Parliamentary inquiry to hear from organisations on the front line of combatting domestic and family violence

Issue date: Wednesday, 16 September 2020

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The parliamentary inquiry into family, domestic and sexual violence will hear this week from organisations on the front line of dealing with this important national challenge.

At hearings on Thursday and Friday, the House of Representatives Social Policy and Legal Affairs Committee will hear from key organisations involved in preventing and responding to family violence in Victoria and New South Wales.

The Committee will also hear from representatives of local government and the legal sector, as well as Bravehearts and the Australian Women Against Violence Alliance.

Chair of the Committee, Mr Andrew Wallace MP, said these hearings are an opportunity to understand the work that is underway in the states and territories to prevent and respond to family violence, and explore how we can improve coordination between all levels of government, community organisations, business and service providers.

‘The National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children is at the heart of our efforts to link up the important work being done by all Australian governments to reduce family violence and make sure that together we are making the biggest impact possible. To ensure the next National Plan builds on this work, it is important that we hear about the approaches that have worked well, and about where there may be opportunities for more effective coordination across jurisdictions’.

‘This Committee is planning to conduct further hearings between now and November. We intend to hear more from government and non-government organisations across each of the states and territories, but importantly we will also be listening to people affected by family violence themselves.’

In order to ensure public safety during the COVID-19 situation, Committee members and witnesses will participate in the hearing remotely, via videoconference and teleconference. Interested members of the public are invited to watch the live broadcast, available at

Further information, including hearing programs and submissions to the inquiry, is available on the Committee’s website.

Public hearing details

Date: Thursday, 17 September 2020
Time: 9.45am to 4.45pm
Location: Via teleconference

Date: Friday, 18 September 2020
Time: 11.00am to 4.45pm
Location: Via videoconference

View the public hearing programs here.

Media inquiries

Office of Mr Andrew Wallace, Chair of Committee
Mr Simon Thwaites
0439 972 667

For background information

Committee Secretariat
02 6277 2358

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