason (AD) Lapsed
    Human Rights Bill 1982 Introduced: 09/11/82 Haines (AD) Lapsed
    Income Tax Assessment Amendment Bill (No. 5) 1982 Introduced: 15/09/82 Macklin (AD) Lapsed
    National Service Amendment Bill 1982 Introduced: 28/10/82 Tate (ALP) Lapsed
    Petroleum Retail Marketing Sites Amendment Bill 1982
    • Introduced: 23/09/82
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 22/04/83
    Chipp (AD) Negatived in committee 08/09/83
    Rainforest Preservation Agreements Bill 1982
    • Introduced: 06/05/82
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 22/04/83
      • 22/02/85
    Mason (AD) Lapsed
    Repatriation (Special Overseas Service) Amendment Bill 1982 Introduced: 18/08/82 Macklin (AD) Discharged from Notice Paper 18/11/82
    Sales Tax (Exemptions and Classifications) Amendment Bill 1982 [No. 2]
    • Introduced: 15/09/82
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 22/04/83
    Siddons (AD) Lapsed
    World Heritage Properties Protection Bill 1982 Introduced: 27/10/82 Mason (AD)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 14/12/82
      • Lapsed in the House of Representatives
    Year: 1983
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Anzac Day Bill 1983 Introduced: 31/05/83 Lewis (LP) Lapsed
    Australian Capital Territory Smoking and Tobacco Products Advertisements Prohibition Bill 1983
    • Introduced: 06/09/83
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 22/02/85
    J. Evans (AD) Lapsed
    Collective Agreements (Corporations) Bill 1983 Introduced: 14/12/83 J. Evans (AD) Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Appropriation Bills) 1983 Introduced: 17/05/83 Rae (LP) Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Double Dissolution) 1983 Introduced: 06/10/83 Hamer (LP) Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Parliament) 1983 Introduced: 06/10/83 Macklin (AD)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 13/10/83
      • Lapsed in the House of Representatives
    Customs (Nuclear Materials and Hardware Prohibition) Bill 1983 Introduced: 12/10/83 Chipp (AD) Negatived at second reading 10/11/83
    Income Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 1983 Introduced: 25/05/83 Mason (AD) Discharged from Notice Paper 13/06/84
    Income Tax Assessment Bill 1983 (No. 3) Introduced: 24/08/83 Chipp (AD) Lapsed
    Industrial Democracy Bill 1983 Introduced: 24/05/83 J. Evans (AD) Lapsed
    National Service Amendment Bill 1983 Introduced: 18/05/83 Tate (ALP) Lapsed
    Sales Tax (Exemptions and Classifications) Amendment Bill 1983 Introduced: 02/06/83 J. Evans (AD) Lapsed
    Taxation (Unpaid Company Tax) Assessment Amendment Bill 1983 (No. 3)
    • Introduced: 01/11/83
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 22/02/85
    J. Evans (AD) Lapsed
    Year: 1984
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Arbitration (Contract Carriers and Bailee Drivers) Bill 1984 Introduced: 03/10/84 J. Evans (AD) Lapsed
    Australian Waters (Nuclear-Powered Ships and Nuclear Weapons Prohibition) Bill 1984
    • Introduced: 11/09/84
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 22/02/85
    Chipp (AD) Part of second reading amendment to insert words to motion negatived, motion ruled as meaningless and second reading consequently defeated 26/02/85
    Commission of Inquiry (Chamberlain Convictions) Bill 1984
    • Introduced: 14/06/84
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 22/02/85
    Mason (AD) Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Appropriation Bills) 1984
    • Introduced: 13/06/84
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 22/02/85
    Rae (LP) Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Democratic Elections) 1984 Introduced: 02/04/84 Macklin (AD) Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (External Affairs) 1984
    • Introduced: 12/09/84
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 22/02/85
    Durack (LP) Lapsed
    Corporations (Employee-owned Co-operatives) Bill 1984 Introduced: 06/06/84 J. Evans (AD) Lapsed
    Customs (Prohibition of Exportation of Nuclear Materials) Bill 1984 Introduced: 29/02/84 Chipp (AD) Lapsed
    Customs (Prohibition of Importation of Nuclear Hardware) Bill 1984 Introduced: 04/04/84 Chipp (AD) Negatived at second reading 31/05/84
    Flags Amendment Bill 1984
    • Introduced: 11/09/84
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 22/02/85
    Durack (LP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 28/02/85
      • Lapsed in House of Representatives
    Foreign Ownership and Control Registration Bill 1984 Introduced: 13/09/84 J. Evans (AD) Lapsed
    Health Insurance Amendment Bill 1984 Introduced: 28/03/84 Haines (AD) Discharged from Notice Paper 13/60/84
    Health Legislation Amendment Bill 1984 Introduced: 28/03/84 Baume (LP) Lapsed
    Horticultural-Plant Variety Rights Bill 1984
    • Introduced: 11/10/84
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 22/02/85
    Hill (LP) Lapsed
    Income Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 1984 (No. 2)Act citation: Income Tax Assessment Amendment Act (No. 5) 1984 Introduced: 02/05/84 J. Evans (AD)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 04/05/84
      • Reps: 10/10/84
      • Assent: 17/10/84;
        Act No. 115, 1984
    Nuclear Weapons Prohibitions Bill 1984 Introduced: 15/06/84 Chipp (AD) Lapsed
    Property Rights Protection Bill 1984
    • Introduced: 10/05/84
