The Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (PJCIS) has concluded a review into the Foreign Intelligence Legislation Amendment Bill 2021 and recommends its passage with amendments.
The PJCIS made three recommendations in relation to the Bill, including to improve oversight and accountability of foreign intelligence gathering.
The proposed legislation addresses unintended gaps in Australia’s foreign intelligence collection to ensure that we have the best visibility possible of potential threats to Australia and our security.
The Bill will restore intelligence agencies’ ability to collect intelligence about foreign threats to Australia in line with the original intent of the parliament which has been impacted by technological change.
The Bill also responds to a recommendation in the comprehensive review of intelligence by Dennis Richardson to close a gap in Australia’s foreign intelligence collection framework which permits collection on Australians acting on behalf of foreign powers while they are offshore but not onshore.
Chair of the Committee, Senator James Paterson said, ‘The capability to gather foreign intelligence is a key component of the Australian Government’s ability to protect Australians and safeguard our national interest. It is vital we ensure it remains operationally effective in the modern era.’
Further information on the inquiry as well as a copy of the report can be obtained from the Committee’s website.
Media enquiries
Chair, Senator James Paterson via Deborah Seccombe on 0451 255 891 or deborah.seccombe@aph.gov.au.
For background information
Committee Secretariat
02 6277 2360
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