Sitting of Parliament scheduled for Monday 24 August 2020

Issue date: Thursday, 6 August 2020

Speaker of the House of Representatives media release header

6 August 2020
Joint Statement

Sitting of Parliament scheduled for Monday 24 August 2020

Yesterday morning we received correspondence from the Prime Minister containing advice from the Acting Chief Medical Officer regarding the sitting of Parliament scheduled for Monday 24 August.

We have provided this advice to the working group that has been meeting to consider how the next sittings can occur as safely as possible.

The advice outlines a requirement by the ACT for isolation or quarantine for 14 days for members and senators attending from Victoria.

We have circulated a copy of the advice to all senators and members. A copy of the advice is available here.

Members and Senators should seek further advice regarding attendance and travel from their Party Whips and from the Independent Parliamentary Expenses Authority and the Department of Finance.

We will have more to say about operations of APH prior to the resumption of Parliament.

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