47th Parliament - Outgoing delegations and visits

47th Parliament

Information about outgoing delegations and visits for the 47th Parliament is listed below.


Date Delegation Reports
19 to 28 August 2022 Parliamentary Delegation to the 65th Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Conference, Halifax, Canada

Delegation members: Senator the Hon Sue Lines, President of the Senate and Leader of the Delegation, Senator Helen Polley, Ms Sharon Claydon MP, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC and Mr Andrew Wallace MP
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9 September to
18 December 2022
Parliamentary Delegation to the 77th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA77), New York, United States

Delegation members: Ms Peta Murphy MP and the Hon Darren Chester MP
Not Applicable
4 to 7 October 2022 Presiding Officers' visit to Jakarta, Indonesia for the 8th G20 Parliamentary Speakers' Summit (P20)

Delegation members: Senator the Hon Sue Lines, President of the Senate and the Hon Milton Dick MP, Speaker of the House of Representatives
Not Applicable
11 to 15 October 2022 Parliamentary Delegation to attend the 145th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly in Kigali, Rwanda

Delegation members: The Hon Milton Dick MP, Speaker of the House of Representatives and Leader of the Delegation, Dr Gordon Reid MP, Senator Fatima Payman, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC, Hon Warren Entsch MP
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26 to 29 October 2022 Parliamentary Delegation to attend the 30th Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF) in Bangkok, Thailand

Delegation members: Senator Jess Walsh, Leader of the Delegation, Mrs Bridget Archer MP, Senator David Van
13 to 21 November 2022 Parliamentary Delegation to Berlin, Germany (Bilateral Visit) and the 68th Annual Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Madrid, Spain

Delegation members: Ms Kate Thwaites MP, Leader of the Delegation, and the Hon Keith Pitt MP
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20 to 25 November 2022 Parliamentary Delegation to the 43rd General Assembly of ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA), Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia

Delegation members: Senator Deborah O'Neill, Leader of the Delegation, and Mr Llew O'Brien MP
4 to 10 December 2022 Parliamentary Delegation to the European Parliament and Institutions, Belgium, and Bilateral Visit to France

Delegation members: The Hon Shayne Neumann MP, Leader of the Delegation, Mr Jerome Laxale MP, Mr Rowan Ramsey MP, Ms Rebekha Sharkie MP
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4 to 10 December 2022 Parliamentary Delegation to Papua New Guinea

Delegation members: Senator the Hon Sue Lines, President of the Senate and Leader of the Delegation, Ms Sharon Claydon MP, Mr Josh Burns MP, Dr Sophie Scamps MP, Senator Linda Reynolds CSC, Senator Mehreen Faruqi
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Date Delegation Reports
8 to 9 March 2023 8th Mexico, Indonesia, Republic of Korea (ROK), Türkiye, Australia (MIKTA) Speakers' Consultations in Istanbul, Türkiye

Delegation members: Senator Andrew McLachlan CSC
Not Applicable
10 to 15 March 2023 146th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly in Manama, Bahrain

Delegation members: The Hon Milton Dick MP, Speaker of the House of Representatives and Leader of the Delegation, Dr Gordon Reid MP, Senator Fatima Payman, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC, Hon Warren Entsch MP
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11 to 16 April 2023 Senate Committees on Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport visit to Vietnam

Delegation members: Senator Glenn Sterle, Leader of the Delegation, Senator Linda White, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck
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17 to 21 April 2023 President of the Senate visit to Gibraltar and London, United Kingdom

Delegation members: Senator the Hon Sue Lines
Not Applicable
5 to 10 June 2023 Standing Committee on Regional Development, Infrastructure and Transport visit to New Zealand and Samoa

Delegation members: Mr Luke Gosling OAM MP, Hon Scott Buchholz MP
1 to 5 July 2023 Presiding Officers and Clerks Conference (POCC) in Solomon Islands

Delegation members: Senator the Hon Sue Lines, President of the Senate, and Hon Milton Dick MP, Speaker of the House of Representatives
Not Applicable
12 to 19 July 2023 Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade (JSCFADT) delegation to the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea

Delegation members: Mr Josh Burns MP, Ms Kate Thwaites MP, Mr Andrew Wallace MP
15 to 21 July 2023 Parliamentary delegation to Israel

Delegation members: Hon Milton Dick MP, Speaker of the House of Representatives and Leader of the Delegation, Dr Michelle Ananda-Rajah MP, Ms Tania Lawrence MP, Mr Ross Vasta MP, Ms Zoe Daniel MP
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21 to 29 July 2023 Speaker of the House of Representatives visit to the United Kingdom and Ireland

Delegation members: Hon Milton Dick MP
Not Applicable
5 to 9 August 2023 44th ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) in Jakarta, Indonesia

Delegation members: Ms Zaneta Mascarenhas MP, Hon Dr David Gillespie MP
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14 to 16 August 2023 Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (PJCIS) visit to Wellington, New Zealand

Delegation members: Mr Peter Khalil MP, Leader of the Delegation, Hon Andrew Hastie MP, Senator James Paterson, Senator Marielle Smith
Not Applicable
21 to 26 August 2023 Pacific Islands Parliament Group (PIPG) Conference in Nuku'alofa, Tonga

Delegation members: Senator the Hon Sue Lines, President of the Senate
Not Applicable
28 August to
3 September 2023
Parliamentary delegation to New Caledonia, Vanuatu and Fiji

