First day for Australia’s newest MPs

Issue date: Tuesday, 21 June 2022

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Newly-elected members of the House of Representatives will come to Canberra next week to discuss their new roles as federal parliamentarians.

Australia’s newest MPs will be introduced to their new lives in the House of Representatives over the two-day seminar held 28-29 June, hearing from officials of the House of Representatives and other parliamentary and executive agencies. They will learn about the procedural and administrative aspects of their new roles and also hear from seasoned MPs before the 47th Parliament opens.

Learning to navigate the 75,000 sq. metre building, understanding Chamber proceedings and the work of Committees and what a newly-elected MP can expect during their first week on the job, will also be on the agenda.

Press Gallery note: Filming and photography opportunities – Tuesday 28 June

Approx. 10.15 am: the beginning of the Speaker’s introduction to new Members in the House of Representatives Chamber.

Approx. 12.30 pm: group photo of new Members in the House of Representatives Chamber.

Immediately after the group photo, there will be an opportunity for new Members to meet the media for interviews and filming in the Mural Hall. If media wish to pre-organise interviews, they should contact Members’ offices directly.

The Chamber galleries will be closed to visitors, with those limited exceptions for the media.

Please note: the rules for media related activity in Parliament House will apply.

Media enquiries

Natalie van Dartel, Engagement Manager
Department of the House of Representatives       
02 6277 2059

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