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 22/02/85
    Haines (AD) Lapsed
    Queensland Rainforests Conservation Bill 1984 Introduced: 11/10/84 Macklin (AD) Lapsed
    Remuneration and Allowances Amendment Bill 1984 (No. 2)
    • Introduced: 24/08/84
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 20/03/85
    Harradine (Ind) Lapsed
    Representation Amendment (Order of Election of Senators) Bill 1984 Introduced: 11/09/84 Macklin (AD) Lapsed
    Sales Tax (Exemptions and Classifications) Amendment Bill 1984
    • Introduced: 29/05/84
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 22/02/85
    Macklin (AD) Lapsed
    Tax Avoidance Schemes Bill 1984 Introduced: 09/05/84 J. Evans (AD) Lapsed
    Taxation System Reform Bill 1984 Introduced: 17/10/84 J. Evans (AD) Lapsed
    Trade Practices Amendment Bill 1984
    • Introduced: 29/02/84
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 22/02/85
    Haines (AD) Lapsed
    Year: 1985
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1985 Introduced: 02/12/85 Kilgariff (LP) Lapsed
    Australian Airspace (Nuclear Weapons Prohibition) Bill 1985 Introduced: 30/05/85 Chipp (AD) Lapsed
    Australian Waters (Nuclear-powered Ships Prohibition) Bill 1985 Introduced: 30/05/85 Chipp (AD) Lapsed
    Australian Waters (Nuclear Weapons Prohibition) Bill 1985 Introduced: 30/05/85 Chipp (AD) Lapsed
    Broadcasting and Television Amendment (Tribunal's Power) Bill 1985 Introduced: 23/05/85 Vigor (AD) Discharged from Notice Paper 06/12/85
    Constitution Alteration (Democratic Elections) 1985 Introduced: 17/04/85 Macklin (AD) Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Disqualification of Members and Candidates) 1985 Introduced: 28/03/85 Mason (AD) Lapsed
    Corporations (Employee-owned Co-operatives) Bill 1985 Introduced: 25/03/85 J. Evans (AD) Lapsed
    Customs (Prohibition of Exportation of Nuclear Materials) Bill 1985 Introduced: 30/05/85 Chipp (AD) Lapsed
    Customs (Prohibition of Importation of Nuclear Hardware) Bill 1985 Introduced: 30/05/85 Chipp (AD) Lapsed
    Defence Amendment Bill 1985 Introduced: 18/04/85 Mason (AD) Lapsed
    Employee Participation Bill 1985 Introduced: 11/10/85 Siddons (AD) Lapsed
    Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Amendment Bill 1985 Introduced: 22/05/85 Mason (AD) Lapsed
    Family Law Amendment Bill 1985 Introduced: 5/12/85 Durack (LP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 14/05/87
      • Lapsed in House of Representatives
    Foreign Ownership and Control Registration Bill 1985 Introduced: 20/03/85 J. Evans (AD) Lapsed
    Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment (Prohibition of Mining and Drilling Activities) Bill 1985 Introduced: 28/11/85 Sanders (AD) Lapsed
    Human Embryo Experimentation Bill 1985 Introduced: 23/04/85 Harradine (Ind) Lapsed
    Industrial Democracy Bill 1985 Introduced: 21/08/85 Siddons (AD) Lapsed
    Nuclear Weapons Prohibitions Bill 1985 Introduced: 30/05/85 Chipp (AD) Negatived at second reading 14/11/85
    Nuclear Weapons (Research and Testing) Prohibition Bill 1985 Introduced: 02/12/85 Sanders (AD) Lapsed
    Parliamentary Powers, Privileges and Immunities Bill 1985 Introduced: 22/08/85 Macklin (AD) Lapsed
    Postal Services Amendment (Continuance of Postal Services) Bill 1985 Introduced: 07/11/85 Lewis (LP) Negatived at second reading 14/11/85
    Queensland Rainforests Conservation Bill 1985 Introduced: 19/03/85 Macklin (AD) Lapsed
    Social Security and Repatriation (Abolition of Assets Test) Bill 1985 Introduced: 28/02/85 Messner (LP) Negatived at second reading 21/03/85
    Social Security and Repatriation (Abolition of Assets Test) Bill 1985 [No. 2] Introduced: 08/05/85 Messner (LP) Part of second reading amendment to insert words to motion negatived, motion ruled as meaningless and second reading consequently defeated 16/05/85
    Social Security (Reparation for Persecution) Amendment Bill 1985 Introduced: 08/10/85 Haines (AD) Lapsed
    Tax Avoidance Schemes Bill 1985 Introduced: 22/03/85 J. Evans (AD) Lapsed
    Taxation System Reform Bill 1985 Introduced: 21/03/85 J. Evans (AD) Lapsed
    Year: 1986
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Aborigines and Islanders (Admissibility of Confessions) Bill 1986 Introduced: 05/12/86 Macklin (AD) Lapsed
    Affirmation Action (Equal Employment Opportunity for Women) Amendment Bill 1986 Introduced: 25/09/86 Powell (AD) Lapsed
    Australian Capital Territory Effective Self- Government Bill 1986 Introduced: 22/08/86 Vigor (AD) Lapsed
    Australian Reinsurance Market Bill 1986 Introduced: 13/06/86 Vigor (AD) Discharged from Notice Paper 05/12/86
    Australian Reinsurance Market Bill 1986 (No. 2) Introduced: 05/12/86 Vigor (AD) Lapsed
    Collective Agreements (Corporations) Bill 1986 Introduced: 26/11/86 Siddons (Ind) Lapsed
    Commonwealth Electoral (Representation of the People) Amendment Bill 1986 Introduced: 17/04/86 Macklin (AD) Lapsed
    Conciliation and Arbitration (Amendment) Bill 1986 Introduced: 14/03/86 Boswell (NPA) Lapsed
    Customs Amendment (Prohibition of the Exportation of Uranium to France) Bill 1986 Introduced: 17/09/86 Sanders (AD) Lapsed
    Disallowance Provisions Amendment Bill 1986 Introduced: 19/11/86 Vigor (AD) Lapsed
    Hazardous Goods Bill 1986 Introduced: 05/05/86 Vigor (AD) Lapsed
    Independent and Multicultural Broadcasting Corporation Bill 1986 Introduced: 24/09/86 Vigor (AD) Lapsed
