Senate Occasional Lecture Series transcripts - 2004

N.B. The following are the original transcripts provided by the lecturers. They have not been edited in anyway.

Date Presenter Transcript Multimedia
26/11/04 Dr Ian Marsh Australia's Representation Gap: a Role for Parliamentary Committees?
(PDF 47KB)
10/09/04 John Hirst "Australia: What Sort of Democracy?" (PDF 103KB)
23/07/04 Patricia Fitzgerald Ratcliff "The Australias Are One" John West Guiding Colonial Australia to Nationhood (PDF 242KB)
25/06/04 Dennis Pearce "Rules, regulations and red tape - Parliamentary scrutiny of delegated legislation" (PDF 258KB)
21/05/04 Sir Ninian Stephen John Quick: A true founding father of federation (PDF 113KB)
23/04/04 Professor John Molony 'Eureka and the Prerogative of the People' (Word 57KB)
19/03/04 Dr AJ Brown 'Constitutional Schizophrenia Then and Now: Exploring federalist, regionalist and unitary strands in the Australian political tradition' (PDF 394KB) (Word 636KB)