The Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (PJCIS) will hear evidence from critical industries and government agencies on proposed new laws to protect Australia’s infrastructure from sophisticated cyber attacks.
The Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure Protection) Bill 2022 addresses outstanding elements of new cyber laws passed by the Parliament last year, as recommended by the PJCIS in its Advisory report on the Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure) Bill 2020 and Statutory Review of the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018.
The Committee will hear from witnesses representing a range of industry sectors including: IT, telecommunications, education, health care, logistics, energy, utilities, and key union groups. The Committee will also hear from key government agencies, such as the Australian Signals Directorate and the Department of Home Affairs.
'Australia’s security outlook has never been more uncertain, and so it’s critical that government and industry are working hand in glove to identify and counter sophisticated cyber attacks,' PJCIS Chair Senator James Paterson said.
'The second tranche of cyber laws aims to achieve just that, and I look forward to hearing from the government and private sector alike to ensure a unified response to threats against our nation,' Senator Paterson said.
Further information on the inquiry can be obtained from the Committee’s website.
Public hearing details
Wednesday, 16 March 2022
10.00am – 5:00pm (AEDT)
Committee Room 2S1, Parliament House, Canberra
A program for the hearing is available online and the hearing will be broadcast live at aph.gov.au/live.
Media enquiries:
Chair, Senator James Paterson via Deborah Seccombe
0451 255 891
For background information:
Committee Secretariat
02 6277 2360
For more information about this Committee, you can visit its website. On the site, you can make a submission to an inquiry, read other submissions, and get details for upcoming public hearings. You can also track the Committee and receive email updates by clicking on the blue ‘Track Committee’ button in the bottom right hand corner of the page.