The Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade, through the Trade Subcommittee (the Committee), has launched an inquiry into Australia’s tourism and international education sectors, with a focus on the operation of both sectors in the post COVID-19 world.
The Chair of the Trade Subcommittee, Senator Deborah O’Neill commented, “Both the tourism and international education sectors have contracted substantially since the emergence of COVID-19. The Committee looks forward to understanding how both sectors can be best supported so they can be positioned as key contributors to the post COVID-19 recovery of Australia’s economy.”
The Committee will also consider the effectiveness of recent tourism campaigns overseas and how Australia can support tourism in the Asia Pacific region. In relation to international education, the Committee is interested in hearing about innovations in the delivery of online education to strengthen the sector’s resilience.
“We encourage a broad range of stakeholders in the tourism and international education sectors from across the country to share experiences about transitioning into the post COVID-19 period,” said Senator O’Neill.
Submissions from interested individuals and organisations are invited by Monday, 12 December 2022. The preferred method of receiving submissions is by electronic format lodged online using a My Parliament account.
Further information about the Committee’s inquiry, including the full terms of reference and details on how to lodge a submission is available on the Committee’s website.
Media inquiries
Madelaine Renshaw, Media and Policy Advisor, Senator Deborah O’Neill (Senator for New South Wales; Chair, Trade Subcommittee)
Ph: 0431 680 929
For background information
Committee Secretariat
02 6277 2313
For more information about this Committee, you can visit its website. On the site, you can make a submission to an inquiry, read other submissions, and get details for upcoming public hearings. You can also track the Committee and receive email updates by clicking on the blue ‘Track Committee’ button in the bottom right-hand corner of the page.