    Independent and Multicultural Broadcasting Corporation (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Bill 1986 Introduced: 24/09/86 Vigor (AD) Lapsed
    Judiciary Amendment (Class Actions) Bill 1986 Introduced: 19/03/86 Vigor (AD) Lapsed
    Koongarra Project Area Repeal Bill 1986 Introduced: 26/11/86 Mason (AD) Lapsed
    Navigation Amendment (Deregulation of Coasting Trade) Bill 1986 Introduced: 29/04/86 Hamer (LP) Lapsed
    Parliamentary Privileges Bill 1986 Introduced: 07/10/86 President of the Senate (Hon. Douglas McClelland)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 17/03/87
      • Reps: 06/05/87
      • Assent: 20/5/87;
        Act No. 21, 1987
    Petroleum Retail Marketing Sites Amendment (Divorcement of Ownership) Bill 1986 Introduced: 04/12/86 Powell (AD) Lapsed
    Prompt Payment of Commonwealth Accounts Bill 1986 Introduced: 02/06/86 Archer (LP) Lapsed
    Standing Appropriations Abolition Bill 1986 Introduced: 24/09/86 Vigor (AD) Lapsed
    Standing (Federal and Territory Jurisdiction) Bill 1986 Introduced: 08/10/86 Vigor (AD) Lapsed
    World Heritage Properties Conservation Amendment Bill 1986 Introduced: 07/05/86 Macklin (AD) Lapsed
    Year: 1987
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Air Navigation (Smoking) Amendment Bill 1987 Introduced: 19/03/87 Vigor (AD) Lapsed
    Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (By- Elections) Bill 1987 Introduced: 28/05/87 Vigor (AD) Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Parliamentary Terms) 1987 Introduced: 19/03/87 Macklin (AD) Lapsed
    Foreign Bases (Pine Gap Base) Removal Bill 1987 Introduced: 01/04/87 Sanders (AD) Lapsed
    Moreton Island Preservation Bill 1987 Introduced: 26/02/87 Macklin (AD) Lapsed
    National Crime Authority Amendment Bill 1987 Introduced: 25/02/87 Archer (LP) Lapsed
    Privacy Protection Bill 1987 Introduced: 05/06/87 Macklin (AD) Lapsed
    Australia Card Referendum Bill 1987 Introduced: 15/09/87 Chaney (LP) Lapsed
    Conciliation and Arbitration (Compliance Provisions) Amendment Bill 1987 Introduced: 18/11/87 Chaney (LP) Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Appropriations for the Ordinary Annual Services of the Government) 1987
    • Introduced: 23/09/87
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 09/05/90
      • 05/05/93
      • 01/05/96
    Macklin (AD) Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Democratic Elections) 1987 Introduced: 23/09/87 Macklin (AD) Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Electors' Initiative) 1987
    • Introduced: 23/09/87
    • 2nd reading amendment to not proceed with the bill at this time agreed to 26/05/88
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 09/05/90
    Macklin (AD) Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Fixed Term Parliaments) 1987
    • Introduced: 23/09/87
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 09/05/90
      • 05/05/93
      • 01/05/96
    Macklin (AD) Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Parliament) 1987
    • Introduced: 23/09/87
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 09/05/90
      • 05/05/93
    Macklin (AD) Lapsed
    Family Law Amendment Bill 1987 Introduced: 07/10/87 Durack (LP) Lapsed
    Flags Amendment Bill 1987 Introduced: 19/11/87 Short (LP) Discharged from Notice Paper 01/09/89
    National Crime Authority Amendment Bill 1987 [No. 2] Introduced: 22/10/87 Lewis (LP) Discharged from Notice Paper 02/05/89
    National Identification System (Reference to the People) Bill 1987
    • Introduced: 15/09/87
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 09/05/90
    Haines (AD) Discharged from Notice Paper 21/06/91
    Petroleum Retail Marketing Sites Amendment (Divorcement of Ownership) Bill 1987
    • Introduced: 08/12/87
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 09/05/90
    McLean (AD) Discharged from Notice Paper 21/06/91
    Year: 1988
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Australian Bureau of Statistics Amendment Bill 1988 Introduced: 06/12/88 Sheil (NCP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 06/04/89
      • Lapsed in House of Representatives
    Australian Capital Territory (Establishment and Amendment of New Constitution) Bill 1988 Introduced: 08/11/88 Jenkins (AD) Negatived at second reading 24/11/88
    Australian Capital Territory (Open Government, Probity and Citizens' Rights) Bill 1988 Introduced: 08/11/88 Jenkins (AD) Negatived at second reading 24/11/88
    Australian Capital Territory (Protection of the National Interest) Bill 1988 Introduced: 08/11/88 Jenkins (AD) Negatived at second reading 24/11/88
    Australian Heritage Commission (Notification of Owners) Amendment Bill 1988 Introduced: 24/02/88 Walters (LP) Lapsed
    Broadcasting (Ownership and Control— Television Licences) Bill 1988 Introduced: 15/04/88 Powell (AD) Lapsed
    Broadcasting (Prohibition of Violent Programs for Children) Bill 1988
    • Introduced: 07/12/88
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 17/05/90
    Vallentine (Ind) Lapsed
    Census and Statistics Amendment (Voluntary Provision of Survey Information) Bill 1988 Introduced: 12/10/88 Sheil (NCP) Negatived at second reading 24/11/88
    Defence Amendment Bill 1988
    • Introduced: 22/02/88
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 09/05/90
      • 05/05/93
      • 01/05/96
    McLean (AD) Lapsed
    Defence (Safe and Unimpeded Access for Visiting Foreign Warships) Bill 1988 Introduced: 19/10/88 Newman (LP) Lapsed
