The Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (PJCIS) has commenced a review into the operation, effectiveness and implications of the Counter-Terrorism (Temporary Exclusion Orders) Act 2019.
The Temporary Exclusion Order scheme was introduced in 2019 to provide greater control over Australians returning from overseas who are of counter-terrorism interest including foreign fighters. A TEO may be issued where an individual returns to Australia without a return permit, which enables conditions to be imposed on an individual pre-entry and post-entry, and where one of the following conditions are satisfied:
- The Minister suspects on reasonable grounds that making the order would address a terrorist threat; or
- The individual has been assessed by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation to be a direct or indirect risk to security for reasons related to politically motivated violence.
The Committee requests submissions to the inquiry by Monday 29 November 2021.
Prospective submitters are advised that any submission to the Committee’s inquiry must be prepared solely for the inquiry and should not be published prior to being accepted by the Committee.
Further information about making a submission to a committee inquiry can be found at the following link.
Further information on the inquiry can be obtained from the Committee’s website.
Media inquiries:
Chair, Senator James Paterson via Deborah Seccombe, 0451 255 891 or deborah.seccombe@aph.gov.au
For background information:
Committee Secretariat, Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, (02) 6277 2360 or pjcis@aph.gov.au.
For more information about this Committee, you can visit its website. On the site, you can make a submission to an inquiry, read other submissions, and get details for upcoming public hearings. You can also track the Committee and receive email updates by clicking on the blue ‘Track Committee’ button in the bottom right hand corner of the page.