Senate Occasional Lecture Series transcripts and audio recordings - 2011

To listen to recordings you will need a computer with a sound card, speakers and Microsoft Windows Media Player (Version 6.4 or later) and the Adobe Flash Player.

All transcripts prior to 2008 can be found in the publication Papers on Parliament | Copyright Notice

Date Presenter Transcript Multimedia
 07/12/2011 Jon Stanhope Who’s Afraid of Human Rights? (PDF 334KB) (MP3 24MB)
(WMV 151MB)
18/11/2011 Kylie Scroope ‘Faithful Representations’ 100 years of the Historic Memorials Collection (PDF 816KB) (MP3 11MB)
(WMV 135MB)
14/10/2011 Ian McPhee The Evolving Role and Mandate of the ANAO Since Federation (PDF 369KB) (MP3 26MB)
(WMV 159MB)
23/09/2011 Peter Mares Temporary Migration and its Implications for Australia (PDF 787KB) (MP3 42MB)
(WMV 150MB)
05/08/2011 Mick Dodson Constitutional Recognition of Indigenous Australians (PDF 156KB (MP3 24MB)
(WMV 149MB)
08/07/2011 Don Aitkin The Problem of Planned Cities: Canberra in Context (PDF 150KB) (MP3 26MB)
(WMV 161MB)
10/06/2011 Andrew Murray Budgets and Finance: Sunlight and the Dark Arts (PDF 141KB) (WMV 154MB)
13/05/2011 Patrick Weller AO Learning to be a Minister (PDF 99KB) (MP3 12MB)
(WMV 154MB)
01/04/2011 Waleed Aly Multiculturalism, Assimilation and the Politics of Terrorism (PDF 84KB) (MP3 13MB)
(WMV 158MB)
11/03/2011 Dr John Barry After the Party, the Hangover: An Analysis of ‘Post-Celtic Tiger Ireland’ in the Light of the February 2011 Election (PDF 190KB) (MP3 24MB)
(WMV 152MB)
25/02/2011 Geoff Gallop AC How Healthy Is Australian Federalism? (PDF 74KB) (MP3 25MB)
(WMV 151MB)