    Delegated Legislation Review Bill 1988
    • Introduced: 15/03/88
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 09/05/90
      • 05/05/93
      • 01/05/96
    McLean (AD) Lapsed
    Koongarra Project Area Repeal Bill 1988
    • Introduced: 22/02/88
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 09/05/90
    McLean (AD) Discharged from Notice Paper 21/06/91
    Navigation Amendment (Deregulation of Coasting Trade) Bill 1988 Introduced: 12/10/88 Hamer (LP) Lapsed
    Nuclear Non-Proliferation (Exports) Bill 1988
    • Introduced: 01/06/88
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 09/05/90
      • 05/05/93
      • 01/05/96
    Sanders (AD) Lapsed
    Ozone Depleting Substances Regulations Bill 1988 Introduced: 15/04/88 Coulter (AD) Discharged from Notice Paper 12/10/88
    Ozone Depleting Substances Regulations Bill 1988 (No. 2)
    • Introduced: 12/10/88
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 09/05/90
    Coulter (AD) Discharged from Notice Paper 21/06/91
    Referendum (Machinery Provisions) (Fair Questions) Amendment Bill 1988 Introduced: 24/08/88 Short (LP) Negatived at second reading 21/06/91
    Referendum (Machinery Provisions) (Informal Ballot-Papers) Amendment Bill 1988 Introduced: 24/08/88 Short (LP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 24/08/88
      • Lapsed in House of Representatives
    Regulation of Video Material Bill 1988 Introduced: 30/11/88 Walters (LP) Lapsed
    Taxation Laws Amendment (Employee Share Acquisitions) Bill 1988 Introduced: 25/03/88 Chaney (LP) Lapsed
    Year: 1989
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Acts Interpretation (Ministerial Undertakings) Amendment Bill 1989
    • Introduced: 24/11/89
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 09/05/90
    Sanders (AD) Discharged from Notice Paper 17/04/91
    Australian Heritage Commission (National Estate Protection) Amendment Bill 1989
    • Introduced: 22/11/89
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 21/05/90
    Dunn (Ind) Lapsed
    Child Care (National Children's Services Program) Amendment Bill 1989
    • Introduced: 15/06/89
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 21/05/90
    Dunn (Ind) Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Disqualification of Members and Candidates) 1989 Introduced: 10/05/89 McLean (AD) Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Electors' Initiative) 1989
    • Introduced: 12/04/89
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 05/05/93
      • 01/05/96
    Macklin (AD) Lapsed
    End of War List Bill 1989 Introduced: 07/09/89 McGauran (NPA)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 02/11/89
      • House refused to resume consideration of the bill 11/09/90
    Federal Court (Grouped Proceedings) Bill 1989
    • Introduced: 11/12/89
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 09/05/90
      • 05/05/93
      • 01/05/96
    Haines (AD) Lapsed
    Geneva Conventions Amendment Bill 1989
    • Introduced: 30/08/89
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 09/05/90
    Macklin (AD) Lapsed
    Income Tax Assessment (Housing Loan Interest) Amendment Bill 1989 Introduced: 02/03/89 Haines (AD) Negatived at second reading 11/05/89
    Income Tax Assessment (Housing Loan Interest) Amendment Bill 1989 [No. 2]
    • Introduced: 16/06/89
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 09/05/90
      • 05/05/93
      • 01/05/96
    Haines (AD) Lapsed
    Income Tax Assessment (Savings Accounts Interest) Amendment Bill 1989 Introduced: 01/03/89 Haines (AD) Negatived at second reading 11/05/89
    Income Tax Assessment (Savings Accounts Interest) Amendment Bill 1989 [No. 2]
    • Introduced: 16/06/89
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 09/05/90
      • 05/05/93
      • 01/05/96
    Haines (AD) Lapsed
    Income Tax Assessment (Tax Agents' Fees) Amendment Bill 1989 Introduced: 03/05/89 Watson (LP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 25/05/89
      • Lapsed in House of Representatives
    Industrial Relations (Directions to Stop Industrial Action) Amendment Bill 1989 Introduced: 16/08/89 Chaney (LP) Negatived at second reading 17/08/89
    Industrial Relations (Directions to Stop Industrial Action) Amendment Bill 1989 [No. 2] Introduced: 30/08/89 Chaney (LP) Lapsed
    Industrial Relations (Right to Strike) Amendment Bill 1989
    • Introduced: 14/12/89
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 09/05/90
      • 05/05/93
    McLean (AD) Lapsed
    Legislative Initiative Bill 1989
    • Introduced: 12/04/89
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 09/05/90
      • 05/05/93
    Macklin (AD) Lapsed
    National Health (Pharmaceutical Benefits Determination) Amendment Bill 1989
    • Introduced: 01/09/89
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 09/05/90
    Coulter (AD) Discharged from Notice Paper 21/06/91
    National Health (Pharmaceutical Benefits Determination Revocation) Amendment Bill 1989 (Previous title: National Health (Pharmaceutical Benefits Determination Revocation and Tribunal Membership) Amendment Bill 1989) Introduced: 06/09/89 Puplick (LP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 07/09/89
      • Lapsed in House of Representatives
    Peace Trust Fund Bill 1989
    • Introduced: 15/06/89
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 17/05/90
    Vallentine (Ind) Lapsed
    Sales Tax (Exemptions and Classifications) Amendment Bill (No. 3) 1989
