Women in parliament and politics: a quick guide to key internet links

5 March 2024

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Dr Kate Laing
Politics and Public Administration

This Quick Guide provides links to key websites, information and documents relating to women in the Australian parliament and women in politics more generally.

Apart from its own research products, the Parliamentary Library has no control over information published by other organisations and websites.


Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia

Parliamentary Handbook Online analysis

List of all women in Parliament

Gender composition in each Parliament

Women in ministries

Women in committees


Parliamentary Library Publications

Gender composition of Australian parliaments by party (2024)

Commemorative sculpture of Dame Enid Lyons and Dame Dorothy Tangney (2023)

The 120th anniversary of women’s suffrage in Australia (2022)

Snapshot of women in the Australian workforce, 2021 (2022)

Women parliamentarians in Australia 1921–2020 (2020)


Women and Australian politics

Australian Bureau of Statistics, Gender Indicators.

________________________, Women and government in Australia.

Australian Electoral Commission, Electoral Divisions Named After Women.

Australian Local Government Association, Women in Politics.

Australian Women Against Violence Alliance, Australian Women’s Timeline.

Australian Women’s Archive Project, Australian Women Lawyers as Active Citizens.

_____________________________, The Encyclopedia of Women & Leadership in twentieth-century Australia.

Australian Women’s History Network, Vida! [blog].

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Australian Government Office for Women.

Department of the Senate, Women in the Senate.

National Foundation for Australian Women, The Australian Women’s Register.

Parliament of New South Wales, Women in Parliament Briefing Paper.

Pathways to Politics, Gender scorecard 2024.

University of Sydney, A Seat at the Table: Australian Women in Global Governance.

Workplace Gender Equality Agency, Data explorer.


International resources

Australian National University, Mothers’ Milk Tool.

Congressional Research Service (US), Women in Congress: Statistics and Brief Overview.

Guide 2 Women Leaders, Worldwide Guide to Women in Leadership.

International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, Gender and Democracy.

___________________________________________________, Gender Quotas Database.

International Knowledge Network of Women in Politics, website.

International Labour Organization, Statistics on Women.

Inter-Parliamentary Union, Plan of Action for Gender-Sensitive Parliaments.

Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD Data: Women in politics.

United Kingdom Parliament, Women in Politics and Public Life.

United Nations, Commission on the Status of Women.

____________, Convention of the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).

____________, Convention on the Political Rights of Women.

____________, Gender Statistics.

____________, Millenium Development Goals #3: Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women.

____________, Optional Protocol to the CEDAW.

____________, Population Fund: Gender Equality.

____________, UN Women.

____________, Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action.

____________, Women 2000: Gender Equality, Development and Peace for the Twenty-First Century.


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