Additional comments from Senator Gerard Rennick

Additional comments from Senator Gerard Rennick

1.1The excess mortality of 2021–23 was a disturbing spike.It needs to be adequately addressed.My recommendations are as follows:

Recommendation 1

1.2The Australian Bureau of Statistics needs to track and report vaccination status.

Recommendation 2

1.3The Therapeutic Goods Administration must acknowledge that their testing of the COVID-19 vaccines was insufficient and work to lift their quality assurance.

Recommendation 3

1.4Adverse events need to be recognised sooner so that faulty products can be recalled. The Australian people should not have their injuries gaslighted.

Recommendation 4

1.5Pharmaceutical companies should be held responsible for their products.They should be liable for adverse events.

Recommendation 5

1.6People were disabled by COVID-19 vaccines. In many cases, lives were destroyed. Australians who are unable to live a full and fulfilling life, after doing what they thought was best based on Government advice or to save their livelihoods, should be adequately compensated, not given a hollow promise that it will be considered in the future.

Senator Gerard Rennick


Senator for Queensland