Resignation of Member and valedictory remarks

Friday, 29 May 2020 in Chamber, General interest, Procedural

When a Member resigns his or her seat in the House, he or she must do so by writing to the Speaker (or to the Governor-General if the Speaker is absent). The resignation takes effect and the Member’s seat becomes vacant from the time the letter of resignation is received by the Speaker or the Governor-General.

The Member for Eden-Monaro, Dr Mike Kelly, resigned on 30 April 2020. The Speaker informed the House of his resignation on 12 May, when the House next sat.

Traditionally, Members resigning during a Parliament, along with Members who do not intend to stand for re-election at the end of a Parliament, are given the opportunity to make valedictory remarks to the House. As Dr Kelly resigned while the House was not sitting, he was unable to make a valedictory speech in the House. However, on 14 May, the Speaker tabled Dr Kelly’s valedictory remarks and informed the House that the remarks would be incorporated into Hansard. The Leader of the Opposition and the Assistant Minister for Road Safety and Freight Transport, on indulgence, made statements regarding Dr Kelly’s resignation.

You can read Dr Kelly’s valedictory remarks in the House of Representatives Hansard – 14 May 2020. You can also watch the remarks made by the Leader of the Opposition and the Assistant Minister via ParlView.

The Speaker recently issued a media release advising that the by‑election for Eden-Monaro will be held on 4 July. You can find the media release on the APH Website.