    • Introduced: 01/09/89
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 17/05/90
    Coulter (AD) Discharged from Notice Paper 21/06/91
    Smoking and Tobacco Products Advertisements (Prohibition) Bill 1989 Introduced: 31/08/89 Powell (AD)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 07/12/89
      • Reps: 22/12/98
      • Assent: 28/12/87;
        Act No. 181, 1989
    War Crimes Repeal Bill 1989 Introduced: 06/09/89 Hamer (LP) Lapsed
    Wheat Marketing (Renewal of Sunset Clauses) Amendment Bill 1989 Introduced: 31/05/89 Powell (AD) Lapsed
    Year: 1990
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Australian Bureau of Statistics (Parliamentary Supervision of Proposals) Amendment Bill 1990 Introduced: 15/11/90 Walters (LP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 15/11/90
      • Lapsed in House of Representatives
    Australian Centennial National Rail Transport Development Bill 1990
    • Introduced: 31/05/90
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 05/05/93
      • 01/05/96
    Bell (AD) Lapsed
    Australian National Maritime Museum (Elimination of Age Discrimination) Amendment Bill 1990 Introduced: 10/12/90 Baume (LP) Lapsed
    Broadcasting Amendment (Foreign Shareholdings) Bill 1990 Introduced: 22/05/90 Powell (AD) Lapsed
    Broadcasting (Prohibition of Broadcasting of Tobacco Advertising) Amendment Bill 1990 Introduced: 21/12/90 Powell (AD) Lapsed
    Commonwealth Electoral Amendment Bill 1990 Introduced: 14/05/90 Dunn (Ind) Lapsed
    Commonwealth Electoral (Printing, Publishing and Distribution of Electoral Matters) Amendment Bill 1990
    • Introduced: 31/05/90
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 05/05/93
      • 01/05/96
    Macklin (AD) Lapsed
    Customs (Rainforest Timber) Amendment Bill 1990 Introduced: 06/11/90 Coulter (AD) Negatived at second reading 22/08/91
    Defence (Conscientious Objection) Bill 1990 Introduced: 07/11/90 Vallentine (GWA) Lapsed
    End of War List Bill 1990 Introduced: 18/09/90 Boswell (NPA)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 18/09/90
      • Lapsed in House of Representatives
    Environmental Protection of Coastal Waters (State and Northern Territory Powers) Amendment Bill 1990 Introduced: 16/05/90 Dunn (Ind) Lapsed
    Financial Corporations (Prudential Standards) Amendment Bill 1990 Introduced: 15/11/90 Spindler (AD) Lapsed
    Flags Amendment Bill 1990 Introduced: 23/08/90 Parer (LP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 30/04/92
      • Lapsed in House of Representatives
    Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Amendment (Registration of Interests) Bill 1990 Introduced: 31/05/90 Jenkins (AD) Lapsed
    Income Tax Assessment (Substantiation Requirements) Amendment Bill 1990 Introduced: 07/11/90 Watson (LP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 08/11/90
      • Lapsed in House of Representatives
    Legislation (Non-Sexist Language) Bill 1990 Introduced: 30/05/90 Dunn (Ind) Lapsed
    Motor Vehicles Standards (Emission Quotas) Amendment Bill 1990
    • Introduced: 16/10/90
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 05/05/93
      • 01/05/96
    Coulter (AD) Lapsed
    National Crime Authority (Duties and Powers of Parliamentary Joint Committee) Amendment Bill 1990 Introduced: 21/12/90 Spindler (AD) Lapsed
    National Crime Authority (Powers of Parliamentary Joint Committee) Amendment Bill 1990 Introduced: 08/11/90 Crichton-Browne (LP) Lapsed
    War Crimes (Crimes Against Humanity) Amendment Bill 1990 Introduced: 19/12/90 Baume (LP) Lapsed
  • 1971-1980
    Year: 1971
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Australian Capital Territory Evidence (Temporary Provisions) Bill 1971 Introduced: 25/08/71 Murphy (ALP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 25/08/71 (after midnight)
      • Reps: 26/08/71
      • Assent: 26/8/71;
        Act No. 66, 1971
    Trade Practices Bill 1971 Introduced: 01/04/71 Murphy (ALP) Discharged from Notice Paper 28/10/71
    Year: 1972
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Commonwealth Electoral Bill 1972 Introduced: 13/09/72 Murphy (ALP) Lapsed
    Prices Limitation Bill 1972 Introduced: 16/08/72 Byrne (DLP) Lapsed
    Prohibition of the Little Red School Book Bill 1972 Introduced: 31/05/72 Hannan (LP) Lapsed
    Year: 1973
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Constitution Alteration (Prices and Incomes) 1973 Introduced: 19/09/73 Byrne (DLP) Lapsed
    Estate Duty (Termination) Bill 1973
    • Introduced: 28/03/73
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 06/03/74
    Kane (DLP) Lapsed
    National Health Bill (No. 3) 1973
    • Introduced: 04/12/73
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 06/03/74
    Little (DLP) Lapsed
    Parliament Bill 1973 Introduced: 08/11/73 Wright (LP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 29/11/73
      • Lapsed in the House of Representatives
    Prices Limitation Bill 1973 Introduced: 12/04/73 Kane (DLP) Lapsed
    Year: 1974
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Industries Assistance Commission Bill 1974 Introduced: 20/03/74 Drake-Brockman (CP) Lapsed
    Parliament Bill 1974 Introduced: 18/07/74 Wright (LP) Lapsed
    Remuneration Bill (No. 2) 1974 Introduced: 26/11/74 Cormack (LP) Lapsed
    Remuneration Bill (No. 2) 1974 [No. 2] Introduced: 03/12/74 Cormack (LP) Second reading amendment that the bill be not further considered agreed to 11/12/74

