New Inquiry: Commissioner of Taxation Annual Report 2018-19

Issue date: Wednesday, 11 March 2020

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The Australian Parliament’s Tax and Revenue Committee has launched an inquiry into the Commissioner of Taxation Annual Report 2018-19.

As Australia’s principal revenue collection body, the annual report is a key mechanism for the ATO’s accountability to the Government and the Australian community. The 2018-19 annual report is the most recently tabled annual report from the Commissioner of Taxation.

Mr Jason Falinski, Chair of the Committee, stated, ‘This inquiry provides an opportunity for the committee to continue ongoing monitoring of the operations of the Australian Taxation Office and its interaction with the Australian community.’

Submissions from interested individuals and organisations are invited by Friday, 17 April 2020. The preferred method of receiving submissions is by electronic format lodged online using a My Parliament account.

Further information about the inquiry including the terms of reference is available on the Committee’s website.

Public hearing details

Public hearings for the inquiry will be held in due course and notified through the Committee’s website.

Media inquiries

Mr Jason Falinski MP
Chair of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Tax and Revenue 
(02) 6277 2324

For background information

Committee Secretariat
02 6277 4821

For more information about this Committee, you can visit its website. On the site, you can make a submission to an inquiry, read other submissions, and get details for upcoming public hearings. You can also track the Committee and receive email updates by clicking on the blue ‘Track Committee’ button in the bottom right hand corner of the page.

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