Agriculture and Industry, Standing Committee on
farming—inquiry into agricultural innovation Presented
4 May 2016
PP: 116/2016
Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity, Parliamentary Joint Committee on
into the integrity of Australia's border arrangements (lapsed)
Examination of the Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014–15
Presented 2 March 2016
PP: 89/2016
Inquiry into the
jurisdiction of the Australian
Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity
5 May 2016
PP: 193/2016
Communications and the
Arts, Standing Committee ona
and the news to rural and regional Australia
5 May 2016
PP: 131/2016
Corporations and
Financial Services, Joint
Committee on
Report on the 2014–15 annual
reports of bodies established
under the ASIC Act
4 May 2016
PP: 182/2016
Impairment of
customer loans
4 May 2016
PP: 183/2016
Economics, Standing Committee on
Inquiry into home ownership (lapsed)
Inquiry into tax deductibility (lapsed)
Review of the Reserve Bank of Australia
Annual Report 2014 (second report)
Presented 23 November 2015
(out of session)
PP: 441/2015
of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority
Annual Report 2014 (third report)
2 February 2016
PP: 1/2016
Review of the Reserve Bank of Australia
Annual Report 2015 (first
2 May 2016
PP: 101/2016
of the Australian Prudential
Regulation Authority
Annual Report 2014 (first report)
Presented 2 February 2016
PP: 102/2016
Review of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Annual Report 2015 (first report)
Presented 2 May 2016
PP: 103/2016
Education and Employment, Standing Committee on |
Inquiry into innovation and creativity: workforce for the new economy (lapsed)
Getting business booming: report of the Inquiry into barriers for small business employment
Presented 15 March 2016
PP: 75/2016
Environment, Standing Committee on
Report on the visit to Singapore and Malaysia,
25–30 October 2015
Presented 29 February 2016
PP: 43/2016
Inquiry into the Register of Environmental Organisations Presented 4 May 2016 PP:115/2016
Electoral Matters, Joint Standing Committee on
Inquiry into electoral education (lapsed)
Inquiry into campaigning at polling places (lapsed)
Inquiry into political donations (lapsed)
Advisory report on the Commonwealth Electoral Amendment Bill 2016
Presented 2 March 2016
PP: 45/2016
Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade, Joint Standing Committee on
Inquiry into the role of development partnerships in agriculture and agribusiness in promoting prosperity, reducing poverty and enhancing stability in the Indo- Pacific region (lapsed)
NB: first report tabled 5 May 2016
Principles and practice— Australian defence industry and exports
Presented 1 December 2015
PP: 450/2015
Review of the Defence Annual Report 2013–14
Presented 1 December 2015
PP: 451/2015
Empowering women and girls Presented 3 December 2015
PP: 459/2015
Australia’s trade and investment relationships with countries of the Middle East
Presented 4 May 2016
PP: 121/2016
A world without the death penalty
Presented 5 May 2016
PP: 130/2016
Food for thought: improving health and nutrition in the
Indo- Pacific region
Presented 5 May 2016
PP: 133/2016
Health, Standing Committee on
Report on the Inquiry into chronic disease prevention and management in primary health care
Presented 5 May 2016
PP: 135/2016
Human Rights, Parliamentary Joint Committee on
Twenty-fifth report of the 44th Parliament
Presented 11 August 2015
PP: 222/2015
Twenty-sixth report of the 44th Parliament
Presented 18 August 2015
PP: 225/2015
Twenty-seventh report of the 44th Parliament
Presented 8 September 2015
PP: 239/2015
Twenty-eighth report of the 44th Parliament
Presented 17 September 2015 PP: 268/2015
Twenty-ninth report of the 44th Parliament
Presented 13 October 2015
PP: 270/2015
Thirtieth report of the 44th Parliament
Presented 10 November 2015
PP: 437/2015
Thirty-first report of the 44th Parliament
Presented 24 November 2015
PP: 470/2015
Thirty-second report of the 44th Parliament
Presented 1 December 2015
PP: 475/2015
Thirty-third report of the 44th Parliament
Presented 2 February 2016
PP: 11/2016
Thirty-fourth report of the 44th Parliament
Presented 23 February 2016
PP: 67/2016
Thirty-fifth report of the 44th Parliament
Presented 25 February 2016
PP: 71/2016
Thirty-sixth report of the 44th Parliament
Presented 16 March 2016
PP: 91/2016
Review of the Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory Act 2012 and related legislation
Presented 16 March 2016
PP: 92/2016
Thirty-seventh report of the 44th Parliament
Presented: 2 May 2016
PP: 105/2016
Thirty-eighth report of the 44th Parliament
Presented 3 May 2016
PP: 177/2016
Annual Report 2013–14
Presented 3 May 2016
PP: 178/2016
Indigenous Affairs, Standing Committee on
Inquiry into educational opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students (lapsed)
NB: interim report tabled 4 May 2016
Interim report: first steps for improving educational opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
Presented 4 May 2016
PP: 120/2016
Infrastructure and Communications, Standing Committee on
b |
Nil |
Infrastructure, Transport and Cities, Standing Committee onb
Inquiry into the role of transport connectivity on stimulating development and economic activity (lapsed)
Smart ICT: report on the inquiry into the role of smart ICT in the design and planning of infrastructure
Presented 15 March 2016
PP: 83/2016 |
Intelligence and Security, Parliamentary Joint Committee on
The committee’s scrutiny includesthe review of terrorist listings and the administration and expenditure of the Australian intelligence community.
Review of administration and expenditure No. 14 2015–16 (lapsed)
Advisory report on the Australian Citizenship Amendment (Allegiance to Australia) Bill 2015
|Presented 4 September 2015
PP: 252/2015
Review of administration and expenditure No.13 (2013–14
Presented 7 September 2015
PP: 253/2015
Review of the re-listing of Al- Shabaab, Hamas' Izz al-Din al- Qassam Brigades, Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), Lashker-e- Tayyiba and Palestinian Islamic Jihad as terrorist organisations
Presented 12 October 2015
PP: 277/2015
Annual report of committee activities 2014–15
Presented 12 October 2015
PP: 278/2015
Advisory report on the Counter- Terrorism Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2015
Presented 15 February 2016
PP: 36/2016
Law Enforcement, Parliamentary Joint Committee on
Inquiry into crystalmethamphetamine (ice) (lapsed)
Inquiry into human trafficking (lapsed)
Inquiry into Illicit tobacco (lapsed)
Examination of the Australian Federal Police Annual Report 2014–15 (lapsed)
Examination of the Australian Crime Commission Annual Report 2014–15 (lapsed)
Inquiry into financial related crime
Presented 7 September 2015
PP: 238/2015
Examination of the Annual Report of the Australian Federal Police 2013–14
Presented 14 September 2015 PP: 241/2015
Migration, Joint Standing Committee on
Seasonal change: inquiry into the Seasonal Worker Programme
Presented 5 May 2016
PP: 132/2016
National Capital and External Territories, Joint Standing Committee on the
Governance in the Indian Ocean territories—final report: economic development and governance
Presented 15 March 2016
PP: 79/2016