    YEAR: 1975—No private senator's bills introduced

    Year: 1976
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Aboriginal Councils and Associations Bill 1976 Introduced: 07/04/76 Keeffe (ALP) Lapsed
    Aboriginal Land (Northern Territory) Bill 1976 Introduced: 07/04/76 Keeffe (ALP) Lapsed
    Aborigines and Islanders (Admissibility of Confessions) Bill 1976
    • Introduced: 15/09/76
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 10/03/77
    Bonner (LP) Lapsed
    Year: 1977
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Commonwealth Employees (Employment Provisions) (Repeal) Bill 1977 Introduced: 08/11/77 Ryan (ALP) Lapsed
    Year: 1978
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Aborigines and Islanders (Admissibility of Confessions) Bill 1978 Introduced: 26/10/78 Bonner (LP) Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Holders of Offices of Profit) 1978 Introduced: 15/11/78 Colston (ALP) Lapsed
    Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1978 Introduced: 07/06/78 (Reginald) Wright (Ind) Lapsed
    Year: 1979
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Pensions Indexation Bill 1979 Introduced: 02/05/79 Chipp (AD) Discharged from Notice Paper 02/04/80
    Western Australian Aboriginals (Right to Electoral Enrolment) Bill 1979 Introduced: 13/11/79 Walsh (ALP) Lapsed
    Year: 1980
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Constitution Alteration (Elector's Initiative) 1980 Introduced: 10/09/80 Mason (AD) Lapsed
    Wireless Telegraphy Amendment Bill 1980 Introduced: 29/04/80 Rae (LP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 16/05/80
      • Reps: 22/05/80
      • Assent: 3/6/80;
        Act No. 91, 1980
  • 1961-1970

    YEAR: 1961—No private senator's bills introduced

    YEAR: 1962—No private senator's bills introduced

    YEAR: 1963—No private senator's bills introduced

    Year: 1964
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Constitution Alteration (Disagreement Between the Senate and the House of Representatives) 1964 Introduced: 24/09/64 McKenna (ALP) Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Division of States into Electoral Divisions) 1964 Introduced: 24/09/64 McKenna (ALP) Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Number of Senators and Members of the House of Representatives) 1964 Introduced: 24/09/64 McKenna (ALP) Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Terms and Rotation of Senators) 1964 Introduced: 24/09/64 McKenna (ALP) Lapsed

    YEAR: 1965—No private senator's bills introduced

    Year: 1966
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Broadcasting and Television Bill 1966 Introduced: 21/04/66 Branson (LP) Lapsed
    Social Services Bill 1966 Introduced: 05/05/66 Gair (DLP) Lapsed
    Year: 1967
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Matrimonial Causes Bill 1967 Introduced: 19/10/67 Turnbull (Ind) Lapsed
    Year: 1968
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Commonwealth Electoral Bill 1968 Introduced: 19/11/68 Murphy (ALP) Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Democratic Election of the House of Representatives) 1968 Introduced: 28/11/68 Murphy (ALP) Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Democratic Election of State Parliaments) 1968 Introduced: 13/03/68 Murphy (ALP) Lapsed
    Death Penalty Abolition Bill 1968 Introduced: 21/03/68 Murphy (ALP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 04/06/68
      • Lapsed
    Independent Schools (Financial Assistance) Bill 1968 Introduced: 08/05/68 Gair (DLP) Lapsed
    Marriage Bill 1968 Introduced: 19/11/68 Murphy (ALP) Lapsed
    Year: 1969
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    National Service Bill 1969 Introduced: 06/03/69 Cohen (ALP) Lapsed
    Year: 1970
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Constitution Alteration (Tertiary Education) 1970 Introduced: 05/05/70 Turnbull (Ind) Discharged from Notice Paper 02/03/72
    Death Penalty Abolition Bill 1970 Introduced: 22/04/70 Murphy (ALP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 09/03/72
      • Lapsed
    Merino Rams Export Prohibition Bill 1970 Introduced: 16/06/70 Milliner (ALP) Discharged from Notice Paper 22/08/72
  • 1951-1960

    YEAR: 1951—No private senator's bills introduced

    YEAR: 1952—No private senator's bills introduced

    YEAR: 1953—No private senator's bills introduced

    YEAR: 1954—No private senator's bills introduced

    YEAR: 1955—No private senator's bills introduced

    Year: 1956
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Commonwealth Electoral Bill 1956 Introduced: 31/05/56 McCallum (LP) Lapsed

