Budget Review 2014–15

Research Paper Series 2013–14

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Research Branch
May 2014



The Budget as a whole
Is this a tough Budget?
Reactions from interest groups

Budget briefs

Rural research and development
Cessation of animal welfare assistance in destination countries and Australian Animal Welfare Strategy
Drought package

Arts and media
Arts and culture
Public service broadcasting

Climate change, energy and the environment
The Emissions Reduction Fund
Mining and resources
Changes to energy and climate programs

Commonwealth–State relations
Health funding agreements
GST and Commonwealth–State relations
Federalism—an overview of changes

Corporate regulation
Corporate regulation—ASIC, APRA, ACCC, ATO, and AUSTRAC funding and governance changes

Defence budget overview
Defence materiel
Defence personnel
ADF Super—a new military superannuation scheme

Early childhood
Reform of the higher education demand-driven system
Other higher education measures
School education
Support for skills training

Foreign affairs
Foreign affairs overview
Official Development Assistance—the future of Australian aid

Health workforce
Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme 
Other health measures

Immigration and border control 
Migration and humanitarian programs  
Responding to unauthorised arrivals
Counter-people smuggling measures
Australian Border Force

Indigenous affairs
Indigenous affairs

Industry policy
Restructuring of business assistance programs
Automotive industry package 
Export Finance and Insurance Corporation—capital injection
Research and Development tax incentive—reduction in rates of offset

Infrastructure expenditure
Infrastructure Growth Package—Asset Recycling Fund

Law and policing 
Legal aid and legal assistance services
Amalgamation of merits review tribunals
Law and Justice—Commissions  
Law enforcement and crime prevention

Public sector
Smaller government
Australian Public Service staffing and efficiencies

Science and research 
Science sector futures

Social services and welfare 
Aged care
Changed indexation of pensions and tightened eligibility for all benefits
Changes to Disability Support Pension
Changes to support for pensioners and retirees
Family payments
Workforce participation measures
Housing and homelessness
Paid Parental Leave and other social services measures

Superannuation changes

Temporary budget repair levy
Reintroduction of fuel excise indexation
Taxation treatment of ethanol and biodiesel
Restoring integrity in the tax system—further decisions  

Workplace relations
Reductions in payments under the Fair Entitlements Guarantee

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