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Parliament House is currently

Parliament in action

Visit Canberra and watch Parliament

See the House of Representatives and Senate proceedings from the public galleries. 

Watch Question Time

Question Time is when Parliament scrutinises the work of the government. It usually starts at 2 pm on sitting days and is popular with visitors. 

House of Representatives Question Time

Book a ticket by calling the Serjeant-at-Arms’ Office on 02 6277 4889 during business hours or before 12:15 pm if booking on the day. Do tell us if you have special medical, access or religious needs. 

Collect tickets between 12:45 pm and 1:30 pm from the cloakroom on the first floor. After this time, empty seats will be given to walk-in visitors. 

Senate Question Time

You don’t need to book to watch Question Time in the Senate.

Watch parliamentary committees 

Committees thoroughly examine current issues and legislation to report on their findings. Feel free to watch any public committee hearings that are underway while you’re here. 

More information about committees

Can't make it to Canberra?

If you can’t get to Canberra you can still watch Parliament live via YouTube. The official Parliament streaming service gives Australians the opportunity to watch proceedings in the House of Representatives, and the Senate, as well as Committees and special events.

Scheduled start times for sitting days

House of Representatives

Monday 10 am
Tuesday 12 noon
Wednesday 9:00 am
Thursday 9:00 am


Monday 10 am
Tuesday 12 noon
Wednesday 9:30 am
Thursday 9:30 am

Sitting calendar
Rules in the chamber galleries

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