    YEAR: 1957—No private senator's bills introduced

    YEAR: 1958—No private senator's bills introduced

    YEAR: 1959—No private senator's bills introduced

    Year: 1960
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Conciliation and Arbitration Bill (No. 2) 1960 Introduced: 22/09/60 Cole (DLP) Negatived at second reading 23/11/60
  • 1941-1950

    YEAR: 1941—No private senator's bills introduced

    YEAR: 1942—No private senator's bills introduced

    Year: 1943
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    National Security Bill 1943 Introduced: 11/02/43 McLeay (UAP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 18/02/43
      • Lapsed

    YEAR: 1944—No private senator's bills introduced

    YEAR: 1945—No private senator's bills introduced

    YEAR: 1946—No private senator's bills introduced

    YEAR: 1947—No private senator's bills introduced

    YEAR: 1948—No private senator's bills introduced

    YEAR: 1949—No private senator's bills introduced

    Year: 1950
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Constitution Alteration (Prices) Bill 1950 Introduced: 04/10/50 McKenna (ALP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 01/11/50
      • Lapsed
  • 1931-1940
    Year: 1931
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Customs Bill 1931 [No. 2] Introduced: 29/10/31 Colebatch (NAT) Lapsed
    Rules Publication Bill 1931 Introduced: 16/10/31 Colebatch (NAT) Lapsed

    YEAR: 1932—No private senator's bills introduced

    YEAR: 1933—No private senator's bills introduced

    YEAR: 1934—No private senator's bills introduced

    YEAR: 1935—No private senator's bills introduced

    YEAR: 1936—No private senator's bills introduced

    YEAR: 1937—No private senator's bills introduced

    Year: 1938
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Wheat Industry Insurance Bill 1938 Introduced: 07/12/38 Wilson (UAP) Lapsed

    YEAR: 1939—No private senator's bills introduced

    YEAR: 1940—No private senator's bills introduced

  • 1921-1930
    Year: 1921
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Commonwealth Salaries Act Repeal Bill 1921 Introduced: 29/06/21 Gardiner (ALP) Lapsed

    YEAR: 1922—No private senator's bills introduced

    Year: 1923
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Income Tax Assessment Bill 1923 Introduced: 12/07/23 J Grant (ALP) Negatived at second reading 02/08/23
    Year: 1924
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Australian Soldiers' Repatriation Bill 1924 Introduced: 13/08/24 Gardiner (ALP) Lapsed
    Commonwealth Electoral Bill 1924 Introduced: 16/07/24 Payne (NAT)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 23/07/24
      • Reps: 24/07/24
      • Assent: 31/7/24;
        Act No. 10, 1924
    Post and Telegraph Bill 1924
    • Introduced: 21/05/24
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 09/07/25
    Ogden (ALP) Negatived at second reading 20/08/25
    Year: 1925
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Australian Soldiers' Repatriation Bill 1925 Introduced: 03/09/25 Gardiner (ALP) Lapsed
    Estate Duty Assessment Bill 1925 Introduced: 26/06/25 J Grant (ALP) Negatived at second reading 03/09/25
    Year: 1926
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Australian Soldiers' Repatriation Bill 1926 Introduced: 20/01/26 Gardiner (ALP) Negatived at second reading 11/03/26
    Commonwealth Workmen's Compensation Bill 1926 Introduced: 15/01/26 Needham (ALP) Negatived at second reading 04/03/26
    Year: 1927
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Defence Bill 1927 Introduced: 22/03/27 Elliott (NAT) Discharged from Notice Paper 30/11/27
    Year: 1928
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Invalid and Old-Age Pensions Bill (No. 2) 1928 Introduced: 06/09/28 Gardiner (ALP) Lapsed

    YEAR: 1929—No private senator's bills introduced

    Year: 1930
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Life Insurance Bill 1930 Introduced: 20/03/30 McLachlan (NAT)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 10/07/30
      • Lapsed
  • 1911-1920

    YEAR: 1911—No private senator's bills introduced

    YEAR: 1912—No private senator's bills introduced

    Year: 1913
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Constitution Alteration (Corporations) 1913 Introduced: 10/09/13 McGregor (ALP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 09/12/13
      • Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Industrial Matters) 1913 Introduced: 10/09/13 McGregor (ALP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 09/12/13
      • Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Nationalization of Monopolies) 1913 Introduced: 10/09/13 McGregor (ALP)


    Senate: 09/12/13


    Constitution Alteration (Railway Disputes) 1913 Introduced: 10/09/13 McGregor (ALP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 09/12/13
      • Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Trade and Commerce) 1913 Introduced: 10/09/13 McGregor (ALP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 09/12/13
      • Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Trusts) 1913 Introduced: 10/09/13 McGregor (ALP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 09/12/13
      • Lapsed
    Year: 1914
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Bankruptcy Bill 1914 Introduced: 27/05/14 Stewart (ALP) Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Corporations) 1914 Introduced: 16/04/14 McGregor (ALP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 11/06/14
      • Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Industrial Matters) 1914 Introduced: 16/04/14 McGregor (ALP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 11/06/14
      • Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Nationalization of Monopolies) 1914 Introduced: 16/04/14 McGregor (ALP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 11/06/14
      • Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Railway Disputes) 1914 Introduced: 16/04/14 McGregor (ALP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 11/06/14
      • Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Trade and Commerce) 1914 Introduced: 16/04/14 McGregor (ALP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 11/06/14
      • Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Trusts) 1914 Introduced: 16/04/14 McGregor (ALP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 11/06/14
      • Lapsed
    Insurance Bill 1914 Introduced: 27/05/14 Pearce (ALP) Lapsed

