An inquiry into whether Australia should adopt ‘Magnitsky-style’ laws will hear from world champion chess grandmaster and human rights commentator Garry Kasparov at a teleconference hearing this week.
The inquiry, run by the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade, Human Rights Sub-committee will be led by Sub-Committee Chair the Hon Kevin Andrews MP, who says the Sub-Committee is looking forward to the opportunity to speak to Mr Kasparov.
‘In addition to his career as a professional chess player, Mr Kasparov has become notable in recent years for his advocacy for democratic principles around the world, and for his criticism of elements of the Russian government,’ Mr Andrews said.
‘Mr Kasparov has been a strong advocate for Magnitsky-style legislation in other jurisdictions, and we are grateful that he has agreed to provide his perspective on such legislation in an Australian context’.
Also appearing at the hearing will be retired Australian diplomat Tony Kevin. In contrast with Mr Kasparov, Mr Kevin opposes Magnitsky-style legislation, writing in a submission to the inquiry that in his view such laws violate ‘international law and commonly accepted international practice’.
‘While submissions to the inquiry have been overwhelmingly supportive of targeted sanctions, the Committee has noted some evidence with differing views,’ Mr Andrews said.
‘This public hearing will give the Sub-Committee the opportunity to interrogate arguments both for and against Magnitsky-style legislation in detail.’
More information about this inquiry, including submissions received by the Committee to date, is available on the Committee’s website.
Public hearing details
Date: Thursday 25 June 2020
Time: 3:15pm – 4.45pm
Location: Via teleconference
The hearings will be streamed at aph.gov.au/live
Media inquiries
The Hon Kevin Andrews MP
Contact: Cristy Elliott
03 9848 9900
02 6277 4023
For background information
Committee Secretariat
02 6277 2313