Delegation members: Ms Louise Miller-Frost MP, Leader of the Delegation, Mr Luke Gosling OAM MP, Ms Dai Le MP, Mr Terry Young MP, Dr Anne Webster MP
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11 September to
22 October 2023
United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York City and Washington DC

Delegation members: Mr Rob Mitchell MP, Leader of the Delegation, Mr Andrew Wallace MP
Not Applicable
23 September to
6 October 2023
Workforce Australia Employment Services (WAES) Select Committee Visit to Paris, France; Dublin, Ireland; Amsterdam, the Netherlands; and Copenhagen, Denmark

Delegation members: Mr Julian Hill MP, Leader of the Delegation, Ms Rebekha Sharkie MP
29 September to
6 October 2023
66th CPA Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference in Accra, Ghana

Delegation members: Senator the Hon Sue Lines, President of the Senate and Leader of the Delegation, Ms Sharon Claydon MP, Hon Karen Andrews MP
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1 to 2 October 2023 Visit by the Speaker of the House of Representatives to Singapore

Delegation members: Hon Milton Dick MP
Not Applicable
4 to 12 October 2023 Parliamentary Delegation to Nepal and India

Delegation members: Hon Milton Dick MP, Speaker of the House of Representatives and Leader of the Delegation, Ms Libby Coker MP, Ms Joanne Ryan MP, Senator Dean Smith, Senator Ralph Babet
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6 to 9 October 2023 NATO Parliamentary Assembly, 69th Annual Session, in Copenhagen, Denmark

Delegation members: Mr Luke Gosling OAM MP, Leader of the Delegation, Senator the Hon David Fawcett
7 to 12 October 2023 Visit by the President of the Senate to New Delhi, India

Delegation members: Senator the Hon Sue Lines
Not Applicable
12 to 14 October 2023 8th G20 Speakers' Consultations (P20) New Delhi, India

Delegation members: Senator the Hon Sue Lines, President of the Senate, and Hon Milton Dick MP, Speaker of the House of Representatives
Not Applicable
23 to 27 October 2023 147th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly in Luanda, Angola

Delegation members: The Hon Milton Dick MP, Leader of the Delegation, Senator Deborah O'Neill, Mr Julian Hill MP, Hon Warren Entsch MP, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC
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28 October to
5 November 2023
Parliamentary Delegation to the USA

Delegation members: Mr Josh Wilson MP, Leader of the Delegation, Hon Mark Coulton MP, Hon Melissa Price MP, Ms Meryl Swanson MP, Ms Zali Steggall OAM MP
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31 October to
9 November 2023
Parliamentary Delegation to Sweden and the United Kingdom

Delegation members: Ms Anne Stanley MP, Leader of the Delegation, Hon Shayne Neumann MP, Hon Scott Buccholz MP, Hon Karen Andrews MP
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19 to 21 November 2023 9th MIKTA Speakers' Consultations in Jakarta, Indonesia

Delegation members: Senator Andrew McLachlan CSC
Not Applicable
19 to 23 November 2023 Additional Parliamentary Delegation to Malaysia

Delegation members: Hon Shayne Neumann MP, Leader of the Delegation, Mr Sam Lim MP, Senator Fatima Payman, Ms Angie Bell MP, Hon Melissa Price MP, Dr Helen Haines MP
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23 to 26 November 2023 31st Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF) in Manila, Philippines

Delegation members: Mr Steve Georganas MP, Leader of the Delegation, Ms Tracey Roberts MP, Mrs Bridget Archer MP, Hon Michelle Landry MP
10 to 16 December 2023 Visit by the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties to India and Singapore

Delegation members: Mr Josh Wilson MP, Leader of the Delegation, Mr Matt Burnell MP, Senator the Hon Matthew Canavan
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Date Delegation Reports
9 to 13 March 2024 Presiding Officer attendance 75th Anniversary of the Commonwealth Not Applicable
23 to 27 March 2024 148th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland

Delegation members: Senator Deborah O'Neill, Mr Julian Hill MP, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC, Hon Warren Entsch MP
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8 to 12 April 2024 Senate Select Committee on Australia's Disaster Resilience: Senator Jacqui Lambie, Senator Tony Sheldon, Senator Perin Davey
4 to 12 May 2024 10th MIKTA Speakers' Consultations in Mexico plus visit to Colombia: Hon Milton Dick MP, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Claressa Surtees, Clerk of the House of Representatives
7 to 18 July 2024 Parliamentary Delegation to the USA , Washington DC, Virginia, Dallas

Delegation Members: Hon Milton Dick MP, Ms Sharon Claydon MP, Ms Joanne Ryan MP, Mr Bert Van Manen MP, Hon David Littleproud MP
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14 to 25 July 2024 Parliamentary Delegation to Brazil and USA

Delegation Members: Senator Wendy Askew, Senator Louise Pratt, Senator Maria Kovacic, Senator Penny Allman-Payne
24 to 30 August 2024 Parliamentary Delegation to Vietnam

Delegation Members: Senator Hon Sue Lines, Hon Kevin Hogan MP, Ms Dai Le MP, Senator Anne Urquhart
24 to 30 August 2024 Joint Committee visit to the Pacific: New Zealand and Vanuatu

Delegation Ms Maria Vamvakinou MP, Dr Anne Webster MP, Mr Cameron Caldwell MP, Ms Cassandra Fernado MP