Preliminary pages - Letter of transmittal
- About this report
Overviews - Clerk's review
- Departmental overview
- Financial performance
Performance - Chamber and Federation Chamber
- Community relations and awareness
- Committee services
- Inter-parliamentary relations
- Members’ services and corporate support
- Schools hospitality
Management and Accountability - Corporate governance
- External scrutiny
- Management of people
- Management of financial resources
- Outlook
Financial statements - Note: only available as PDF
Appendixes - Performance information
- Agency resource statement and resources for outcome
- Business of the House and Federation Chamber
- Committee activity
- Committee reports and inquiries
- Official incoming parliamentary delegations
- Other incoming parliamentary visits
- Outgoing parliamentary delegations
- Parliamentary staff and other visits
- Publications
- Staffing statistics
- Members’ survey 2014
- Contact directory
- List of requirements
Abbrieviations and acronyms