    YEAR: 1915—No private senator's bills introduced

    Year: 1916
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Constitution Alteration (Corporations) 1916 Introduced: 30/11/16 Gardiner (ALP) Ruled out of order 15/12/16
    Constitution Alteration (Industrial Matters) 1916 Introduced: 30/11/16 Gardiner (ALP) Ruled out of order 15/12/16
    Constitution Alteration (Nationalization of Monopolies) 1916 Introduced: 30/11/16 Gardiner (ALP) Ruled out of order 15/12/16
    Constitution Alteration (Railway Disputes) 1916 Introduced: 30/11/16 Gardiner (ALP) Ruled out of order 15/12/16
    Constitution Alteration (Trade and Commerce) 1916 Introduced: 13/12/16 Gardiner (ALP) Ruled out of order 15/12/16
    Constitution Alteration (Trusts) 1916 Introduced: 30/11/16 Gardiner (ALP) Ruled out of order 15/12/16
    Year: 1917
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Arbitration (Public Service) Bill 1917 Introduced: 26/09/17 Needham (ALP) Negatived at second reading 30/05/18
    Commonwealth Workmen's Compensation Bill 1917 Introduced: 18/09/17 Needham (ALP) Withdrawn 03/10/18
    Daylight Saving Repeal Bill 1917 Introduced: 02/03/17 Gardiner (ALP) Lapsed

    YEAR: 1918—No private senator's bills introduced

    YEAR: 1919—No private senator's bills introduced

    YEAR: 1920—No private senator's bills introduced

  • 1901-1910
    Year: 1901
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Matrimonial Causes Bill 1901 Introduced: 11/09/01 Dobson (FT) Lapsed
    Parliamentary Evidence Bill 1901 Introduced: 09/08/01 Neild (FT) Lapsed

    YEAR: 1902—No private senator's bills introduced

    Year: 1903
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Claims Against the Commonwealth Act Amendment Bill 1903 Introduced: 28/05/03 Neild (FT) Lapsed
    Federal Territory Bill 1903 Introduced: 08/10/03 Higgs (ALP) Lapsed
    Parliamentary Evidence Bill 1903 Introduced: 28/05/03 Neild (FT) Lapsed
    Post and Telegraph Act 1901 Amendment Bill 1903 Introduced: 24/06/03 Dobson (FT) Lapsed
    Year: 1904
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Parliamentary Evidence Bill 1904
    • Introduced: 08/06/04
    • Resumed under SO 234: 29/06/05
    Neild (FT)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 13/10/05
      • Lapsed
    Year: 1905
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Judiciary Act 1903 Amendment Bill 1905 Introduced: 24/08/05 Symon (FT) Lapsed
    Year: 1906
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Constitution Alteration (Nationalization of Monopolies) 1906 Introduced: 16/08/06 Pearce (ALP) Negatived at second reading 04/10/06
    Electoral Bill 1906 Introduced: 19/07/06 Pearce (ALP) Negatived at second reading 26/07/06
    Papua Bill 1906 Introduced: 16/08/06 Stewart (ALP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 14/09/06
      • Lapsed
    Year: 1907
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Bill 1907 Introduced: 01/11/07 Needham (ALP) Lapsed
    Criminals Appeals Bill 1907 Introduced: 10/07/07 Neild (FT) Lapsed
    Defence Bill 1907 Introduced: 14/08/07 Dobson (Tar. Ref) Lapsed
    Remuneration of Labour Definition Bill 1907 Introduced: 17/10/07 Neild (FT) Lapsed
    Year: 1908
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Commonwealth Companies Reserve Liabilities Bill 1908
    • Introduced: 17/09/08
    • Restored to Notice Paper:
      • 12/08/09
      • 26/08/09
    Walker (FT) Discharged from Notice Paper 29/09/09

    Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Bill 1908

    (Act citation: Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1909)

    • Introduced: 24/09/08
    • Restored to Notice Paper 27/05/09
    Needham (ALP)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 02/09/09
      • Reps: 08/12/09
      • Assent: 13/12/09;
        Act No. 28, 1909
    Defence Bill 1908 Introduced: 09/10/08 Dobson (Tar. Ref) Lapsed
    Postal Rates (“Hansard”) Bill 1908 Introduced: 24/09/08 Stewart (ALP) Lapsed
    Year: 1909
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Commonwealth Electoral Bill (No. 2) 1909 Introduced: 01/10/09 Pulsford (FT) Negatived at second reading 04/11/09
    Commonwealth Public Service Bill 1909 Introduced: 28/10/09 Neild (FT) Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Industrial Conditions) 1909 Introduced: 30/09/09 Trenwith (Ind) Negatived at second reading 04/11/09
    Constitution Alteration (Nationalization of Monopolies) 1909 Introduced: 24/06/09 Pearce (ALP) Lapsed
    Constitution Alteration (Creation of Court of Criminal Appeals) 1909
    • Introduced: 29/09/09
    • Restored to Notice Paper: 21/10/09
    Neild (FT) Lapsed
    Customs Tariff Amendment Bill 1909 Introduced: 03/09/09 Neild (FT) Lapsed
    Invalid and Old-Age Pensions Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1909 Introduced: 12/08/09 Neild (FT) Lapsed
    Year: 1910
    Short title Dates Introduced by: Outcome
    Commonwealth Banking Companies Reserve Liabilities Bill 1910 Introduced: 06/07/10 Walker (Anti-Soc)
    • Passed—
      • Senate: 15/09/10
      • Lapsed