Senate Standing Committees of Senators' Interests

Register of Senators' Qualifications

The Register of Senatorsʼ Qualifications will be published as soon as practicable following receipt of statements made to the AEC by senators elected at the 2019 General Election and tabling of those statements.

In accordance with the resolution of the Senate of 3 April 2019, the Register of Senatorsʼ Qualifications comprises:

  • material provided by senators elected or appointed during the 45th Parliament and entered into the Citizenship Register
  • material tabled on behalf of the AEC in accordance with S.181B of Part XIV of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 in respect of senators elected at the 2019 General Election 
  • statements provided by senators appointed to fill casual vacancies, and 
  • other material provided by senators in accordance with the resolution.
Name State/Territory Last updated
Allman-Payne, Senator Penny Queensland 24 August 2022
Antic, Senator Alex South Australia  1 August 2019
Askew, Senator Wendy Tasmania 24 August 2022
Ayres, Senator the Hon Tim New South Wales  1 August 2019
Babet, Senator Ralph Victoria 24 August 2022
Bilyk, Senator Catryna Tasmania  1 August 2019
Birmingham, Senator the Hon Simon South Australia  24 August 2022
Bragg, Senator Andrew New South Wales 1 August 2019
Brockman, Senator the Hon Slade Western Australia  1 August 2019
Brown, Senator the Hon Carol Tasmania 1 August 2019
Cadell, Senator Ross New South Wales 30 August 2022
Canavan, Senator the Hon Matthew Queensland 24 August 2022
Cash, Senator the Hon Michaelia Western Australia 24 August 2022
Chandler, Senator Claire Tasmania 1 August 2019
Chisholm, Senator the Hon Anthony  Queensland 24 August 2022
Ciccone, Senator Raff Victoria 1 August 2019
Colbeck, Senator the Hon Richard Tasmania 1 August 2019 
Cox, Senator Dorinda Western Australia 24 August 2022
Darmanin, Senator Lisa Victoria 22 July 2024
Davey, Senator Perin New South Wales 1 August 2019
Duniam, Senator the Hon Jonathon Tasmania 24 August 2022
Farrell, Senator the Hon Don South Australia 24 August 2022
Faruqi, Senator Mehreen New South Wales 1 August 2019
Fawcett, Senator the Hon David South Australia  1 August 2019
Gallagher, Senator the Hon Katy Australian Capital Territory 24 August 2022
Ghosh, Senator Varun Western Australia 27 February 2024
Green, Senator Nita  Queensland 1 August 2019 
Grogan, Senator Karen South Australia 9 November 2021
Hanson, Senator Pauline Queensland 24 August 2022
Hanson-Young, Senator Sarah South Australia  1 August 2019
Henderson, Senator the Hon Sarah Victoria 24 August 2022
Hodgins-May, Senator Steph Victoria 11 June 2024 
Hughes, Senator Hollie New South Wales 1 August 2019
Hume, Senator the Hon Jane Victoria 1 August 2019
Kovacic, Senator Maria New South Wales 11 July 2023
Lambie, Senator Jacqui  Tasmania 1 August 2019
Liddle, Senator Kerrynne South Australia 24 August 2022
Lines, Senator the Hon Sue Western Australia 24 August 2022
McAllister, Senator the Hon Jenny New South Wales 24 August 2022
McCarthy, Senator the Hon Malarndirri Northern Territory 24 August 2022
McDonald, Senator Susan Queensland 1 August  2019 
McGrath, Senator the Hon James Queensland 24 August 2022
McKenzie, Senator the Hon Bridget Victoria 24 August 2022
McKim, Senator Nick  Tasmania 1 August 2019
McLachlan, Senator Andrew, CSC South Australia 24 August 2022
Nampijinpa Price, Senator Jacinta Northern Territory 24 August 2022
O'Neill, Senator Deborah New South Wales 25 August 2022
O'Sullivan, Senator Matt Western Australia 1 August 2019
Paterson, Senator James Victoria 1 August 2019 
Payman, Senator Fatima Western Australia 24 August 2022
Pocock, Senator Barbara South Australia 24 August 2022
Pocock, Senator David Australian Capital Territory 24 August 2022
Polley, Senator Helen  Tasmania 24 August 2022
Pratt, Senator Louise Western Australia 1 August 2019 
Rennick, Senator Gerard Queensland 1 August 2019
Reynolds, Senator the Hon Linda, CSC Western Australia 1 August 2019 
Roberts, Senator Malcolm Queensland 1 August 2019 
Ruston, Senator the Hon Anne South Australia 1 August 2019 
Scarr, Senator Paul Queensland 1 August 2019
Sharma, Senator Dave New South Wales 24 January 2024
Sheldon, Senator Tony New South Wales 1 August 2019 
Shoebridge, Senator David New South Wales 24 August 2022
Smith, Senator Dean Western Australia 24 August 2022
Smith, Senator Marielle South Australia 1 August 2019
Steele-John, Senator Jordon Western Australia 1 August 2019 
Sterle, Senator Glenn Western Australia 24 August 2022
Stewart, Senator Jana Victoria 24 August 2022
Thorpe, Senator Lidia Victoria 24 August 2022
Tyrrell, Senator Tammy Tasmania 24 August 2022
Urquhart, Senator Anne Tasmania 24 August 2022
Van, Senator David  Victoria 1 August 2019 
Walsh, Senator Jess Victoria 1 August 2019 
Waters, Senator Larissa Queensland 1 August 2019 
Watt, Senator the Hon Murray Queensland 24 August 2022
Whish-Wilson, Senator Peter Tasmania 24 August 2022
Wong, Senator the Hon Penny South Australia 24 August 2022